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Portable repair kit.

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Taking the idea from FDF and their many script based features. Has anyone considered or made a repair kit that occupies the heavy weapon inventory slot, that enables you to do minor repair on vehicles that aren't completely destroyed?

What with so much focus on huge mods etc, a standalone addon of this type although not terribly fancy or attention-getting, would be tremendously useful.

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its basicaly easy to make

even without modeling in o2

all tho with some modeling you could atchewe better effect

making repair kit as secondary weapon or something

like ORCS radio

or without modeling making it the way as ive made bandages in WPS mini mod

main issue is taking some time and scripting whole repair process

maybe i will take Jon Doe set and make "handyman" or whatever such guy should be called in english ;-)

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Oh looks very easy to make,I'd say 500 faces at max,unless it opens and theres tools inside,then I'd want to hit others with em lol.

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i kinda made a portable repair thingy a soldier that can repair aka mechanic

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Oh looks very easy to make,I'd say 500 faces at max,unless it opens and theres tools inside,then I'd want to hit others with em lol.

Toolbox, 500 faces? wow_o.gif

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maybe i will take Jon Doe set and make "handyman" or whatever such guy should be called in english ;-)

Grease monkey!

Great idea, but the drill and nail gun must be implemented so that anyone can grab one from the toolbox. Though better not make it bright red... Snipers like enemies who carry bright red things around. That's why Guba is such an ideal target, his parade uniform doesn't really blend into the enviroment so well.

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deadly repair kit...hahhaaha i really like it biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

this should really be made biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

mechanics should fix things but in ofp they "fix" people

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Yeh, something similar to the ORCS backpack, with an action that allows you to "drop" the tool kit (Deploy is a better word), then pick a tool out of it (Drill/wrencth etc tounge2.gif), and either repair a vehicle if you are holding one of them, or club people with them tounge2.gif

Fun and usefull tounge2.gif

The models are important, but add a lot to it, the most important bit is the scripts.

This could be usefull in "big" missions, where you might only have a single vehicle, and have to travel half the island.. "Ah feck, I hit a tree, the tires are burst"

".........we'll walk then..?"

And also for RPG missions, you could get a new job : A car-repair/pickup company biggrin_o.gif

- Ben

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To be honest having been a combat mechanic you do not carry around a big heavy metal toolbox, its a soft canvas military mechanics back. Mechanics are usualy attached to the unit and ride in their own recovery vehicle or an extra truck or APC to follw in the combat units. Usually to carry all the tools and lubrication supplies. When supporting a company level element a little tool box isn't really going to help. Not to mention each vehicle is often issued a set of tools because the crews are responacel for most of the lower level maintaince and reapir on the vehicle. like track repair and even prepping the power pack for removeal from the vehicle. And most recovery operations with the other vehicles in the element.

More realistic is a unit with the limtaed ability to heal mech units , MARFAC (sp) had mechanics for all sides in one of their releases that did just that in the field.

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hows about making tank driver to be also mechanic ?

to make it more realistic, action that will allow repairing tank shoult first check tank dammage level, and if its more than lets say 0,3 ten repair action should be impossible

maybe displayng hint like "dammage level too high" should also take place.

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The soft canvas thing would actually be a whole lot better anyways. And a metal toolbox would be impossible.

Yeah, in OFP, there IS the repair truck, but what we want the mechanics on feet for is the rule #1 in OFP: If you're in a vehicle and there is an enemy closer that 500m, you're dead.

Drivin around T80:s in a lil' repair truck can be a bit dangerous sometimes...

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In the Army we use everything maitance wise is in a number of levels. -10 is crew level repair and mainance, -20 would go to organized unit level maintaince and repair HHC motor pool, and -30+ is higher level even back to the factory or depot level repair which you litlery have a new vhehicle when it comes back total repair of everything and any updates that were brought through the system not done at -20 level.

As a tank crew all crew would have to work on the tank, you would still need full mechanics aviable fora lot of the services on most armored units. The engine limitations of OFP would make it tricky seeing you seldom have power pack failures in armored vehicles. crews don't fix battle damage mechanics do, tracks do not break on tanks and APCs. most would whine about needing to alot the long time it require to achive repairs on an armored vehicle, broken track repair easilly 3 to 6 hour job.

Gamewise makes very diffcult making a decent balance, making crews mechanics kinda not work low level self repair code on the vehicle like the 2005 mustangs or WOLF Toyota Hilux.

At least it keep people from cheating I toyed with AH64 crews once who could make repairs once on the AH64s if they could land it. was to simulate making line repairs fo hydrolic or fule leaks if they couldn't fix it remoeve weapons from storeage places and go infantry mode till CSR came.

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There is a mechanic script on OFPEC. I haven't the foggiest idea of how to integrate it into some kind of portal item script, however the way it worked was you would walk up to a vehicle and it would give you a value as to what percent fixed it was. Then you'd select the fix action, you'd perform the bandaging animation and then it would increase the repair percentage.

The percentage could go up in small or large increments depending on the personal preference of the user. Or at least it should for a broad range of applications.

This is sort of what I wanted to begin with.

You know when your vehicle is mostly operational, but it looks like in a car or truck, that you've blown the axle or the rod ends or whatever, and it refuses to drive straight? That's a fairly low level of damage compared to it not moving at all.

That would be a minor repair that in spite of the time you may want it to take, could spell the difference between hoofing it over a few kilometers, or getting a ride.

I'm thinking the application for CTI would be especially useful. Pop a civs car with your gun, wait for him to get out, and then repair and take off if needed.

Yeah, in OFP, there IS the repair truck, but what we want the mechanics on feet for is the rule #1 in OFP: If you're in a vehicle and there is an enemy closer that 500m, you're dead.

Quote[/b] ]Drivin around T80:s in a lil' repair truck can be a bit dangerous sometimes...

Precisely, and sometimes you're simply without a ride because of some minor damage. Being able to conduct minor repairs at the expense of taking a comparitively shorter time than walking to fix, and of course the vulnerability of being exposed whilst doing it could yield an important benefit to the mission.

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In combat you never bring a mechanic that close to the front line unless in a simular vehicle.

A vehicle goes down from a failure or damage the commanding element them decieds recovery or destruction..

It is usual towed back from the area depenidng on the level of damage usualy by another vehicle in that element. Or left behind with the crew to guard it while the rest of the element carries out the mission or the whole element guards the vehicle till its recovered.

Its commony to only have a hand full of mechanics per batalion level so not really going to put them at risk becuase loosing a machanic in a unit is devistating.

If the disabled vehicle can't be quickly towed from the area its usualy destroyed in place. Or field stripped by the crews of commo, weapons and any classified level equipment, most vehicles now are so packed with sofisticated battle computer eletronics makes things highly diffcullt to handle in combat theators with recovery and or protection..

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Hmmm how about a wrench?

Handy for all those fix-it-up situations wink_o.gif

Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot a 50 times with a wrench? It might look nice as a prop but not much else would come from it. Something more practical would be a spare tire and a jack. If your tire gets shot up or pops you jack the car up and change the tire. For civilian or military use. A logical idea that is useful too.

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Quote[/b] ]Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot a 50 times with a wrench?

Easy, you simply aim it at a damaged vehicle, fire, and you play an animation and the vehicle gets fixed by a random amount! ...In our personal CNC-RTS mod though wink_o.gif

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Hmmm how about a wrench?

Handy for all those fix-it-up situations wink_o.gif

Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot  a 50 times with a wrench? It might look nice as a prop but not much else would come from it. Something more practical would be a spare tire and a jack. If your tire gets shot up or pops you jack the car up and change the tire. For civilian or military use. A logical idea that is useful too.


Just because its 'the right thing to do' doenst mean its practical. Do you have the animations for jacking up the car and changing the tire? Can you script it? Is it even possible to have the player physically jack it up, remove the tire from the car, tinker with it, put it back on, with the OFP engine?

The little wrench however, you just approach any vehicle, fire it, if it detects the vehicle then it plays a little wrench animation, and the vehicles health goes up a bit. Much more practical, much easier.

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and you get some muscles from it! smile_o.gif

I kind of prefer a toolbox thing though... when you use "the action", you drop the toolbox, the toolbox opens, player does a "medic helping" animation on the toolbox (easier) , and the nearest vehicle within 5 meters gets repaired.

let's not get too technical folks wink_o.gif

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Ok, I've just got to get this out of my system....

How about modelling this guy (on the left)



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