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Marines v1.1

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If you want to see a unified pack which is the most realistic, donate your models or even better your modelling experience to the WGL5 project.

We have the configs, the scripting and the realism. We are slightly weak on models though.

Nah, sry. I´m intersted in SP only. Sometimes i play MP but not so often (the useage of many single addons are one issue why i not plaing OFP in MP). That means i more happier about a mod with a good campaign, good models and config. To sum up: it must have all you need. The USMC Mod will have his focus on a strong SP, less MP.

But we shall stop this discussion here, cos this thread is about the USMC marines by Safety. I hated when people hijacked a thread and they discuss a not topic related thing over many sites (see USMC 1.4. with standard colors for texturing). Small input is good but somewhere it must stop.

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Wow thanks for the feedback guys, I wasnt expecting these to be so well recieved, so thanks very much. biggrin_o.gif

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This is a GREAT addon.

Everything look so as i expect. The weapons from SJB matching perfectly, i like the different vests, the camo, even the different lengths of trousers smile_o.gif

But in the future You can add a medic and radio operator. biggrin_o.gif

It was worth the wait.




Quote[/b] ]But in the future You can add a medic and radio operator. biggrin_o.gif

Nevermind this, it's all clear now tounge2.gif

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But in the future You can add a medic and radio operator. biggrin_o.gif

What do you think is the task of a Navy corpsman? wink_o.gif

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Navy corpsman is the medic, BLAcKnight. wink_o.gif

Great units, safety. Really is fantastic. thumbs-up.gif

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K...after playin with em for a couple games...I've got a couple observations:

-too many of the marines have bincoulars and sidearms..only the squad leader and fire team leader should have binocs so in a fire fight not half ur squad is standing up checkin through their binocs..also sidearms should only be for the corpsman, squad leaders, Force Recon and snipers, ...yes I know I can edit this out of the config but some users don't know how.

-I know this is mainly just a reskin of the HYK model but it would be nice to see a crew marine for vehicles ie LAV, also winter gear, more variations of Force Recon marines ie including maybe a demolitions marine...

-More types of marines ie FAST Marines, MPs, Javalin equiped marines, ghilie suited snipers etc....

now don't get me wrong...definately a GREAT and well over due addon...just a couple suggestions smile_o.gif

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Add weapons you want via the init line. Thats the great thing about OFP - you can customize wink_o.gif

Anyway thanks for the feedback smile_o.gif

EDIT: By the way my original mirror is down so get it from ofp.info or ofpfiles if you want it. smile_o.gif

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i tried them and they are excelent

only discoverd one little bug till now

the Entry POW turns white at longer distance all the other units are ok (as far as i noticed)

great work guys

ill love these guys long time they numba one

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To roughly quote Safety from an earlier MSN conversation:

Quote[/b] ]POW's are just extras, they shouldn't have been in the pack, and I know that they're buggy

But that is an issue with an untextured LOD. Easy to fix.

And another bug that I noticed on POW's (Safety knew about it already) is that collar is transparent from below.

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take sidearms away from them? are you crazy, i've never met one person that hasn't taken a sidearm to iraq. he might not have been issued it, but he sure bought one.

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take sidearms away from them? are you crazy, i've never met one person that hasn't taken a sidearm to iraq. he might not have been issued it, but he sure bought one.

the reverse is also true....out of all my friends that have been deployed to Afghanistan and/or Iraq...not one has carried or carries a sidearm..only their issued rifle..and I would dare to say thas more the norm than exception ...

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Wonderful job!  Very nice.

Minor bug report (dosn't really "need" fixing).

I noticed  some of these while editing the config/testing...

- "E" Entry MFR Team Leader is equiped with regular m4a1+ACOG, but has m433 grenade shells in his equipment.  Someone might wana double check this...

- "D" Desert Scout, you can see "slightly" through over and under the knee straps.

Amazing job!  These units go very well with Hyk's Infantry and BMI's BlackOps.

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just a couple...most are army (I don't have the brightest of friends tounge2.gif )...I'm not doubting u on the sidearm thing...u were in the field not me...I'm just goin on what I've been told...I'm sure all units have their own sop on the matter..shoot if I were over there...I'd definately be toting a backup weapon if I could afford to....

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take sidearms away from them? are you crazy, i've never met one person that hasn't taken a sidearm to iraq. he might not have been issued it, but he sure bought one.

Yes but your talking about real life with real ppl, and most importantly with real BRAINS! The AI uses the gun for long ranges sometimes. Or decides to pull it out in the middle of a huge battle instead using his m4 fully kitted for maximum pwnage, he runs arround like a moron trying to kill ppl.

I also agree on the binoculars, the AI doesnt know when you want to see them use it. In real life you would shout to somebody. You cannot shout at AI, allthough Ive tried many times!   rofl.gif  [/OF]


I was just mentioning in another topic that we need new marines for the new weapons by SJB. And a day later this pack is released! Nice! Ive tried it and its very well made.

Im going to change 1 little thing, well 2 actually... 1. More scopes for the regulars. 2. Other sound on the M16A4.

Elite work! 2up!


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Great work, one question, in the original E&S pack, the Force Recon had a cool urban camo. Is that a standard issue realistic camo? If so are you plaaning to make it?

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Still having fun with them, now with ECP! Wish I could get the time-delay ECP grenades on the Marines. Anyways...

1. The mount for the SMAW optical sight is not visible in first-person view (the sight appears to be floating).

2. An MG team with SJB's M-240G would be a very nice addition.

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Great work, one question, in the original E&S pack, the Force Recon had a cool urban camo. Is that a standard issue realistic camo? If so are you plaaning to make it?

I'm not sure as to whether Safety has plans to update the pack, and if he does what he plans to include, I can however comment on the Urban MARPAT camo for the E&S Pack. As I own an Urban MARPAT BDU Trouser/Jacket set, I can say the textures in the M.A.P. are very bright in comparison. Where as the M.A.P. are bright blues, grey and dark-blue/black, my BDU (as an example) is more sub-dued colours, greys, blacks, and mid-blues, like the M.A.P. textures, only imagine they've been washed 100 times and have substancially faded.

Anyway, to get this back on topic, I'm really glad Safety has finally released his units, having helped him out with previous projects that fell through due to real-life commitments and such, I've seen him progress in his talents, and he's come on leaps and bounds. Hopefully he'll decide to keep on making addons for OFP/ArmA/Game2.

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Nice photos!

@Safety, I posted on my site at french (but there is a english forum) your marines! After, we will translate this site to English!

I left my US campaign and I will work with your units now! So look at that link for download my futur missions!

There is on french -->"téléchargements" (téléchargements = downlaods)

So that's all!

A miror for your units.

To download click on "télécharger le fichier" (download the file)!

EDIT:Safety, do you want to do some differents Marines units at futur? (ex: US NAVY SEALS)?

PS: The S&E marine pack is broen now! rofl.gifgoodnight.gif

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As far as I know Navy is diferent from the Marines so I assume his answer will be "No."

Anyways at first this was meant to be addon for the squad (AFAIK) and you guys should be happy that Safety changed his mind.

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