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Portable repair kit.

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Hmmm how about a wrench?

Handy for all those fix-it-up situations wink_o.gif

Honestly how is a soldier in OFP goind to fix a car that was just shot  a 50 times with a wrench? It might look nice as a prop but not much else would come from it. Something more practical would be a spare tire and a jack. If your tire gets shot up or pops you jack the car up and change the tire. For civilian or military use. A logical idea that is useful too.


Just because its 'the right thing to do' doenst mean its practical. Do you have the animations for jacking up the car and changing the tire? Can you script it? Is it even possible to have the player physically jack it up, remove the tire from the car, tinker with it, put it back on, with the OFP engine?

The little wrench however, you just approach any vehicle, fire it, if it detects the vehicle then it plays a little wrench animation, and the vehicles health goes up a bit. Much more practical, much easier.

The animations would required a jack moving from a close position to an open. Thats simple just a bar moving from down to up. The engine would support it you just need a model of the car with out a wheel (you would need 4 for each wheel but even I can chop a wheel off a car in o2) and a wheel model taken from the car. The animation for the player could just be the medic animation nothing fancy there. The jack would be jacked up the wheel would pop off and go on the ground then a new wheel would come on. Simple. Requires a new model for the wrench and model of the car and tires taken from BIS cars. Heck some one made a script so a tanks turret could be blown off so this is possible too.

I just feel that moving OFP too a more realistic status by adding more semi-reallistic scripts helps improve quality. Like bleeding scripts, blackout scripts, better explosive, timed grenades and better AI.

IMHO adding an all healing wrench doesnt help the quality of the game. I'm not saying we should have new medic animations so he takes out field dressing and injects mophine ect, but creating more unrealistic "super fixers" and "super healer" and other totally unreallistic addons doesnt help the game.

Now I don't reccomend making an all fixing wrench but I have no problem if someone feels it is needed to have one.

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Operation Flashpoint: Crescent Wrench Insurrection

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;; Select our repair guy first

_dude = _this select 0

;; set a jeep or similar to make it repairable

;; could make it any object but it might be kind of

;; silly to have a wrench start fixing trees and lightposts

_jeep = nearestobject [_dude,"jeepMG"]

;; exit the script if engineer is too distant from jeep

?(_jeep distance _dude > 2): _dude sidechat "There's no jeep within range of my uber armada defeating wrench!" and exit

_dude sidechat "Behold! My awesome wrench power display begins NOW!"

;; If jeep too damaged we exit

?(damage _jeep > 0.2): _dude sidechat "My wrench won't fix this scrap heap!" and exit

;; get the jeep damage and repair it

_dam = damage _jeep

;; set the amount of repairs we want to do to the jeep

;; in this case we divide the damage by two for the heck of it

;; and repair it by the amount

_repair = (_dam/2)

;; put in a few seconds delay just to make the player bored

;; mwahahahaha


;; Then we repair our lovely jeep

_jeep setdammage _repair

_dude sidechat "Repaired! If I knew mathematics, I would tell you if I really fixed it!"

;; and just for the heck of it, we'll do a format

;; but stall a bit more again because our engineer cant do

;; a simple math problem


_dude sidechat format ["Ok the jeep status is at %1 points.",damage _jeep]

;; Then we exit the script like the lunatics we are and go

;; back to breaking jeeps


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Quote[/b] ]If the disabled vehicle can't be quickly towed from the area its usualy destroyed in place.

Yeah, well that's real life and this is OFP. I personally refuse to simply run about because a car that could be fixed, isn't for the sake of absolute realism.

What the bloody hell. Animations for jacking up a vehicle... tire changing animations. Now we're getting a bit ridiculous.


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to make it more realistic, action that will allow repairing tank shoult first check tank dammage level, and if its more than lets say 0,3 ten repair action should be impossible

maybe displayng hint like "dammage level too high" should also take place.

In the repair script you could check if the grease monkey is within 50m of a workshop building. Then he should be allowed to repair higher damages to bigger vehicles. Maybe add a bigger delay and some repair sound waves lol.

I think this would really enhance a coop mission in a funny way. tounge2.gif

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I would suggest tow scripts for moving effected vehicles to a safer spot if vehicle is really baddly damaged like mobility kill.

Then the guy with the tools who dismounted repair vehicle and could run up and make repairs. There are guys that do that in CTI games already so all the scripts are around. Like the engineer guy included in some addon. Wrench animation work kinda like BF2.

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lol just been pointed to this

I have been developing a system for a private mod with this very much in mind

You have a recovery vehicle driven by a repair mechanic

1) The recovery vehicles job is to overturn any vehicles that are on their side or back.

Does this through a series of stages

...a) Targets a vehicle for recovery

...b) Connects the winch

...c) Winches in (using a series of setpos on a fast loop) for mp compatibility (sevelocity no good here)

All actions run by the driver of the recovery vehicle

2) The vehicle mechanics job is to slowly repair any damaged vehicles

It first assesses the damage, reports to the squad leader and then carries out a repair loop until ordered to quite or vehicle is fixed.

The speed of the repair is 0.00071 per second loop

it takes approx 22 minutes to fully repair something that is nigh on totally destroyed

Basically it gives a parallel system option to the insta repair of the BIS truck, without the bug of ai not getting into a bis repaired vehicle due to the negligeable damage it sometime leaves it in

I just need an M88 and a russian equivalent, who's up for some modelling

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M88 was done by Team Yankey mod, recovery is commony done by other vehicles of the same kind it a ruel with the desinge of all military vehicles that each can be recovered by another type of its kind. Sans why most 2 1/2 and 5 ton trucks have winches. Somewhrere is the t72 based recovery vehicle. Might still have it on the HD.. not sure after a nasty crash..

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