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gandalf the white

Let us make the Game2 commercial!

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Here is one for you: You organise a contest in wich people have to make an "Game 2 commercial" , only done with the Armed Assault engine. The best commercial (ideas) will be done by Bistudio but with the Game2 engine/stuff, also, the winner gets a free copy of Game2 send to his home smile_o.gif .

Ofcourse, Bistudio specifies how long the commercial will be, what can, and what cannot be shown, etc etc. sounds doable? whistle.gifwink_o.gif

EDIT: to make extra, extra sure you understand... tounge2.gif don't want to end up with dead bodies here.

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Sounds like an interresting idea. They could always say we all suck and go along with theire own trailer anyway smile_o.gif

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I'd preffer non-game engine rendered animation. It works for Warcraft and I don't see reason why it shouldn't work with Tha Game.

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With an Game2 commercial we could help BIS to sell more copy`s of Game2. yay.gif

Good idea, let`s see what whe can do with the Armed Assault engine. wink_o.gif

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I'd say the commercial needs to show addons, instead of just the plain ol stuff that comes with the game. cause back when I first bought flashpoint, I kinda thought the sound effects and modeling on the guns all sucked. now when I play with addons, it's like I'm already playing ofp2.

so show people the best of the game. I just got this toyota truck with a mounted machine gun on the back. and it has a ammo crate built into it with AA launcher, rpg, and some ACOG guns. it's so perfect, and if you accidently hit a small tree or something

you can get out and go to the back and hit the button that says, repair it

and you'll get new tires

just like in real life if you get a flat, you can change it

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I'd say the commercial needs to show addons, instead of just the plain ol stuff that comes with the game.

You don't get it. The "idea" movie will be done by the community in arma (with Game2 in development) , if Bis thinks it's good enough, Bis does thesame commercial, but on the Game2 engine... for wish there are no addons yet wink_o.gif

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I've always thought we should do a game commmerical. I have thought about this before.

I think an awesome commercial would be game footage of a totally chaotic-realistic operation flashpoint assault. There would be a mess of radio chatter, people shouting all kinds of things, bullets whizzing by (ok i know this is a lot of ECP :P) and then you hit the dirt and return fire. Basically the whole idea would be to depict chaotic realism (if that makes sense) almost like the combat videos you see of iraq on the military channel...then the screen would fade to black and say "actual gameplay footage" and then with the game information (rating, yada yada yada). THe whole commercial could be about 30 seconds, with 20 seconds of combat footage and then 10 seconds of the information. I think the hard part would be capturing the right flashpoint gameplay situation to depict this.

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expanding on ebns72's idea:

probably about 30 second clip with first 5 sec devoted to title of the game and BIS logo, last 5 sec for credit and catch phrase and 20sec for real ingame foottage

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the only close thing we could get is VBS1(maybe ArmA once it get release)

so that may have to do a bit more non-game engine related acting then the game itself

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Err, I think this idea was that, when ArmA is released, people can make an advert-concept/idea for Game2, then BIS would make the same thing, but using Game2, then put it on TV tounge2.gif

Don't do it on VBS1.. 1, you would cut out a large ammount of the community from taking part, 2, it's no huge improvement over OFP with some addons (Unit replacement, or ECP and some addons is far better than VBS1..), 3, as I said, it's intended to be made in ArmA

Anyway, I think it's a nice idea, and it'd be a first (or near enough), acctualy letting a game-developer's community create an advert for a game.. Who better to do that then the people your trying to get the game? biggrin_o.gif

All we need now is for BI to release the game *hint hint*..... aw sad_o.gificon_rolleyes.gif

- Ben

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Here is my idea for a comercial,I actually gave this alot of thought.

Convert some Counter Strike player models and sound into Operation Flashpoint plus a popular infamous map(or another popular labirint like game).

Start the movie as the players are doing their usual moronic buisness but after a short while one player stops and sees a crack in the wall and hearing an unfamiliar sound of rails.Then BANG!The wall crumbles from a shell fired directly at it.The Counter Strike player model is in awe exiting to finally have his first glimpse at a completly different world,a world spanning in thousands of miles finally comprehending that he has been duped,trapped in a box.A choppers lands next to him and a US soldier welcomes him by saying "Welcome to the real world".Then he embarks the chopper to see from the sky how the map he was trapped into looked exactly like a maze and how limited his world was.

Maybe then everyone will get it what Ofp is really all about and how any other games pales face to face to it confused_o.gif

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I suggested a while ago that we should all chip in our in game photo skills and photoshop skills to advertise, but a commercial would be even better to spread around!

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Here is my idea for a comercial,I actually gave this alot of thought.

Convert some Counter Strike player models and sound into Operation Flashpoint plus a popular infamous map(or another popular labirint like game).

Start the movie as the players are doing their usual moronic buisness but after a short while one player stops and sees a crack in the wall and hearing an unfamiliar sound of rails.Then BANG!The wall crumbles from a shell fired directly at it.The Counter Strike player model is in awe exiting to finally have his first glimpse at a completly different world,a world spanning in thousands of miles finally comprehending that he has been duped,trapped in a box.A choppers lands next to him and a US soldier welcomes him by saying "Welcome to the real world".Then he embarks the chopper to see from the sky how the map he was trapped into looked exactly like a maze and how limited his world was.

Maybe then everyone will get it what Ofp is really all about and how any other games pales face to face to it confused_o.gif

I'd skip the converting part and mix two different vids with the "shell taking down the wall" thingy. great idea anyway. could really open people's eyes and minds.

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I'd like something simmilar to a "important news" thing.. the sort that takes over normal shows, etc wink_o.gif .

Anyhow, it would begin with a the announcement that entire villages in the middle east have been burnt to the ground by an unknown militia, Us forces are sending choppers (you see choppers departing from a nimnitz) to bring men and firepower to the area, then the image goes black:

*sound of something burning in the distance*

"did you hear that?" (tense voice)

"I think they're russians?!"

"maybe they're spetsnaz?"

"impossible! why would they be here?"

*agressive russian shouting*

*hell breaks loose*


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I'd like something simmilar to a "important news" thing.. the sort that takes over normal shows, etc wink_o.gif .

Anyhow, it would begin with a the announcement that entire villages in the middle east have been burnt to the ground by an unknown militia, Us forces are sending choppers (you see choppers departing from a nimnitz) to bring men and firepower to the area, then the image goes black:

*sound of something burning in the distance*

"did you hear that?" (tense voice)

"I think they're russians?!"

"maybe they're spetsnaz?"

"impossible! why would they be here?"

*agressive russian shouting*

*hell breaks loose*


Not really the sort of thing a TV Channel wants to broadcast tounge2.gif

But, droping the news part, that could work not bad, but the same senario could be done in any war-game. I.e it doesn't really show OFP-*'s "huge-ness" tounge2.gif

It's maybe better to wait till ArmA is released for thinking up things, there may be a big change(s) that would change how/what you could do for a advert. For example, if the view distance was huge, you could have something like a view from the middle of the island, with lots of little battles, zoom around them (Yeh, hardly an advert, but it shows of the engine, the scale of the game etc)

- Ben

{Edit : Added quote, as it went over to a new page..}

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Here is my idea for a comercial,I actually gave this alot of thought.

Convert some Counter Strike player models and sound into Operation Flashpoint plus a popular infamous map(or another popular labirint like game).

Start the movie as the players are doing their usual moronic buisness but after a short while one player stops and sees a crack in the wall and hearing an unfamiliar sound of rails.Then BANG!The wall crumbles from a shell fired directly at it.The Counter Strike player model is in awe exiting to finally have his first glimpse at a completly different world,a world spanning in thousands of miles finally comprehending that he has been duped,trapped in a box.A choppers lands next to him and a US soldier welcomes him by saying "Welcome to the real world".Then he embarks the chopper to see from the sky how the map he was trapped into looked exactly like a maze and how limited his world was.

Maybe then everyone will get it what Ofp is really all about and how any other games pales face to face to it confused_o.gif

Now that is a great idea for an OFP advertisement if ever i saw one!!

BI should totally take note of that idea as it sums up the OFP concept of 'being out of the box' brilliantly.

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Here is my idea for a comercial,I actually gave this alot of thought.

Convert some Counter Strike player models and sound into Operation Flashpoint plus a popular infamous map(or another popular labirint like game).

Start the movie as the players are doing their usual moronic buisness but after a short while one player stops and sees a crack in the wall and hearing an unfamiliar sound of rails.Then BANG!The wall crumbles from a shell fired directly at it.The Counter Strike player model is in awe exiting to finally have his first glimpse at a completly different world,a world spanning in thousands of miles finally comprehending that he has been duped,trapped in a box.A choppers lands next to him and a US soldier welcomes him by saying "Welcome to the real world".Then he embarks the chopper to see from the sky how the map he was trapped into looked exactly like a maze and how limited his world was.

Maybe then everyone will get it what Ofp is really all about and how any other games pales face to face to it confused_o.gif

Now that is a great idea for an OFP advertisement if ever i saw one!!

BI should totally take note of that idea as it sums up the OFP concept of 'being out of the box' brilliantly.

Yes! That kind of advertising is common with cars and other products but not in gaming business. Compare a popular game to G2 and show how huge the game really is. That could really work!

But usually game comercials are short and made by the publisher, not the developers. The best way to advertise is to get really good ratings from the media and publish a great demo. I got OFP's demo from a PCGAMER's demo CD. Damn I loved OFP's demo, it made me really want the game, badly!. No other kind of advertising would have hit me like trying it for myself!

Make a great demo and advertise it so as many as possible could try the game themselves.

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The best way to advertise is to get really good ratings from the media and publish a great demo. I got OFP's demo from a PCGAMER's demo CD. Damn I loved OFP's demo, it made me really want the game, badly!. No other kind of advertising would have hit me like trying it for myself!

Make a great demo and advertise it so as many as possible could try the game themselves.

That's exactly why i bought OFP as soon as i noticed it on a store, once i played the demo i was hooked in OFP as no game before (with the exception of Hunter on AtariST) provided me so much immersion factor.

And i must say that even now with all the modern products available, there is no other game that is providing me as much as OFP continue to provide to me in term of entertainement and possibilities. That's why i continue to play it.

I launched this demo so many times, played all the demo missions when some pionneers figured out how to make missions for it and how to add weapons and vehicles , that i had to buy the full game.

Never been disapointed since all those years and always interested by all OFP can offer to the user in simulation, battle situation , modding and especially mission making.

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I voted 'No', as I don't think you can make a Game2 commercial in ArmA - it would just create too many misunderstandings. You know, of the kind like 'Look at this or that graphical odditiy', 'strange physics', 'clipping', ... which would somehow get related to Game2 while it is really just ArmA.

However, that does not mean that it is such a bad idea to create some community commercials, but call them what they are: ArmA commercials, not Game2 commercials.

Get them interrested in ArmA and if they buy it and get as hooked as us then they will also eagerly await Game2 - basically make the whole ArmA the commercial for Game2 (but that's the idea anyway, no Placebo?!  whistle.gif  wink_o.gif  tounge2.gif )

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I voted 'No', as I don't think you can make a Game2 commercial in ArmA - it would just create too many misunderstandings. You know, of the kind like 'Look at this or that graphical odditiy', 'strange physics', 'clipping', ... which would somehow get related to Game2 while it is really just ArmA.

The commercials we make with ArmA get reviewed, and the best ideas / scenes / camera angles get redone by Bis and the Game2 Engine.

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Sounds like a great idea - although I'd rather see this first done in OFP for ArmA, and then, once ArmA is out, again for the next generation game.

I think good publicity for ArmA can only be good for BIS and for us (gives them money to improve the next generation game even further, to hire more artists, story writers, etc.). So this is where this plan should start. It's still time for that, as they haven't started any advertising yet.

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Only problem about doing it for ArmA is that it's kinda soon (Relativly). With ArmA -> game 2, you get a year or so, and they will start out with a publisher (probobaly, same one as for ArmA). But trying to get a publisher, and saying "YOur not getting to do any of the advertising, our fans are doing that.." is a little odd.. tounge2.gif

But, if BIS are publishing ArmA, it's more plasuable, but still kinda soon..

But, even as a totaly community based thing, I dont see why it shouldn't happen. And maybe BIS, instead of organising it, will see a great advert made (In OFP), and use that..?


- Ben

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Well there's two excellent examples done a long time ago, first Seventh's "Lifeless" music video, and second, Chad's Hind Chase. The latter I think would be very cool, especially if you could hint at some of the ambient stuff that shows the lack of "drop out of the sky teleport scripting" that all the other games rely on. You want reinforcements... well it takes time for them to load up and fly out... so you're really truely screwed until they get there, not some automagic timer script etc.

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Say, I have an idea. You make the commercial in ArmA and send it to BI. They review it, and the person who wins gets G2 in the mail and is told to make the commercial on it! Free G2 before release! Brilliant!  tounge2.gif

So Maruk, if you're listening...

*hint hint, nudge nudge*

If that's the case I will win this contest. To have G2 before it's release is like, finding the Holy Grail. Whoever won would be the most popular person on the forum! tounge2.gif

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