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Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

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Thank you all!

In future we plan to make some modern modifications of Mi-8.

Now we are take little vacation for a month or two:)

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Really sweet, I was looking at the A&M:D thread just yesterday thinking, hmm hope they release those soon. This is a good way to start the day. smile_o.gif

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@ Dec. 07 2005,09:43)]In future we plan to make some modern modifications of Mi-8.

sounds interesting smile_o.gif

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This is the first time that I encounter such a protected addon, tried all available tools to unpbo it, none worked,though I perfectly understand the attitude of the addons makers behind these pretty HIPs but it would be cool to think to us (total conversion mods)

: P

Best Regards


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oh man...i jus cant resist the urge to reply again

i jus love the inch of detail these guys have given into it

Pilot switching on the MAIN ENGINE BUTTONS......

realistic suspension

bloody awesome notworthy.gif

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The best MI-8 I ever saw in the current released Mi-8 packs.

Very awesome!

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Yes! they are released biggrin_o.gif nice work fellas, im gonna do some spetznas missions now. See if i can get something playable out to people before the weekend tounge2.gif

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hey does anyone know what the model name for the bis mi17 is called? I am trying to replace my BIS MI17 with the mi17 in this pack and I have not been successful yet...

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hey does anyone know what the model name for the bis mi17 is called? I am trying to replace my BIS MI17 with the mi17 in this pack and I have not been successful yet...

class Mi17:Helicopter

But you won't be able to use OWP models because their addon is protected by a quite heavy system, I tried all tools in order to unpbo it,(PboX, WinPbo, UnpBo 1.3, UnpBo 1.5) but none worked.

I requested OWP mod's leader help in order to get the open source.



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Quote[/b] ]class Mi17:Helicopter

I know its called that, but what I meant was the model name in the OWP addon. Like OWP_mi17.

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Quote[/b] ]class Mi17:Helicopter

I know its called that, but what I meant was the model name in the OWP addon. Like OWP_mi17.

As said above, it's protected, you can't even extract the config.



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Just tried it out and I love the helicopter. However I found one small bug: When you want to close the rear doors it says "clos" instead of "close". Nothing big just a typo error wink_o.gif

And thank you for giving my UN soldiers a ride:




Any chance of a US MI-8 in the next pack?


Quote[/b] ]US soldier disembark from a Russian-built MI-8 helicopter which landed inside the US embassy enclosure 07 July 2003, in Monrovia. Thirteen members of a 32-strong team of US military experts arrived today from the Sierra Leone capital Freetown amid international pressure for Washington to lead a peacekeeping force to the war-cracked Liberia. AFP PHOTO/GEORGES GOBET (Photo credit should read GEORGES GOBET/AFP/Getty Images)


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already been suggested in A&M:D - cant remember the reply - possibly i think

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been testing these beatiful choppers now and have to say im very impressed smile_o.gif

Only i can't figure out how to make the a.i's do a fast rope insertion tounge2.gif read the readme but i didn't understood it so well, can't the chopper and the soldiers be grouped?

And i read that it would work best if you added a 3rd pilot that would be in the cargo area, i dunno why but he sat a bit weird at where the Pk door was and his back kind of stuck outside the chopper a bit biggrin_o.gif

Also i dunno if its cause its the low res version but the back doors are sometimes showing up strange visuals crazy_o.gif

Anyone seen matrix 1 where Neo gets his mouth glued togheter by the agent when he is being questioned?

somekind of weird merging of the doors happenes sometimes, but the doors work nice other than that smile_o.gif

Yeah i also got the text about door clos, but hey its just one letter missing there biggrin_o.gif Dunno if its a big issue but when i have that 3rd pilot you guys mention he too jumps out with the other soldiers in the cargo when you do fast rope or parachute.

Btw Love the fast roping and parachute options and the flare system is nice too. The features of this addon is really well thought out i feel. Like the custom graphics on the C5 rockets when they are fired and are gloowy firey effects biggrin_o.gif

The double PK's that are in some of the choppers ownz realy good! Its sort of like a russian counter part to the minigun on the bas blackhawks maybe?

the interiors are really nice and custom animations are really advanced here thumbs-up.gif

you guys can't tell me a bit more detailed how i could do a a.i helicopter fast rope in a squad of players or a.i's to a location?

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just winched up an enemy squad into the choppers - pure comedy what happens next rofl.gif

on a side note, i do wish that perhaps there would be an easier use of the options for a squad leader who's not the pilot... i.e - being able to call your grouped Mi8 to winch you up, make it parachute, fast rope you in etc...

unless its me, i dont get these options as cargo or on the ground... that would make them perfect

oh, and a small bug - on the desert MTV, the winch appears to be 'attached' 1m above where it should be.

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Guest major gandhi

this is a masterpiece yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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Compression is nice, but unpacking is not impossible!

---> look here

Don´t ask how to unpack, use your own brain smile_o.gif

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Not to sound like a broken record, but... wow. This has to be the best looking set of choppers I've seen. Plus the variety is outstanding. The functions, the animations, interiors... simply amazing. And this is from just looking at the screens smile_o.gif

Can't wait to actually play them!

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you guys can't tell me a bit more detailed how i could do a a.i helicopter fast rope in a squad of players or a.i's to a location?

Hmm...Let me try to explain:

-place Mi-8, place group. Add waypoint to group "get in" in chopper

-add waypont to mi-8, in 20-40 meters from that point, when you want to use ropes, type there flyinheight 14 and set speed to "Low"

-add waypont in place were you want use fastrope, execute fastrope script here.

-add trigger something like "count crew mi8 < 4" (I don't strong in missionmakings, but there is must be crew count check. If you make mission without second pilot, type <3)

and connect him to next chopper's waypoint, were he fly after rope action.

-add another waypoints to the group

I can miss somethig, I repaeat, I dont strong in missionmakings:)

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