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Zeus Gaming Nights

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Well, still 45 mins till it starts but I thought i'd go on TS early. I made sure that all the addons work and I joined the server for a second to test it.

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I made 3 A&Ds for tonight.



I MADE 3 SPIFFINGLY CAMP TDMs FOR TONIGHT! hyeeeeeeeeeees *sound drifts off into distance, accompanied by sounds of chafing PVC*

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Did people enjoy that Domensk A&D?

It wasnt the most dynamic battle and it ended with a wimper instead of a bang. I got something out of it though. It was very difficult assault to orchestrate, and we got shot up from everywhere. What did pull it trough for west in the end was individual skill, again :P


BigUzi wins the day kills the t55 and goes mental in a truck, taking out a few easties in the process.

Cheese and kaka was the dynamic duo, shame they got shot up in the end.

Had higher hopes for Ryan and his cronies though :P

Special mention goes to to Xphs for flipping his m60 in a panic attack .

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Had a lot of fun tonight on the ZEUS server. I'm fairly new to this so I may have done some stupid things, but it was still fun.

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Did people enjoy that Domensk A&D?

It wasnt the most dynamic battle and it ended with a wimper instead of a bang.

Needs a Time limit for all those who where killed first/early

My group had 3 players in it and 1 possible respawn. Some groups had 1 playable slot and 11 respawns. It needs to be more balanced in that respect.(IMO)

was fun though. I am not sure who it was but some dude on hill175 was looking over the top towards domensk and I Pwned him with a head shot from 5 meters which was nice!!

BTW who was the creator of this mission??

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Hehehe, that was Dethleffs. I died a few seconds before him. Bear in mind though that we slaughtered a 7 men squad on our lonesome!

Domensk was created by Tipsi, IIRC.

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While that mission was fun, it definatly needed a time limit. I think I got a few ai in the match though. Although I completely missed that path in back of the mansion, I thought the road was the only way they could come through. Otherwise, great fun.

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Ok, let me just say this:

Technically Ive won every AD so far. That doesnt mean it has always been done in a realistic manner, sometimes quite to the contrary. However, WITHIN the mission parameters Ive pulled it off. Im hearing ppl bitch, thats why I have to defend meself wink_o.gif

Now if you happen to get a "your side wins" message on your screen as the enemy OC, youve won, simple as that. xmas_o.gif

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LOL...oh that one, wasnt a win for human kind, no. I lost two squads from the beginning, one due to disconnect and one due to a mine. Still pulled it trough technically. I didnt call that a victory, the mission did tounge2.gif

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Did people enjoy that Domensk A&D?

It wasnt the most dynamic battle and it ended with a wimper instead of a bang. I got something out of it though.  It was very difficult assault to orchestrate, and we got shot up from everywhere. What did pull it trough for west in the end was individual skill, again :P


BigUzi wins the day kills the t55 and goes mental in a truck, taking out a few easties in the process.

Cheese and kaka was the dynamic duo, shame they got shot up in the end.

Had higher hopes for Ryan and his cronies though :P

Special mention goes to to Xphs for flipping his m60 in a panic attack .

Let me go through this mission.

We started of in a shitty way. Someone forgot to take his bradley with him so cheese and I had to drive back to pick it up. We assembled in an area south of Domensk. There was a forrest between us and the city. Terox and his squad were leading the main infantry assault body through the forrest. Xphs with his Patton and cheese and I in the bradley were providing overwatch. Things went fine in the forrest. With the armor support the infantry was able to move forward to the edge of the forrest. Only then the infantry was getting bogged down unable to make the crossing to the city.

From there on cheese and I decided to get on a little Bradley rampage. We took the Bradley on a path to the north. Along the way we shot up about 1 squad of infantry and sustained minor damage from enemy GL fire.

When we reached a position NW of the city we were getting called back by og to the south. The infantry was still bogged down in the city unable to make the crossing to the city. Cheese and I were driving the Bradley near a cluster of buildings when an enemy AI soldier appeared. Before cheese shot him the face with the 25 mm he already fire a grenade from his GL at us. The Bradley was destroyed and we respawned.

From there on things were getting shitty. The enemt t-55 appeared and it was shooting up the infantry in the forrestn like we did in the beginning of the mission. My squad got slowly waisted by quite accurate rifle fire from the city. From there on I went on doing other things.

My opinion is that our main problem was that we lost the initiative in the forrest. We got bogged down in the forrest and were unable to make the crossing to the city. This gave the enemy time to get into a better position and the infantry was getting slowly shot up. Of course it also was a problem that we lost our tank support by some freak accident. If we would have managed to make the crossing to the city directly after we had cleared out the forrest things would have went much easier.

Anyway, this are just my 2 cent. Does anything I wrote correspond to your thoughts?

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Im just listening to the TS recording of REDFOR and it sounds like they had some great fun. You should hear some of their comments biggrin_o.gif

Its like a Hollywood ending turning into a nitty gritty HBO cliffhanger. You can almost hear the bugles going into happy mode as they make victory after victory, then the sad violins as the battle is suddenly and abruptly LOST.

Quote from Jinef: "I am so glad im recording teamspeak now".

and later: "if we end it now og will say that "you didnt really win it did you"".

Quote from B20 (REDFOR): "Dont think youve won yet guys, there are still west guys out there"

...well if there was any oracle in that battle it was B20


Sorry to revel in it Jinef. Its all fun.

Kaka, initiative in that mission is directly proportional to the amount of armour left. When they finally lost their T55 we were on total equal footing regarding that initiative. The town itself is of irrelevant purpose in this case.

What truly surprised me was the way the bradleys went out, rpg style and not by the AT5.

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If enough people show up

BTW, we are on irc:

irc server: quakenet.org

channel name: #ofp-zeus

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Enter that channel at your own risk. It is not,I repeat,it is NOT used for server support only. There is some disgusting chat going on sometimes as well

Anyways, If there is any news to report is that Jinef made some new missions,which we hopefully will play today. Probably will be an A&D as well smile_o.gif

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Actually the chat is pretty clean lately, but there could always be an xphs relapse... icon_rolleyes.gif

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3rd time Domensk A&D for me: Another notch in the victory pole.

Plan was set in two stages, first secure the area west of Domensk, then move in on Domensk and the flag itself.

Tipsi was the defender this time.

There were a few guys on his team, most notably B20 who in battle 2 had some success getting behind the west attackers and targeting our bradleys.

Knowing this, I assumed he would in large degree influence the defending commander to duplicate that tactic en masse.

Thats exactly what happened. However that tactic crashed with mine as I was securing the general area west of Domensk.

I had my bradleys plus the m60 on the hills being able to see just about everything going on near the major woods. Our infantry squads were set to protect the flanks and rear of our position (which was jeopardized numerous times).

There was some initial contact before we got to that position that was of minor concern, but it proved to me that B20 had in large degree gotten his way

Their AT5 was spotted before it could do its thing and a large portion of east forces were taken by surprise out in the open.

Two bradleys were actually taken out by RPGs (there was one attempt were I was shot at from about 500m with an RPG, it was amazing watching it coming towards me. That one fell short about 20m) crazy_o.gif until we eventually got the upper hand, just about hosing HE on the advancing east infantry.

Basically the whole east team was ramboing big style.


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That certainly was a fun battle, although I should apologize for not advancing quicker, friends popped on over without me knowing and I had to go let them in the house biggrin_o.gif But I died shortly after getting to the city itself because of that damn t55. I had to leave early, but I'm guessing we won that match?

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(there was  one attempt  were I was shot at from about 500m with an RPG, it was amazing watching it coming towards me. That one fell short about 20m) crazy_o.gif  

If that was by the bridge, then that may have been me. I was pinned near our AT5 with a RPG7 and a ural full of rockets. Figured i'd have a few shots at the armour on the hills. I still havn't worked out how to use that RPG sight proberly though tounge2.gif

Towards the end, I had no idea where anyone else on the East side was. All I knew was I was on my own, stuck in a house shooting west infantry coming into the town, and getting shot by a sniper somewhere (who finally got me after I took out 2 guys)

Whilst in the house though, someone attempted to throw a grenade at me, and hit the wall beside them. I would have liked to know who that was biggrin_o.gif

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Og ... Og .. Og

What can I say.

You cannot say that was a west victory with any shred of self dignity.

If your excuse is "The mission says it's a west victory so it is." then by those standards I won a mission against you on saturday, in just under 11 seconds, because I pwnz00r.

So let's call it even. Domensk or another A&D on thursday will be the tie-breaker, and either confirm my first victory against you, or slam my soul into the dirt and stamp on it as you beat me once again.

*slaps og in the face with a glove*

You sir, I challenge to a duel!

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Perhaps it would be a good idea to add a time limit of sorts. A time limit never fails to add a sense of urgency to the mission, and it helps to alleviate any unwarranted cautiousness on the part of the West commander.

Incidentally, I promise I'll try to remember next time that the motorised infantry actually has to get into the Bradleys before advancing... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Just to let you know about the Domensk mission.

Time Limit: 1h 30m

Win Condition East: Inflict Heavy Casualties on West

Win Condition West 1: Inflict Very Heavy Casualties on East

Win Condition West 2: Place sufficient units near the town and church area in Domensk for a sufficient amount of time.

A random number between 10 to 18 troops is required in the area for a random time of between 6 to 12 minutes. This simulates the time and number of troops required to for west to move into the church and town hall area's buildings and digging in where they could withstand any east attack.

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