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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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Wonder where they came up with that in the first place. They are sitting at a big table with the papers in their hands having a meeting, then one BIS staff goes "Let's make a Tractor".

Room goes silent.

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Ragdolls. Like the ragdolls in Americas Army.


INTELLEGENT AI. Man, i cant stress enough how many times ive been agravated because the AI is so dumb.

I hope that if you shoot a gun off at a soldier, he'll run for cover and try to spot you, or come looking for you. Not just drop where hes at and just stare blankly.

And if hes in a squad the squad leader will organize a part of the squad to look for you.


Better destruction effects, I hate shooting at a Tank and watching it deform like a coke can.

I cant remember who made it, but he was a Russian, and he made this AWESOME effect pack, i passed up ECP for this. but you could shoot down the Soviet Jet and this big flameing trail would emit from the jet and when it crashed it would EXPLODE! and pieces of the jet would just fly up and scatter everywhere, the wings,fuselage, a bunch of misc pieces of metal, i mean it looks like something actually hit the dirt and went to hell!

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One thing i am really hoping for, and one thing in particular,

Better performance on my system. Higher FPS etc.

Also i'm wondering what you guys think of removable limbs ?

- Viper

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I *HOPE* they make it alot harder to hit the runners at long range, bullets seem to move to fast and drop seems way to low.

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In order for Arma to succeed in today's PC game market, it would have to SURPASS CURRENT GAMES in the following areas!

My ultimate Arma fantasy:

1) Graphics: -Full DX9 support.

-Per-polygon collision detection.

-Large view distance that runs smooth.

-No more crushed paper destruction models.

-3D weather instead of flat sky box.

-Minimal terrain-texture patterns (no-repeat).

-Proper skeletal animation and mo-cap.

-HDR Lighting and dynamic soft-shadows.


don't need to be high-poly,

the textures just need to be nice.

-Full customization of graphics settings so slow

computers can turn off fancy effects if they want


2) Sound: -EAX 3, DTS, Dolby Digital, maybe THX Certified.

-Tons more samples with high quality.

-Dynamic sound-warping due to distance.

-More ambient noise (grass, trees, wind, waves)

The waves should sound like the movie Castaway.

3) Menus: -Ditch the 3D background to the main menu, all

we need is fast load times and 2D buttons that

work properly. FAST LOADING = GOOD! biggrin_o.gif

-As stated: simple gui, no more 3d background,

invest time in the game, not the menus.

-3D level editor with super mod support.

-In-game editor with customizeable classes and

pre-made scripted events like "arty barrage" or

"napalm run" or "helo insertion".

4) Immersion: -Would be my ultimate Arma fantasy to see bugs

in the forest, mosquitoes by water, fish that

occasionally leap from ponds, birds that fly south

in the water and north in the spring, lightning

that lights 3d rain clouds up purple at night,

snow, ambient noises, waves that affect boat

pitch, waving grass and trees, and fire that

spreads through grass and from building to


5) Physics: -Maybe some nice simple, fast ragdolls, like BF2.

-Building destruction like in Black & White.

-Realism, correct bullet drop, wind shear, falling

damage, etc...

-Fluid sim., i.e.. plane drops in water, 3d waves


6) AI: -Enemies that can have enough willpower to hunt

you down through buildings and forests, or be

scared enough at certain times to run away,

surrender, or hide.

-Covering Fire!


-Maybe player voice support for commands.


-Talking between NPCs, shouting during

firefights, whispering during sneaky missions...

7) Gore: -This is a simulation, so It'd be my Arma fantasy

to see limbs fall off from close-range shotgun

blasts, and flaming limb-less torsoes fly from a

500lb bomb blast nearby.

-Blood textures that spatter on walls and


-People that can catch on fire, bleeding effects.

-To sum it up: NO unscathed bodies flying away

from a SCUD explosion, lol.

-It's rated "M", so go wild, kiddies shouldn't play

an "M" game anyway.

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BIS will have to do something to addon structure for ArmA. Current situation cannot last long. I don't have to download 10Mb addon again only because author decided to change 2 textures and add several minor scripts. Liberation idea was extremely good and came extremely close to making mod updates as painless as possible, but it was still not perfect. BIS should finally come to their senses and make .pbo structure completely open and easily patched. None of that encrypted pbos bullshit. If that can be done it will be possible to include addon update system that will connect to several centralized servers (BIS, ofp.info, OFPEC etc.) check for available addon updates and update if user wants it to. If pbos are open those updates will be quick and painless. They will also require way less traffic than at the moment and will help people keep their addons up to date.

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A lot of people already published my hopes, but I still have one,though, it would be really great that all 'explosion, burning, smoke effects would be defined in the cfgcloudlets and not by the use of 'drop' commands in .sqs.

cpp way's always better.



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The cfgCloudlets is not versatile enough. I can do a lot more with the drop command. I have no issue with that if cfgCloudlets can have as much control as drop, but otherwise, most effects should be done with drop.

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Indeed, one can do more with the 'drop' command in OFP, but why not to reverse the tendency in ArmA, 'cfgcloudlets' data uses less 'cpu resources' than the classical 'drop' commands used by scripts.

I think it would be quite interesting as well.

Best Regards


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I hope for a more mod-able game:

1) Command(s) to check which weapon actually is in hand

2) Command(s) to check whether standing, kneeling, or prone.

3) Allow for user-made dynamic anims to be bound to keystrokes, instead of having them limited to triggers, or the Radio, or Action Menu.

4) Command to return the nearest object to the player(s) and AI, or unit, etc.

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Hold the C130, i got another list.

*Manual Opening of the Parachutes.

Meaning, i dont want the computer to choose for me.

*Parachute flaring. I hope the parachute drop speed is faster, but the ability to flare (Slow down) the parachute, and if you dont slow down, you hurt yourself, and if you flare too much the parachute collapses and you crater.

* Locational Gore, sorta like Far Cry, if you get shot a red marked bullet hole will emit from the area and red coloring with cover the area, and as for explosions a mixture of black and dark red, in a bigger area on a soldier. Keeps it good looking, and not over the top. y'know?

Also, no limbs and crap flying off, i know its a simulation but its not Kill Bill, besides people have made addons for that sort of stuff already.

*Better animations, that run, is just, if Napoleon Dynamite was a soldier, thats how he'd run. lets put it that way.

* Easier editor usage. Ok, im not as bright as you guys, but theres some stuff in the editor that i cant grasp. Like respawn, why cant you just click and drag and area, and click an option that makes it respawn? Without having to use a command line or something.

* Better sound effects, the guns in OFP sound like there being shot within a box of kevlar blankets. Make the guns sound real!

* Better framerate, my computer is real nice, and supports BF2 without lag, but if i get 20 guys and maybe 20 objects and it starts lagging bad.

* Nukes. Its the Cold War ! Theres gotta be some Titans from Tucson or Cavaliers from Cheyenne flying! or well, we dont have to use 7 story tall missles, but some launchable SCUDs and maybe some Tactical Nukes to keep it in essence.

* The ability to abort a reload by moving just incase you start getting shot at, i cant stress how many times id think ive eluded someone and though im hid enough and someone finds me during a reload.

* Locational Vehicle Damage. say you was shooting at a Helicopter, if you shot at the engine or tail rotor it would take more damage or pop the rotor off, fun fun fun.

Either way, i know its too late in development, but ill enjoy it anyway, i still love OFP and ill probably fall in love with ArmA

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hope the sky look like this , if you fly hight about the clouds

two mig-29 are going intercepter by two F-15


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* Locational Vehicle Damage. say you was shooting at a Helicopter, if you shot at the engine or tail rotor it would take more damage or pop the rotor off, fun fun fun.

or what about eg a blackhawk and u shoot the doors off and they fall to the ground, parts like taht, ( I think well see this for certain in game 2 tho)

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Guided missle speed (launched from jets or ground units exept troops) it seems kind of fast (or is it just me ? ) in RL i dont think that it flys as fast as in ArmA , for example AA battle on jets, pilots have time to manevour and stuff , do you have same in OFP ?...no

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Guided missle speed (launched from jets or ground units exept troops) it seems kind of fast (or is it just me ? ) in RL i dont think that it flys as fast as in ArmA , for example AA battle on jets, pilots have time to manevour and stuff , do you have same in OFP ?...no

In reality the distance would be much larger. You don't fire a BVR missile on a target 2km close IRL. That's why it takes some time until the missile reaches the fow, even if flying at Mach 4.

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Hopefully the physics engine will be able to support moddable trains at last. AEF made a brave effort with OFP, and hopefully the same could actually work in Arma.

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* Locational Vehicle Damage.   say you was shooting at a Helicopter,   if you shot at the engine  or tail rotor it would take more damage  or pop the rotor off, fun fun fun.

or what about eg a blackhawk and u shoot the doors off and they fall to the ground, parts like taht, ( I think well see this for certain in game 2 tho)

Well then im happy!

I cant wait until this baby comes out, these guys rule.

but things like chopper doors dont exactly fall off easily, itd take a rocket to knock it off, but the rocket would either put a hole in it and shove the door inward, or take the whole helicopter out. Maybe as debris when the chopper falls or explodes in mid air

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I hope we will be able to stage large battles with minimal lag, I'd be a little diappointed if all the graphics stuff come at the cost of upgrades to the actual gaming experience.

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The biggest things I wish to see that we haven't heard about are all AI related.

- AI that can fly better,

- AI that can do more things on there own without being told what to do, like instead of me trying to tell them where to get more ammo, they can decide for themselves. 3 out of ammo, oh look a dead guy 10 feet in front of me, Ill just pick up his ammo or weapon.

- AI where if someone is injured all they have to do is say injured, and the medic will try to make his way to him. No key pushing needed.

Just overall more polished AI.

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The biggest things I wish to see that we haven't heard about are all AI related.

- AI that can fly better,

- AI that can do more things on there own without being told what to do, like instead of me trying to tell them where to get more ammo, they can decide for themselves.  3 out of ammo, oh look a dead guy 10 feet in front of me, Ill just pick up his ammo or weapon.

- AI where if someone is injured all they have to do is say injured, and the medic will try to make his way to him.  No key pushing needed.

Just overall more polished AI.

I think i posted about this twice actually.

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AI does do some of that already.Have you played the Battlefields mission? When I am outta ammo my commander is ordering me to get ammo,from dead bodies there in the field.

Unrealistically he tells me exactly which one (of course our teams other dead grenadier)

Same with when I am hurt,tells me to heal at medic.

So the moral of this story is that depending on your commander he prolly is giving those orders to his team (which you are asking for Bis to add)

We have listed hardcore features to add in several topics,if Arma is based of this same engine.I only wish for:

walking on moving vehicles

multiple firing points and firing from vehicle positions

Thats all I expect (would like lol)

of course any of the scripting commands listed in posts would be nice.

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graaaaaaaassss lots of it!

i whant to be able to hide, and just for the visual the grass adds, makes it look alot more real.

as people already said, destructable/interactive terrian and vegitation so i can dig a foxhole or climb a tree.

or burry myself in the grass... goodnight.gif

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