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Pistol Animation pack 1.1

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Release of the version 1.1 of the Sanctuary's Pistol Animation addon.



Download Mirrors (more maybe added with the time)

xela89 info mirror thanks to xela89

Stealth-Net mirror thanks to StealthTiger

OFP.info mirror thanks to SilentNDeadly


What's new since 1.0

25 animations that are new/redone/modified since 1.1

More details in the animation list text file in the download

This release is very more complete than the previous version that should be now considered as totally obsolete.

It can be installed like any addons (just have a look in the included readme.txt), and should be compatible without any problem for a very vast majority of addons (unless those mods are modifying in a main config.bin the handgun animations, in that case you will have to modifiy those config.bin to point to my animations files that you can of course take apart the sancpistol.pbo).

You are totally free to use/modify any of the animations from this addon

-without- having to ask me first. You can even modify/tweak etc.. the whole addon without having to asl me first.

It means you can convert them to anything you want, you can use only a part of them, you can mix them, you can rework them etc... without requesting my permission or something like that.

Have fun.

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Excellent!! Seems this may be the first time i am the first to reply to a post tounge_o.gif By the way great work

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nice work, but i prefer you version 1.0, the reloading in standing and crouching looked cooler in third person view, can i just merge the two files with what i likw or do i have to change sth in the config?

another thing, i lack the recoil a bit, thought about rock.gif

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Thank you for the hosting icon14.gif

Quote[/b] ]nice work, but i prefer you version 1.0[...]do i have to change sth in the config

Yes you will have to edit several part of the config if you want to keep interpolation with BIs animations, as it has been changed in 1.1 according to the new animations interpolating.

At this point if you prefer BIS animations, use the 1.0 instead of 1.1.

Quote[/b] ]another thing, i lack the recoil a bit, thought about

Recoil ? there is no recoil changes in the config.

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I also prefer the reload animation from the earlier pack. With this one the player looks like he's "pleasuring himself" when reaching for a clip.

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does this work with locke mod?

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i actually like (and prefer) the new reload anims, i just think the little jerking motion while the hand is at the character's waist should be removed to make the whole thing look more fluid.

i also became interested in looking up what the "proper" stances were for using pistols, and i came up with some pictures:


i created this first diagram (above) from version 1.0, and didn't spend too much time on it, so it doesn't look so great, although i think it is useful for seeing what was changed. its interesting to see that the shooter's arm is straight in the default anim but bent (incorrectly) in sanct's 1.0 anim (although that was fixed with 1.1).


this next comparison shows two possible ways of gripping a pistol (according to U.S. military standards). the r/l picture on the left features the "fist grip," while the r/l picture on the right features the "palm-supported grip." ofp anims use the palm-supported grip, while the field manual uses the fist grip in its standing position diagram and its palm-supported in its kneeling and prone position diagram.


the first things that jumped out at me with this comparison are the use of different grips (the military guy has his arms even with each other, while the ofp guy has his left arm lower), and the ofp guy's hunched stance (leaning forward with one leg in front of the other).


notice that the ofp guy's right arm is bent just like the old default anim. also he is not resting his elbow on his knee, and his right leg isn't oriented like the military guy's. both soldiers, though, are using the palm-supported grip, resulting in their left arm being bent.


the diagram in this comparison is for shooting from a supported position, but i used it because it looked so similar to the current ofp anim. differences include the military guy's holding of his right wrist with his left hand (rather than holding the pistol), a right leg that is further under his body, and a more hunched-over back.


this comparison shows the military guy with his boots flat on the ground, while the ofp guy has his heels high. the ofp guy's shoulders are also higher than those of the military guy, and his arms are much straighter.

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these are just ideas for things you might want to explore, i don't really know how easy or difficult these positions would be to implement. i do, however, think the bent-right-arms should be made straight.

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Pablo, what's the date on the manual you've presented?

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Pablo, what's the date on the manual you've presented?


was gonna say the same thing since the standing straight one i havent seen before

i think its better to look at swat tactics or sf cqb tactics but i think those tactics wont show that on any field manuals that are released

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Another great animation from Sanctuary! Thanks man!!

does this work with locke mod?

What's locke mod??

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yep its awesome.. love the new reload anim ;)

@Klavan: its a leaning and rolling mod wink_o.gif

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@.pablo. I believe that the pictures arent up to date, it looks like the older pistolstance.

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@Klavan: its a leaning and rolling mod wink_o.gif

Sorry DT, but I can't understand what you mean.

I've searched through the forum but i didn't find nothing. It's a total conversion? An effects mod?

I known i'm offtopic, my apologies for this.


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@Klavan: its a leaning and rolling mod wink_o.gif

Sorry DT, but I can't understand what you mean.

I've searched through the forum but i didn't find nothing. It's a total conversion? An effects mod?

I known i'm offtopic, my apologies for this.


its like on other games.. leaning to the sides etc. as 90% of the games got today.. and rolling.. like lying on the floor then u can roll around..

i shall find some pics for you

EDIT: here are 2 pics smile_o.gif

Pic 1

Pic 2

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Im having trouble getting them to work again properly with a modified .bin file I made that merged FlashFX v1.8 with the Locke Animation Enhancement Mod. This is strange, it worked before with the old Locke config.bin, but now, when I take out my sidearm, I get the "stuck in place and can't go back to primary weapon anims" bug...

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It should have been asked in Locke mod thread , but have you converted the config.cpp from Locke mod you have modified into a config.bin by using cpp2bin ?

If you let this in CPP format, this bug should happen, just convert it back to BIN format to get rid of it.

If this happens despite you have already converted your file back to BIN , no idea but you have certainly made an error in your config merging.

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I converted it to .BIN and its in the correct folder, however I also left the .cpp version in the same folder, could it be the .cpp is overriding the .bin? If so, Ill move the .cpp file.

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High speed data transfer mirrors from Stealth-Net:

Pistol AnimPack v1.1

Thanks again Sanctuary!




StealthTiger I would just like to thank you on behalf of the community. You have continually been on the ball with providing mirrors for recently released addons. Even more, they have been extremely fast mirrors.

Good job man!

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