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What are you going to do?

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when i put the dvd in the dvd rom, i will open the game manual and smell the lovely "new smell" or how to spell it tounge2.gif

then im gonna fall in love with the pictures on the back of the cover.. when its finally installed im gonna lock myself on the room. turn of my mobile and everything i can be contacted on..

then im gonna play the lovely campaign smile_o.gif

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I'd go to Chezch and marry everyone at BIS....even Placebo tounge2.gif

Serously. I'd play the campagin. Just to see how they made it dynamic.

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Guest The Cobra

Test the game trough mission editor... Then start playing the campaigns and/or SP-missions. Then make some missions smile_o.gif

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I'll read the manual. Seriously.

I know it is perverted, but I like to prolong the torture of not playing it. It gaves me huge adrenaline boost, but it's still safe (as I already have the game waiting for me). Screw bungee-jumping. smile_o.gif

I normaly read the manual on the way home in the car/bus (I dont drive btw tounge2.gif), or while the games installing

Hm, one slightly OT thing, when is the release date (/month/year), I forgot tounge2.gif

- Ben

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i will make a News about the release. rofl.gif


Raptor smile_o.gif

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I'm gonna see how well Alchahol is simulated, drink 2000 units then get in the largest plane I can find (helicopers will do if necassary) and keep flying until I pass out (this could be a result of blackouts, redouts or the drink... THE DRINK!!!

What better way to see the landscape thumbs-up.gif

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I'm gone look for bugs rofl.gif

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At first I will test new missions, after that I`ll open the editor, toy around and take an helicopter to do a little sightseeing on the new island. smile_o.gif

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another thing i would do is see if the halarious bug in ofp still exists.. flipping your tank then firing the gun .. weeeeeeeee!

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Guest The Cobra
I'll read the manual. Seriously.

I know it is perverted, but I like to prolong the torture of not playing it. It gaves me huge adrenaline boost, but it's still safe (as I already have the game waiting for me). Screw bungee-jumping. smile_o.gif

I normaly read the manual on the way home in the car/bus (I dont drive btw tounge2.gif), or while the games installing

Hm, one slightly OT thing, when is the release date (/month/year), I forgot tounge2.gif

- Ben

I usually don't read it at all wink_o.gif

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First thing:

I will start the editor and blow everything up that gets into my hands to test the physics ^^

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hehe first thing ill do is the same thing i done first time i got OFP and OFP:R, wip open the editor and try out all new stuff and then see how exstesivly i can demolish a city with a T80 and a few satchel charges.

After that ill most properly get straight back into making missions, and never ever play the campaign. With OFP now even after playing with it for 4 years i have still yet to start the CWC or Resistance campaigns, or even play one the single missions that came with both. Actully come to think of it only missions i ever play (apart from in MP) is ones that ive made biggrin_o.gif

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After that ill most properly get straight back into making missions, and never ever play the campaign. With OFP now even after playing with it for 4 years i have still yet to start the CWC or Resistance campaigns, or even play one the single missions that came with both. Actully come to think of it only missions i ever play (apart from in MP) is ones that ive made biggrin_o.gif

Wow, you never played steal the car, ambush, shadowkiller nor 1985 campaign after all these years confused_o.gif , hard to believe, anyway you are missing out on some great stuff wink_o.gif .

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Yeah the campaigns and single player missions were well done and prove this game belongs on top. I must have played "Steal the Car" 1000 x's trying different ways of doing it and all.

If you honestly have not done it - you should.

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Frist thing I'll do with jump around like this little guy yay.gif Then I'll got to mission editor and Get in the Biggest Plane and Bumb Everything I see! whistle.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Then I'll check out the Campain, then its off to nuking People on Line! rofl.gif

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Seriously, what's this thing with people getting a plane and "explore the island" ? huh.gif

Just get yourself a jeep, or tank (if you want to demolish stuff enroute wink_o.gif ) and get rolling... slower, but the experience is just sooo much cooler wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
Seriously, what's this thing with people getting a plane and "explore the island" ? huh.gif

Just get yourself a jeep, or tank (if you want to demolish stuff enroute wink_o.gif ) and get rolling... slower, but the experience is just sooo much cooler wink_o.gif

Or just place a solider (player) on the map and walk from the southern end to the northern end. yay.gif

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I'll start off in the campaign first as I think it's better to play a campaign on a Island you have never seen before as you wont know the areas, it would be more like going to a real war in some other country that your unfamiliar with.

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I'll start off in the campaign first as I think it's better to play a campaign on a Island you have never seen before as you wont know the areas, it would be more like going to a real war in some other country that your unfamiliar with.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I would not have feared the sound of oncoming BMPs and Shilkas or gleed the first time I stole an enemy Hind so much in the original OFP campaign if I had just been farting around with them in the editor a few minutes prior.

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Ive play like a version of Opflash thats like an RPG so this game will really play out well the first thing i will do is get to know the land i mean i know every island pratically by heart Remember good ol' Morton? sure you do. After that Ill play the single player missions but from what ive heard theyll be a different each time you play so? then ill go play multiplayer and move as a squad to take my objective. goodnight.gif

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Do what i did when i started ofp.

Sit there and pick my jaw off the ground and try not to drool on my keyboard tounge2.gif

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I will also probably go for the campaign because it sounds so damn cool.

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First, configure my controls, second, play the first "mission" (not sure what to call them) in the campaign, then check out the MP.

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