zyklone 1 Posted November 26, 2005 I've dug out a list of possible script methods in Flashpoint Elite. This might be useful for someone who is trying to make more complex missions for the console. We'll have to experiment on how to use them though until BIS provides a better comref. This is no doubt an incomplete list with some mistakes. But it might be interesting anyway. dialog cheatsEnabled clearMagazinePool clearWeaponPool lineBreak clearRadio finishMissionInit runInitScript processInitCommands missionStart missionName mapAnimDone mapAnimCommit mapAnimClear radioVolume musicVolume forceEnd enableEndDialog saveGame sideFriendly sideEnemy sideLogic shownGps shownWarrant shownPad shownRadio shownCompass shownWatch shownMap accTime benchmark dayTime grpNull objNull playerSide deleteIdentity deleteStatus secondaryWeapon primaryWeapon fillWeaponsFromPool onPlayerDisconnected onPlayerConnected onMapSingleClick onBriefingGroup onBriefingGear onBriefingNotes onBriefingPlan queryMagazinePool queryWeaponPool pickWeaponPool putWeaponPool addMagazinePool addWeaponPool sliderSetSpeed sliderSpeed sliderSetRange sliderRange sliderSetPosition sliderPosition lbSetColor lbColor lbSetPicture lbPicture lbSetValue lbValue lbSetData lbData lbText lbDelete lbClear lbSetCurSel lbCurSel lbSize buttonSetAction buttonAction ctrlSetText ctrlText ctrlEnable ctrlShow ctrlEnabled ctrlVisible closeDialog createDialog playMission camUseNVG moveToCompleted vectorDir vectorUp preprocessFileLineNumbers lightDetachObject surfaceType surfaceIsWater selectPlayer createVehicle createSoundSource createMine activateAddons terminate scriptDone preloadCamera preloadSound isMarkedForCollection isKeyActive activateKey dissolveTeam unassignTeam formatText parseText composeText actionKeysImages actionKeysNames actionKeys keyImage keyName typeOf deleteWaypoint createGuardedPoint createTrigger deleteMarker createMarker deleteGroup createGroup deleteCenter createCenter setDate doGetOut commandGetOut doStop commandStop isEngineOn playersNumber preprocessFile loadFile estimatedTimeLeft mapAnimAdd forceMap setAccTime saveVar unitReady camCommitted camDestroy debugLog textLog setTerrainGrid setViewDistance skipTime localize hintCadet publicVariable disableUserInput showCinemaBorder showGps showWarrant showPad showRadio deleteVehicle clearMagazineCargo clearWeaponCargo removeAllWeapons unassignVehicle captive stopped playMusic playSound preloadTitleObj preloadTitleRsc titleObj titleRsc titleText cutObj cutRsc cutText titleCut speedMode behaviour lightIsOn inflamed formLeader someAmmo fleeing handsHit canStand canFire canMove nearestObject nearestBuilding waypointPosition getWPPos markerColor getMarkerColor markerSize getMarkerSize getMarkerType markerPos getMarkerPos getDammage getDir getPosASL getPos requiredVersion isNull setObjectTexture setSkill animate loadIdentity saveIdentity loadStatus saveStatus lookAt glanceAt isKindOf moveTo weaponDirection setVectorDir setVectorUp lightAttachObject setLightBrightness setLightAmbient setLightColor setCameraInterest setDropInterval setParticleCircle setParticleRandom setParticleParams createVehicleLocal intersect respawnVehicle setVehicleInit setVehicleLock selectLeader setUnitAbility setUnitRank setVehicleId setVehicleAmmo setVehicleArmor setVehicleVarName setTargetAge setVehiclePosition sendSimpleCommand assignTeam setAttributes showWaypoint setWaypointTimeout setWaypointScript setWaypointStatements setWaypointDescription setWaypointBehaviour setWaypointSpeed setWaypointFormation setWaypointCombatMode setWaypointHousePosition waypointAttachObject waypointAttachVehicle setWaypointType setWaypointPosition addWaypoint synchronizeWaypoint setTitleEffect setMusicEffect setSoundEffect setCameraEffect setEffectCondition triggerAttachVehicle triggerAttachObject setTriggerStatements setTriggerText setTriggerTimeout setTriggerType setTriggerActivation setTriggerArea setMarkerDir setMarkerBrush setMarkerShape setMarkerText setFriend engineOn removeAllEventHandlers removeEventHandler addEventHandler reveal removeAction addAction doFire commandFire doFollow commandFollow doTarget commandTarget doWatch commandWatch doMove commandMove switchCamera camCommand camSetTarget camCommit camSetDir camSetBank camSetDive camSetFovRange camSetFocus camSetFov camSetRelPos camSetPos camCreate fadeRadio fadeSound fadeMusic preloadObject createUnit addMagazineCargo addWeaponCargo setAmmoCargo setRepairCargo setFuelCargo setFuel setRain setFog setOvercast objStatus allowFleeing moveInCargo moveInGunner moveInDriver moveInCommander leaveVehicle assignAsCargo assignAsGunner assignAsDriver assignAsCommander enableAI disableAI lockWp setUnitPos setSpeedMode setFormation setCombatMode setBehaviour setGroupid orderGetIn allowGetIn countSide countType countUnknown countFriendly countEnemy setRadioMsg switchMove playMove vehicleChat groupChat sideChat globalChat vehicleRadio groupRadio sideRadio globalRadio knowsAbout selectWeapon removeMagazines removeMagazine addMagazine removeWeapon addWeapon hasWeapon setWPPos setMarkerColor setMarkerSize setMarkerType setMarkerPos flyInHeight allowDammage setDamage setDammage setFormDir setVelocity setDir setPosASL setPos distance addLiveStats addScore addRating inflame switchLight buildingPos setFlagOwner setFlagSide setFlagTexture setMimic setFace setFaceanimation setIdentity setCaptive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted November 26, 2005 thanks a lot. i hope the new functions are also avail in AA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted November 27, 2005 I hope (and think) so too Looks like almost everything available in the editor can be changed/created during the mission now also. Just take a look about the setwaypoint stuff or triggers, etc. ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNN 0 Posted November 27, 2005 Yeah, quite a few interesting ones in there. Quote[/b] ]vectorDir vectorUp setVectorDir setVectorUp esp these  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted November 27, 2005 yep, or parse/composeText Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LizardX 0 Posted November 28, 2005 Woah, it this list has anything common with ArmA, then that will include a lot of new and awaited functions! buttonAction buttonSetAction lightDetachObject surfaceType surfaceIsWater createMine createGuardedPoint createTrigger glanceAt isKindOf weaponDirection lightAttachObject setUnitAbility setVehiclePosition waypointAttachObject waypointAttachVehicle triggerAttachVehicle triggerAttachObject setTriggerStatements setTriggerText setTriggerTimeout setTriggerType setTriggerActivation setTriggerArea enableAI (!!! ) Btw, how the hell could you write a script on XBox? Can you attach a keyboard or what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted November 28, 2005 Quote[/b] ]enableAI ARRRHHHAAARRRRRRRR !!!!! Â Â finally ..... the opposite of Disable AI But whats with the isKindOf .... Â Like as in; Quote[/b] ]SoldierA1 isKindOf not alive ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoTekK 0 Posted November 28, 2005 Quote[/b] ]isKindOf I assume that's some sort of array comparison to check,for example, if loon1 isKindOf "LAWSoldier". Though your example would be pretty funny: Two gets his left leg blown off "Oh no! Two is kind of down!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LizardX 0 Posted November 28, 2005 Or if that Russian guy misses you with his AK then "ruskie1(very)KindOf him=true" muahahaha how funny I am  Hey, still no "getTarget"?!?! Brrrrrrrrr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyklone 1 Posted November 28, 2005 Hey, still no "getTarget"?!?! Brrrrrrrrr There might well be. The way this list was dug out it's very likely I missed some possible functions. It's also possible some of these are not actually made available in the script language. But they're in the engine atleast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNN 0 Posted November 29, 2005 Quote[/b] ]I assume that's some sort of array comparison to check,for example, if loon1 isKindOf "LAWSoldier" Â It might be something to help with variable type comparison? Quote[/b] ]Hey, still no "getTarget"?!?! Brrrrrrrrr Perhaps these two might help? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">weaponDirection intersect Quote[/b] ]The way this list was dug out it's very likely I missed some possible functions. It's also possible some of these are not actually made available in the script language. But even if we get half the new commands, I would be happy Thanks for digging out the list so far, gives us something to work with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crashdome 3 Posted November 30, 2005 huh.... Awesome! Wonder what this is: preprocessFileLineNumbers or this: setFriend I must really be an OFP script junkie because I think I just wet myself. Oh wait.. ... ... yeah.. I did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoz 0 Posted December 8, 2005 I have also put together a list of object names since some of the objects have changed. I've also came across these commands Spawn onPlayerConnected "Al exec ""handler2.sqs"""; onPlayerDisconnected "Al exec ""handler2.sqs"""; respawnVehicleDelay = 10 Land_benzina Land_brana Land_Panelak Land_KBud Land_Tovarna1 Land_Hlidac_budka Land_Domek_sedy Land_Posed Land_domek_zluty Land_zluty_statek_in Land_domek_radnice Land_Panelak2 Land_Panelak3 Land_leseni4x Land_vysilac_FM Land_vysilac_FM2 Land_radar Land_Javor01Posed Land_invisible_house TableMapRes Fountain Land_kasna_new Land_domek01 Land_domek02 Land_domek03 Land_domek04 Land_domek05 Land_dum_podloubi Land_dum_podloubi02 Land_dum_podloubi03 Land_dum_podloubi03klaster Land_stodola Land_stodola2 Land_stodola3 Land_kostelin Land_zluty_statek Land_domek_kovarna Land_domek_rosa Land_domek_hospoda Land_domek_sedy_bez Land_domek_zluty_bez Land_domek_vilka Land_domek_ruina Land_domek_podhradi_1 Land_dum_patr_nizky_prujezd Land_dum_patrovy01prujezd Land_dum_patrovy01 Land_dum_patrovy01c Land_dum_patrovy01d Land_dum_patrovy02 Land_dum_patrovy03 Land_dum_patrovy04 Land_dum_patrovy05 Land_dum_patrovy06 Land_skola Land_ruiny_obvod_2 Land_ruiny_obvod_3 Land_ruiny_obvod_kompl Land_ruiny_3_roh Land_ruiny_3_prasklina Land_ruiny_3_dvere Land_hangar_2 Land_Chata6 Land_OrlHot Land_ZalChata Land_hasic_zbroj Land_brana02 Land_brana02nodoor Land_leseni2x Land_pumpa Land_bouda_plech Land_aut_zast People might find this useful. hoz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blanco 0 Posted December 8, 2005 SurfaceType & surfaceIsWater : a detector to check the surfacetype?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted December 9, 2005 thanks for this new list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted December 10, 2005 Quote[/b] ]allowDammage A new command, an old mistake ... BIS? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted December 10, 2005 Quote[/b] ]allowDammage A new command, an old mistake ... BIS? This is not a new command... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted December 10, 2005 This is not a new command... Well ok, so it's not really new but at least disabled in what we know now as OFP. It's still damage with one m. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted December 10, 2005 This is not a new command... Well ok, so it's not really new but at least disabled in what we know now as OFP. It's still damage with one n. No, zero n's, but one m... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoTekK 0 Posted December 10, 2005 Oh my god, they're all with 2 m's. Y'know what I always found funny? The note in the comref for setDamage: Quote[/b] ]Note: this function is identical to setDammage. It was introduced to fix spelling error in original function name. And yet none of the others were fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted December 10, 2005 The only command not fixed in OFP1 is the EH "dammaged". setDamage, getDamage and damage are working afaik. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoTekK 0 Posted December 11, 2005 Odd. I could've sworn I was getting errors using getDamage. Or maybe it was the eventHandler. Of course, it's entirely possible I've been an idiot the whole time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderShoot 0 Posted December 13, 2005 Yeah, quite a few interesting ones in there.Quote[/b] ]vectorDir vectorUp setVectorDir setVectorUp esp these would it use this to spin an object? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNN 0 Posted December 17, 2005 It's a funny one, if it was to alter the pitch of an object, then what about bank? Hard to say without any knowing the parameters. Perhaps it's for controlling a turret or weapon? Or even something to control wind direction Yes, I think I am script junkie to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites