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embedd ingame voice chat that dynamically creates lip-files from spoken player-words and use the corresponding unit as an emissive "speaker"

I was impressed when Counter-Strike was new and had this feature. I had a blast messing with it.

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I like new vid , it shows how sweet urban infantry firefights will be in AA inlove.gif

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Even if it would be too much to animate the mouths "on the fly", it would still be cool to hear your human buddies online depending on how close you are.  Like if the radios fail; you play as resistance/civies; search and rescue...that would be pretty sweet.

EDIT: LOVING the sun glare, ground texures, shadows, and floating crosshair on that latest video! inlove.gif

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Daniel @ Oct. 15 2006,11:57)]Even if it would be too much to animate the mouths "on the fly", it would still be cool to hear your human buddies online depending on how close you are.

We had that feature in OFP but due to the clumsy voice engine and the fact that it was tied to Direct Play, it virtually wasn't used although it was very fun - we used it several times e.g. in "Shadow Killer", nice mission for direct speech. smile_o.gif

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From that video, we can see that sun glare will have an effect on gameplay. smile_o.gif

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Cool, if you can hear spoken commands without them being over radio, do you think you could hear the enemies' as well - if you're that close? smile_o.gif

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Cool, if you can hear spoken commands without them being over radio, do you think you could hear the enemies' as well - if you're that close? smile_o.gif

this would be cool.. you sneak behind the enemies lines and hear waht they are comanding.. but it think this would be too much.. maybe in a addon or update.. better they finish the game 100% and every fancy goodies can come after the release..

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Cool, if you can hear spoken commands without them being over radio, do you think you could hear the enemies' as well - if you're that close? smile_o.gif

this would be cool.. you sneak behind the enemies lines and hear waht they are comanding.. but it think this would be too much.. maybe in a addon or update.. better they finish the game 100% and every fancy goodies can come after the release..

I don't see a reason why the guy shouting next to you would be silent, he's the sound emitter, and I don't see the logic of that sound being audible only by one side...

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Guest Ti0n3r

That made me wonder... Does anyone who has played the latest build know if the SLA soldiers use the same radio vocies as the US Soldiers or if they speak their own language?

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I thought vertical view distance went up to the sky-box. That's one of the things that has annoyed me about most 3-d tac-shooters I've seen: the fog works to obscure the details on mountains but doesn't obscure the skybox, AT ALL. What you wind up with is fog on a distant mountain and a clear sky to the left and right of the mountain where you can see the sky-box.

Fog should obscure the sky-box, too! (Fog usually has a max height, but we're not talking about fog with max height... though it would be nice to. I like ground-hugging fog.)

You guys who can't wait until ArmA's release date REALLY need to buy an X-Box and OFP:E. The A.I. improvements are considerable. Enemy A.I. grabs its own ammo when it runs out and there is some nearby, Guard waypoints put a unit on hold to respond ACROSS THE MAP to a automatically-generated combat support request from a friendly unit, and Support waypoints put Medical/Fuel/Ammo/Repair units on hold to respond to a automatically or manually-generated radio call from allied units (though medic soldiers seem to do some of this on their own).

Machinegun fire ricochets in a believable way (though the tracer still looks like a laser beam) and the ricochets can KILL.

I don't see too much evidence of OFP:E's excellent lighting in these ArmA screenshots, but the lighting in OFP:E is AMAZING, making a big difference to the gameplay. A Noonday sun beating down in the Summer-time makes you want to squint your eyes, making it hard to see very far. The phase of the moon effects how much the landscape is lit up. The atmosphere in OFP:E BLOWS AWAY OFP:R. Switch from OFP:E to OFP:R and the latter seems like a DEAD world. I am often amazed just wondering whether the seagulls flying through a valley (and not hitting its walls or trees!wink_o.gif are an animation or actual A.I. If they're an animation, I can't tell, and if they are A.I., how does the X-Box CPU handle all of those calculations? Then the darn bugs start buzzing around you!

The working tides determine how much land is under water and the wave action increases as the weather becomes more adverse.

Place a waypoint on a building and the A.I. navigates through the building on its own. No mess, no fuss.

Vehicle damage modelling is very satisfying. Open up on a speeding UAZ and it might start doing donuts (driver slumped on the wheel or steering damaged or tires flattened?), get hit while flying an Apache and you may have to press your stick all of the way to the left and dip your nose all of the way forward just to fly in a somewhat straight line or maybe your HUD will go out. Ever have a hair-raising experience just trying to limp an Apache back to base and land it after a mission?

If ArmA's bigger view-distance and unit-handling capabilities were given to OFP:E's engine (with mid-game joining/join-in-progress!!!wink_o.gif I would be an extremely happy camper.

Ack! What am I doing here? I should be playing OFP:E!

OFP:R with addons is better than OFP:E in my opinion...

I might be selling my Xbox 360 (Xbox 2) and all my games to buy a PC to play Armed Assault...

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Daniel @ Oct. 15 2006,11:57)]Even if it would be too much to animate the mouths "on the fly", it would still be cool to hear your human buddies online depending on how close you are.

We had that feature in OFP but due to the clumsy voice engine and the fact that it was tied to Direct Play, it virtually wasn't used although it was very fun - we used it several times e.g. in "Shadow Killer", nice mission for direct speech. smile_o.gif

Yeah, I know about direct speach, and that serves some of the purpose, like in "Thunder: Flash" style situations. But I mean actual VOIP, where the volume can affect whether a cry for medic is screamed across a field, or whether a plan is whispered to soldiers hiding behind a hedge.

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i like that blur effect that happens after u look into the sun for too long. your eyes take a that split second to refocus, thats awesome

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i like that blur effect that happens after u look into the sun for too long. your eyes take a that split second to refocus, thats awesome

if you mean the 'invex_vokr' video: to me it looks like the cameraman is refocussing his camera instead of the screen going blurry tounge2.gif since the guy playing is also out of focus for a sec wink_o.gif

there is a very nice 'overbright' effect when you look into the sun though smile_o.gif

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mickuzy: I was thinking the same thing (when it occurred at about 3 seconds in) until I kept replaying it and happened to notice the players head was blurring as well when I wasn't focusing on the in-video screen. Seems to be the camera, not the game. oops. wow_o.gif

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Told ya guys there was a new pilot,but why they are wearing armor the NS is wearing looks kinda odd but oh well. Nice that they tell a bit of what the AH-1Z has in terms of weaponry in technical terms. Not just,'rockets and missiles' and so on like most games. And that 50cal view looks great,I just hope the weapon and view move up together,not like the addons were in OFP,there were great to be assured but you couldn't hit a helicopter or infantry above you too well. Glad to see more black soldiers now,in OFP there was a chance of about one in your squad out of 6 or so whites,helps with those that get the discrimantion idea.

Or maybe thats another player,who knows. But their standing without weapon animation is better.

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Glad to see more black soldiers now,in OFP there was a chance of about one in your squad out of 6 or so whites,helps with those that get the discrimantion idea.

I hate to nitpick arguments, but '1 in 6' is fairly accurate as to the percentage of Americans who are black. tounge2.gif

If you want to point out shortages of ethnicities in the game, start with the lack of Asians.

BTW, it's nice to finally see a behind-the-M2 view in the game. The lack of such a view in OFP was annoying IMO.

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Hmm...you do have a point..and I won't go any further. crazy_o.gif

Seems the texturing tools used in AA are much more efficient than curent OFP tools,like comparing the 3dmax conversion of tga texture files or even jpeg to current OFP tools,I hope it is better at keeping its colors and details without smudging them as much.

I could be wrong but I think even the fingernail is a bit more reflective than the hand in that pic,if so sweet,if not sweet. The fact that they got that much hand detail as compared to other games who use the simple 'glove' is great.

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Quote[/b] ]Does anyone who has played the latest build know if the SLA soldiers use the same radio vocies as the US Soldiers or if they speak their own language?

Now that would be cool. If AI will conduct more sophistacted maneuvers their orders and dialogues would get more complex aswell. Imagine this in combination with a foreign language, combine it with NO subtitles maybe a little bit of BIS magic AI speech engine and you will be thankful if you have a sahrani - speaking person on the server and the game in your hands.

A complex speak-engine should be something BIS should have on their list for Game2 . Imo there is a huge potential in this, especially if you think about situational awareness and such.

If spoken things are heard in ArmA I´d like to know if you can hear the sniper reporting his target when you pass him. That could...sort of...ruin the fun tounge2.gif

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