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what if the chopper pass trought a explosion and gets lot of smoke as usually happens, will it keep shiny? (hope not)

It could get durt in those moments (less shiny)?

this idea could be applyed for other vehicles.. for arma, no? smile_o.gif

ahh, come on....

Let's not start all this nitpicking...

You think the soldiers haircuts should be different as well because of the win? Or should they grow a beard during the campaign?

Let's just get the game done, so we can play it and enjoyu the GAMEPLAY smile_o.gif

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I'm learning to be an airplane technician, and here's what I know about propellers (I never got a specific instruction for rotors).

The marks on just about any propeller are there to see the propeller. that means I, as a ground technician, can see it, that the pilot can see it, and that anybody walking/driving (in)to/around the plane can see it.

The "yellow marks" are part of the propeller's corrosion protection. it is made sure that the coating never wears off!

Also, propellers are treated like newborn babies; if there is a dent or crack over a (few?) milimeters anywhere, lose the prop. if the prop is misalligned by over 0.05 inch, lose the prop, if the coating has worn off enough to show bare alluminium, lose the prop.

"newborn babies" isn't the best comparance btw, but I can't think of anything else tounge2.gif .

"lose" means to send it back to the factory btw. only factories are allowed to "repair" propellers, and I dont think that even in war time, the US army wants to import new propellers simply because somebody was too lazy to renew the paint, those things are expensive you know?

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You think the soldiers haircuts should be different as well because of the win? Or should they grow a beard during the campaign?

Let's just get the game done, so we can play it and enjoyu the GAMEPLAY smile_o.gif

they use helmets. no need biggrin_o.gif

though i agree "Let's just get the game done"

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Don't know if you guys noticed but <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>ArmA reflections are super!</span>

We can noticed it from the Armed Assault E3 trailer (can't creat a image file to post, hope someone can)

In the min 00:00:38 min if you look, stop and zoom you can see the front buildings and electricity polls reflected in choppers front and bottom windows. xmas_o.gif

EDIT: added pic


<span style='font-size:6pt;line-height:100%'>(click to enlarge)</span>

is that a reflection of a house or what?

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Bout time somebody else noticed,though I stated this before,I swear some of you guys just scroll through the post and ignore it.

The question is are the reflections showing what is around them or a loaded texture? I'll give an example,yes I must use bf2 once more. Okay so I was staring at the cobra's cockpit glass one day on the carrier and noticed some hills,I looked around and we were in an ocean,ah well. So the next round I take a look at the blackhawks glass while at mashtur city,well I noticed buildings,so I parked it in the desert with nothing but trees and I still saw buildings. I doubt BIS would do that,have a loaded reflection I mean,but if they do then its better than nothing,but I'v got my fingers crossed.

But its definatly obvious its a reflection,light in the images I'v seen so far does not bend around the blackhawks glass like that,plus theres the mixture of blue and green,last I saw light only came in the shade of yellowish white and brightened the glass wink_o.gif So yes you are correct Bravo 6.

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I nominate Meyamoti for the Sherlock Holmes Award and Bravo 6 for Watson Award biggrin_o.gif

Good work guys smile_o.gif

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lol, with all these new little details cropping up, i dont know how people can still say aww it looks like it needs updating, they graphics arent that good etc.. seriously, i hope im not the only one whos astonished about the way Arma is looking at the moment.

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lol, with all these new little details cropping up, i dont know how people can still say aww it looks like it needs updating, they graphics arent that good etc.. seriously, i hope im not the only one whos astonished about the way Arma is looking at the moment.

All pics we seen so far have at least 2 or 3 months old..

and they were already astonishing at that time. inlove.gif

ps- i dont want to be "Watson" tounge2.gif

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:P I'v given a list of the more details that are possibly missed as well as some possible content that MAY be in the game,provided they port over OFP:E's,which I have a strong suspicion they will,it wouldn't make sense to leave it now would it? The list is too long to give right now but its back in a thread called "Facts and speculation" or something of that nature.

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does anyone knows if arma have one of these, already?


i ask this cause it would be nice to see this realistic effect acting in those wheels and this would bring the better of the wind effect in some way.

Would be nice to see bis explore this wind effect at 100% smile_o.gif

the more/less wind exists the rotation of the wheel becomes faster/slower.

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Can't say I'v seen one of those in the images yet,and I basicly horded all of the images released from the earliest to latest.

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The cockpit glass reflection you are referring to is a texture overlay called a sphere or box environment map. It's a standard reflective surface rendering technique. If you were to make reflections on the fly, what the game does is renders to a texture map that is used as an environment map and then applied to the texture on the model. As you can imagine, this process is much less efficient.

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lol, with all these new little details cropping up, i dont know how people can still say aww it looks like it needs updating, they graphics arent that good etc.. seriously, i hope im not the only one whos astonished about the way Arma is looking at the moment.

I think AA screenshots are a huge improvement from the shity graphics of OFP. Even if those screenshots are 2 months old, they still look great. Playability is way more important than how something looks.

if your unhappy with the way it looks, why dont you create your own AA models (and textures) and see if you can do any better.

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I dunno, the entire population of nogova must live off well water or something, and drag it up by buckets or something. Unless there are hidden pumps. Windmills would be cool enough I spose. Havn't seen one yet though.


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Havent seen much of the vehicles or the neighborhoods either,just like the oil derrecks we saw in some early images but not since wink_o.gif I believe they have the stuff,their just hiding it,too many things to make me believe that.

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I dunno, the entire population of nogova must live off well water or something, and drag it up by buckets or something. Unless there are hidden pumps. Windmills would be cool enough I spose. Havn't seen one yet though.


The hidden pumps of Nogova biggrin_o.gif


Back on topic, it'd be really cool to have massive windmills that actually spun with the wind in some of the European WWII maps.

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Havent seen much of the vehicles or the neighborhoods either,just like the oil derrecks we saw in some early images but not since wink_o.gif I believe they have the stuff,their just hiding it,too many things to make me believe that.

The derricks are present in one of the recent ArmA videos (the long one which starts with the solider standing on a rock overlooking the troops/hummers/abrams advance down a road)

@Chunder - most water in most developed countries (and Sahrani, Nogova and the CWC islands certainly dont appear to be "3rd world") is pumped through pumping stations which look like your average factory or whatever. I cant say I really notice them here in the UK since they blend in with all the other buildings around. That and the pipes are all underground.

Dedicated pumping stations, power stations and the sort would make for great targets to attack and defend tho biggrin_o.gif

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Please can someone tell BIS the correct dimensions from pilot to supercobra!  banghead.gif





something about shadows:


The shadow under the guy means its nearly 12 o´clock. Now where is the shadow from the palms. Should it be that little thing behind the tree. Hmm that means the sun is near the horizon?


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the eyeheight on the AH-1Z is about thesame as in real life.

Also, the rest of the shadows on that pic are correct, so my assumption is you're paranoid smile_o.gif

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....so my assumption is you're paranoid  smile_o.gif

No i´m not biggrin_o.gif

I mean the gunner on this pic breaks the cabine with his helmet. So the dimension is false or his sitting position isn´t correct.


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WIP people,say it with me WIIIP,Woooork,Iiiiin,Proooogressss....hmm...now lets see..what does that mean? WIP...well it means that THEIR NOT DONE ><. Yeesh,c'mon people,use your minds,why would they release the game with a glitch like that hm? They'll fix it,have some faith in them.

Have to admit though,thats the damn sexiest Cobra texture in general I have ever seen,the rivet detail is so fine,you see them and yet you dont,and the details on that AIM-9...just beautiful...aside from its current size issue,its nothing short of amazing,I'v never seen a cobra like that from the COMPANY that looked so great,hope it performs great too.

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something about shadows:


The shadow under the guy means its nearly 12 o´clock. Now where is the shadow from the palms. Should it be that little thing behind the tree. Hmm that means the sun is near the horizon?


The tree is much higher off the ground than the soldier, therefore if the sun is not EXACTLY overhead, the tree's shadow would extend further. I must say everyone who's complained about the position of the shadows so far has been wrong, and even if you didn't know anything about angles (and the angle of the sun and it's effect on shadows), then you should at least consider this; there is no practical way to explain why the shadows WOULDN'T be in the correct place if they are produced based on the suns angle as they are in OFP. Listen folks, the position of shadows based on the position of the sun worked perfectly in OFP, and unless BIS changed it, ArmA will be the same. Stop worrying about the stupid shadows, they're impossible to screw up, your mind is simply playing tricks on you. That picture - if the sun were at the horizon as you said, given the height of the tree, the shadow would be VERY long, if it were somewhere around noon, the shadow for the tree seems correct to me, given how tall it is. Also, when the sun is at a low angle to the ground (like sun set and sun rise), the shadows stretch, not move, and the taller an object is, the further the shadow extends. Compare the height of a palm tree and a prone soldier (who is barely off the ground), the soldier's shadow would not change very much even if the sun were near the horizon, at least not compared to that of the tree.

PLEASE, stop arguing about shadows, you guys don't seem to understand how they work! It's pissing me off that so many of you make a big deal about a shadow that turns out to be perfectly fine. Do you need proof or something from a qualified expert in shadows?

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I mean the gunner on this pic breaks the cabine with his helmet. So the dimension is false or his sitting position isn´t correct.


If you look closely at the picture, you can see his boots sticking out just above the gun.

Tha animations are not finished yet, and he is in a "default" sitting pose - not the final animation you will see in game.

And meyamoti my sources tell me that the AH-1Z is scaled properly in O2 (i.e. matches the real world dimensions) so afaik there are no "issues" smile_o.gif

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So its a possible misplacement of the proxy? Hmm..that would make sense. I am curious as to why the cockpit windows are seperate from the model,you can see the line..wonder if they might be openable,guess we'll find out in the final game.

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