DFP-Tim 0 Posted May 18, 2005 I didn't found a topic about this subject, so I started one. You probally all know that BIS and CODEMASTERS have split. codies won't publish any flashpoint titles, and BIS won't be able to use the name operation flashpoint in their next games. what do you think about it? My opinion is that it's not bad that codies and bis split, codemasters would only bring the lever of ofp down. but it's not fun that they have the rights about the game. And the codies are currently in shit i think, they lost some games, stopped releasing games and they are not present at E3. greetz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swatdog 0 Posted May 18, 2005 Actually, they are present at E3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted May 18, 2005 Actually, they are present at E3. But is Marek wearing CM's diamond ring? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellis 0 Posted May 18, 2005 Would actully see Bohemia do publish the upcoming titles them self, So they will be easier to release patch/server files or other kind of stuff related to the games, so thay don't need to wait for authoraztion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.pablo. 0 Posted May 18, 2005 does anyone know why they split? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted May 18, 2005 dont think there is offical news that they have yet.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garcia 0 Posted May 18, 2005 if they split, it only shows that CM are stupid f***s...and would be good if BIS published the game themself...only bad thing (if they split) is that they gotta change the name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted May 18, 2005 Lets help BIS buy CM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted May 18, 2005 Lets help BIS buy CM. Â What for? The company is useless, you should know that by now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DFP-Tim 0 Posted May 18, 2005 Let's help BIS by never buying a new codemasters game ;). Garcia and others, it's sure that they split, look at the end of the xbox press release... * OPERATION FLASHPOINT IS THE US REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF CODEMASTER SOFTWARE COMPANY LTD. THE ORIGINAL PRODUCTS MENTIONED ARE SOLD AND DISTRIBUTED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO S.R.O., WHICH IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH, AUTHORIZED BY OR RELATED TO THE TRADEMARK OWNER. ..... i think that's clear enough lol ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted May 18, 2005 Lets help BIS buy CM. With the BIS a.s. joint-stock corp, both parts of that idea are now theoretically doable, just need the real or leveraged market capitalization... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted May 18, 2005 No lets help BIS buy the OFP name so they can continue with such a great title lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DFP-Tim 0 Posted May 18, 2005 indeed matt, that would be a good ide... but there are other ways to get the name back... (ps: You know who I am matty, we played allot to gether a year ago or something ;), don't know if I got you still in msn) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted May 18, 2005 So what.. Operation flashpoint 2.. isnt a good name, infact it sucks, sounds like a crap sequel like: delta force II, half-life 2, Scream 2, I still know what you did last summer.. Flashpoint 2 So much fresher, its neat, its so simpel its a beauty, and CM doesnt have that protected (what i know).. when it comes to distrubution, when the game is done someone will most likely take care of that without problem. I wonder is there any good distrubation company, like a Codemasters, EA, Ubisoft but it doesnt do a shit with the game, it doesnt buy the rights or anything.. all they do is to sell the game to stores and do the marketing and stuff? Anyone intrested on starting a company.. because I see a need for those independet game dev's.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted May 18, 2005 Operation Flashpoint 2 is a GOOD name Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InqWiper 0 Posted May 18, 2005 I think the only bad part is the name change but I think we can live with that. Everything else is probably better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted May 19, 2005 I dont know...OPF could have used better advertising but it was BIS first game and distribution and stuff was good, and even if CM isnt in a very good shape it is still a well known publisher of decent games. Now for BIS to become a worldwide publisher would be very risky, i mean if they were able to publish their own games it would be alot more profitable but think about advertising, manufactoring, distribution, were talking millions here right . Seems like a very daring and even greedy move that could result in a catastrophy, now think about other publishers and we either got small budget game ones or the big, greedy monsters like EA, UBI, etc. I think its a shame if things really are going bad betwean BIS and CM, maybe CM will still publish OPF2 but not armed assault or the xbox opf, anyway im hoping for the best.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted May 19, 2005 No-no, grander conspiricies than that... BIS does what distro they can with Xbox and Armed Assault, then stuffs that revenue into the Cenega holding corp and does any number of the following items... * Buy's Krk outright and turns the north half into a uber-Silicon Valley/MegaResort and the south half into the premier NATO/EU version of the NTC. Hires the bulk of the community to be OPFOR and content dev's, mod's serve drinks all day. Howitzers actually work 'in-game' * Buy's a random number of Romanian and Ukrainian CD/DVD pirate presses, turns them into distro warehouses, gets a fat bounty from the RIAA/MPAA/Microsoft in the process, and get's their infrastructure. * Partners with Google Games and crushes Steam for all time. There's your online infrastructure with Google trying to corner the market on dark fiber. * Buy's Eidos, Codemasters, and Vivendi, releases TombRaider X : Amsterdam Adventures then fires the staff except for the Commandos team and sends the CM crew out to herd goats in the Falklands. Vivendi's easy, they're french so they must be Iraqi collaborators. Blame them for something then fire 'em all. Keep all their channel partners and shippers and reseller info of course. * Bundles director cuts of Gunner's Palace with a desert warfare addon pack, charging more money for another nickel DVD. * Funds R&D as a founding partner of both UN Spacey and UAC. Am I nuts? Well ralphies on his munchies, but we've all should have learned by now that what ever you do, do not under estimate the power of the Dark Side of the Spanel brothers. ok, back to the cave I go now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted May 19, 2005 No-no, grander conspiricies than that... BIS does what distro they can with Xbox and Armed Assault, then stuffs that revenue into the Cenega holding corp and does any number of the following items...* Buy's Krk outright and turns the north half into a uber-Silicon Valley/MegaResort and the south half into the premier NATO/EU version of the NTC. Hires the bulk of the community to be OPFOR and content dev's, mod's serve drinks all day. Howitzers actually work 'in-game' * Buy's a random number of Romanian and Ukrainian CD/DVD pirate presses, turns them into distro warehouses, gets a fat bounty from the RIAA/MPAA/Microsoft in the process, and get's their infrastructure. * Partners with Google Games and crushes Steam for all time. There's your online infrastructure with Google trying to corner the market on dark fiber. * Buy's Eidos, Codemasters, and Vivendi, releases TombRaider X : Amsterdam Adventures then fires the staff except for the Commandos team and sends the CM crew out to herd goats in the Falklands. Vivendi's easy, they're french so they must be Iraqi collaborators. Blame them for something then fire 'em all. Keep all their channel partners and shippers and reseller info of course. * Bundles director cuts of Gunner's Palace with a desert warfare addon pack, charging more money for another nickel DVD. * Funds R&D as a founding partner of both UN Spacey and UAC. Am I nuts? Well ralphies on his munchies, but we've all should have learned by now that what ever you do, do not under estimate the power of the Dark Side of the Spanel brothers. ok, back to the cave I go now. shinRaiden comes here to save world gamer's day? oh BTW you forgot to tell us how to due with EA? how about buying Maxis aswell? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted May 19, 2005 Will Wright's a genius, but integrating multiple geniuses on a project who have radically diverse long-range visions is rather dangerous. Maxis would be a good farm though. EA's different, you don't play dice with the Spawn Lord of Satan. You have others do your dirty work for you. Copy M$'s approach with SCO and payoff a bunch of lawyers to class-action them for outsourcing, abusive labor practices, troll their financials and rat everything to the SEC, rattle the stockholders, start an guerilla insurgency (plenty of volunteers from here I assume) ad campaign and swamp them. Get the stockholders to panic, that squeezes EA, who then pressures the devs who make mistakes and miss deadlines. EA calls for crunch time, lawyers step in, rinse, lather, repeat. Bring in congress to pass some uninformed laws that cracks down on abusive work practices in the entertainment industry, then slap them with anti-outsourcing laws when they ship the devs out to Pakistan. A sure win politically. Then bribe the Europeons with preferential trade agreements for new startups from the 'under-privileged' Eastern Europe. This puts EA's stock in a tailspin, chaos reigns, sports leagues panic but still demand license revenue, gamers riot, and BIS is out in the parking lot with sacks of money to hire away dev's leaving the building. World Domination Stage Two... Complete. Next... The Sony and Apple Hydra... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kavoven 4 Posted May 19, 2005 BIS should take the money they'll earn with AA and OFP:XBOX and buy the name OFP back from CM @shinRaiden If that what i've written is not the case, then we just take our field experience *ehem* and invade the CM HQ, I think there are enough people here to do that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted May 19, 2005 BIS should take the money they'll earn with AA and OFP:XBOX and buy the name OFP back from CM @shinRaiden If that what i've written is not the case, then we just take our field experience *ehem* and invade the CM HQ, I think there are enough people here to do that! @shinRaiden now thats sounds like a plan, and the good thing is, we wont need to get our hands wet  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted May 19, 2005 Look on the good side. In ten years people will be paying hundred to get a game named Operation Flashpoint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted May 19, 2005 Now BIS is free to make "OFP2" like they want, and they can wait with the release until it`s realy ready for release. What the hell (sorry) will Codemasters do with the rights on the name Operation Flashpoint 2? When they release such title with BIS was not involved, then we all know what they want to sell. And I don`t think that we want that game. If Operation Flashpoint 2 is not developed by BIS, then the rights on the name are worth absolutely nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites