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CiA co-op night

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Personally I think Jinef just had a testosterone spike in his diet, but that's just me... nener.gif

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Personally i think Jinefs critiscm,wheter it might be right or wrong was simply not adressed and avoided by playing the Zeus Card.And luckily many Zeus fellows jumped in here to defend Jinef.Thus it does look indeed like a PR stunt when it all started when one guy who to my memories played quite a lot on CiA said his opinion about new server rules.So.. big fuckup.. jeez.. this is way too complicated for me biggrin_o.gif .*looz goes back to just playing OFP

EDIT: Think about this,what would have happened if Jinef was just some random guy not associated with any community wink_o.gif

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uh, oh, don't start a war on my (or any other Zeus member's ) name ...

I have no resentment whatsoever towards CiA. I have never played on their servers, and if it looks like they don't really play the way i like it, still, i do not support any agressive way to make "our" point across and force "our" gameplay style on others' servers.

I mean, it's diversity that allow different players to find something to their own preference.

We still should not have taboos and should be able to discuss gameplay styles though, but in a polite way. PEACE !

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This is getting quite sad.

I really wanted to pop onto CIA server and play a co-op to sample another side of co-operative play. For me it is all about the ofp experience. I wonder how welcome I will be now?

I guess I could expect this sort of behaviour if it was an ECL clan that spawn camped the entire match or some other such nonsense, but for the life of me I cannot see why it degenerated to this level of vitriol.

We all play co-ops we all love the game and we all belong to the same species.(most of us anyway wink_o.gif )

Lets build some bridges instead of going on about stuff that is imaterial, immature and will not even matter in 100 years time help.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I really wanted to pop onto CIA server and play a co-op to sample another side of co-operative play. For me it is all about the ofp experience. I wonder how welcome I will be now?

Welcome anytime. We don´t think in clan-schemes or server-name-schemes like others here do.

Scrap all that "cold atmosphere" crap and make yourself a picture of our coop nights.

Wouldn´t hurt for some other members of the Jinef-Rescue-team aswell.

I wonder why Jinef played regularely on our server if it all was that cold and lousy. Makes me wonder.


The CiA server is open to everyone who is interested in playing coops.

For sure you have to live with a set of rules, very basic ones, but that shouldn´t be something new to gamers with MP experience.

Enough said.

Join us tomorrow night ! smile_o.gif

Now pls keep this thread free of clanism and let it serve it´s purpose.

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Did I clean install of FDF, installed all required addons, and now I'm jsut waiting for the password to the server (any CiA members reading this, can you please PM me the password?).

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Did I clean install of FDF, installed all required addons, and now I'm jsut waiting for the password to the server (any CiA members reading this, can you please PM me the password?).

... you should contact them wink_o.gif

Llauma or Balschoiw or hardrock or Post or pistols.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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OK, I'm dead serious now - OT server vs. server discussion ends now. Next people to ignore me can expect a PR

If you want to talk about setting up a server vs. server match or something, fine, but the whole "our server is better than your server" rubbish must stop.

You are warned.

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Quote[/b] ]If you want to talk about setting up a server vs. server match or something, fine

kick ass! yay.gif

i really want to see a large scale pvp coop (10-20 guys per side). jinef's "bridge assault" mission is perfect for this, as it was made for FDF (which both servers use), has enough spots for large numbers of people (~3-4 squads per side i think), and is just a ton of fun!

i don't even care what the teams are, CiA vs. Zeus or we could mix it up, whatever, just as long as we have 2 large groups of people working together in realistic combat!

does anyone object to this? would it be too laggy? any ideas?

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.pablo, I played yesterday this mission on ZEUS and you have 100% right. It's kick ass. ZEUSes said they have to make more such mission. I hope they do. And if there will be some pvp CiA vs ZEUS I hope it will be open for not-members of this groups like me. Because it is really great feeling to take a part in so huge battle.

By the way. What is a limit of players for this mission on ZEUS/CiA? I mean if there would be no AI, only players? Is this possible to fill out all slots without incredibly lag? If yes, maybe we could arrange not CiAvsZEUS game, but take more coop groups. Each would take one or two squads.

Oh man, it would be awsome.

P.S. By the way, I asked Llauma about password and I plan to pop on CiA coop night. So see you soon mates.

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70-80% of the players on our server are non-CiA. Most of them are regular visitors but many aren't. It's the opposite on the servers like zeus. They could just as well bring in some unknown players from the lobby and assign a leader to them and get the same result.

Also bringing two groups together isn't easy especially if the two groups doesn't have the same style of play.

I can say for sure that we at CiA wont have any matches vs. or with other servers so it's pointless to include us in your plans. People who joins our server will do so as individuals and not as groups.

We'll keep on doing our things and if you're interested then drop a msg to us requesting the password. Check the first post of this thread to get all the info.

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Ok. I understand. My second group, CFOG, had the same point of view. Clans for fighting vs humans, CFOG for coops only. But I think it is changing slowly (now CFOG will use Game Master or enemy commander, maybe in future small OPFOR group).

My point of view is like this. Coop groups, if organized, usually play different then TDM clans. I would like to not fight against clan, because probably it would be similar to common match and I do not like it (specially in OFP). But I do like like-military organized and behaving units fighting against the human enemy. No CTF or TDM, but strict task to achive.

I wrote it to clear my intentions. I am sorry I write it here, in CiA topic. I will not do it again. But if there will be some possibility to organize it, I hope we can PM some CiA members ( i mean more experienced CiA visitors too), because I still hope some of you give it a try. Because it is really -something-different- and shows that OFP is really incredibly game/simulator.


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Quote[/b] ]if there will be some pvp CiA vs ZEUS I hope it will be open for not-members of this groups like me.

you're getting the wrong idea; it wouldn't be a strict rule, but more of a general idea of how to split up the players. this even happens in pub games with no one calling the shots; people just naturally split up and join the same team as their friends.

Quote[/b] ]70-80% of the players on our server are non-CiA. Most of them are regular visitors but many aren't. It's the opposite on the servers like zeus.

i see what you're saying about not having many new players, but in my experience games on the zeus server involve a very similar situation: there is a group of players that have played with each other before, and a couple new guys that are just trying it out. CiA and Zeus are more alike than different in my opinion.

Quote[/b] ]They could just as well bring in some unknown players from the lobby and assign a leader to them and get the same result.

im not sure what this means...

Quote[/b] ]Also bringing two groups together isn't easy especially if the two groups doesn't have the same style of play.

yeah, i've thought about that...setting up the day and time would have to be discussed some in order to establish when everyone would be free...and once in-game, it might get chaotic with so many people. in terms of the "style of play" issue, it would definitely be a change for CiA regs to be playing against humans, as things do become faster paced and generally crazier when playing against other humans that are constantly moving around, but what's wrong with trying new things? that point does make me realize, though, that it would be unfair to ask the CiA guys to try out zeus' style without asking the zeus guys to try out CiA's style. so we could do 2 rounds of bridge assault (1 round defending, 1 round attacking), then 2 CiA missions, or figure out some other way to mix it up (maybe turn it into a regular thing... smile_o.gif).

Quote[/b] ]I can say for sure that we at CiA wont have any matches vs. or with other servers so it's pointless to include us in your plans. People who joins our server will do so as individuals and not as groups.

the whole thing would be in good fun; it isn't about "we must win to uphold the honor of our server!", its about "wow that was a lot of fun, we should do that more often!"

Quote[/b] ]I would like to not fight against clan, because probably it would be similar to common match and I do not like it (specially in OFP). But I do like like-military organized and behaving units fighting against the human enemy. No CTF or TDM, but strict task to achive.

that is a really good point that i never realized; nobody should confuse a pvp coop with a CTF or TDM. they are really completely different animals, and there just isn't any way to show how better than by having a person play a pvp coop. the main difference, i would have to say, is:

- the elimination of respawn (other than perhaps group respawn)

- the addition of special weapons (armor, ifv's, helicopters, artillery)

- the division of tasks (AT squad, IFV squad, HQ squad, etc.)

- the addition of realistic objectives (destroy a bridge, capture a town, etc.)

those are 4 things that you will not find in a normal TDM or CTF (but interestingly enough will find in the types of coops that CiA play...) that completely change the way the game is played.

i actually still have recordings i took off of teamspeak of long post-match discussions the zeus guys had after we played 2 matches of bridge assault, which jinef still remembers as one of the best 2 games he has ever played in ofp, just due to the amount of tactics that were employed. great stuff.

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If a large scale PVP Stle COOP was to be arranged, then i strongly suggest it should be an A&D type mission

Definition of a PVP coop

(Player and AI) versus (Player and AI) combination

Thats what OFP was made for, not CTF's etc !!!!

Definition of a A&D

! team has to destroy or capture and objective, the other team has to defend against that attack

You get limited to nil respawns depending wether group respawn is used

Group respawn allows players to play for longer without increasing unit capacity on the map and is the preffered fun option

Standard mission system.

1) Good detailed briefing - pre mission

2) Stealth move to objective by offence team where possible following "OC's" orders

3) Destruction or defence of objective before time limit expires

4) Good old bloated ego discussion in TS after merging both teams into same channel and then sweapping sides and doing a rematch

Those of you that have only experienced CTF's and TDM's etc need to experience this and then you will be pleading with your League mission makers to make some of these missions

Having a PVP clan background and playing COOP a lot I personally think it is the closest type of gameplay that suites both styles of gamer, albeit the PVP guy may not like sitting in spectate mode for the rest of the mission just because he got killed in the first 15 minutes

But for creation of the ultimate ingame atmosphere i dont think you could beat it.

I would strongly suggest amending kegs spectate script though to a first person view only system for such a mission, otherwise it would give too much away having a guy flying around as a seagul spying on the enemy or having a top down view.

But yeah get it on!!!! open house all welcome

and iof the mission was one known very well by a certain community, then it should defintely be mixed community v mixed community match, so as not to give any side an advantage

The winner, well ofcourse anyone who enjoyed it !!!!

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I guess we have made our point pretty clear. There will be no CiA - Zeus game in the nearest future.

It´s pointless to debate it.

We will carry on with the CiA coop nights as usual.

cu ingame tonight


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Good to play with you smile_o.gif

Mission with an old truck was a bit weird, but was fun to be part of cibit's squad. Shame, that we had so much problems with choosing 2IC after cibit's death. And even greater shame after few moments we had the same problem smile_o.gif

It was so silent there on TS, that I am feeling really strange even now, when I finish playing :P

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Finally again a nice Coop Night! Somehow I tend to get killed by team mates though ... ( wink_o.gif )

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Thanks all for the nice missions tonight, and great to see the previous pointless discussion seems to have lured a few players to come and take a look at the CiA server. Cya again next time guys! smile_o.gif

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*Jinef is skipping along a path lined with daisies*

*Sees thread*

*Reads back*

Fuck.... I really should refrain from posting when drunk.

Anyway one positive result is shitloads of press coverage. Yeeey! Gotta love PR stunts.

For discussion of Zeus PvP coop in cooperation with any other interested party:


I made a lovely new thread *Very Rare For Me*.

"Section: Disengage CiA Server! Cease Fire!"

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Quote[/b] ]Gotta love PR stunts.

We don´t.

Especially when you make that stunts on our credits Jinef.

Better think twice next time before you go on a trip like that.

We don´t need such.

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Here's the slideshow (2.3MB PDF, 24 pics)

Mirror 1 / Mirror 2


I was really impressed with the standard of gameplay considering the unusually high number of players. Also good to see some of the Zeus guys there. smile_o.gif

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... Shame, that we had so much problems with choosing 2IC after cibit's death. And even greater shame after few moments we had the same problem smile_o.gif


There was apparently a problem with the game/missions as in two missions we had to 'elect' a new squad leader because he was not automatically passed on to the next player by the game. Or it at least did not give 'the choosen one' the controls as apparently I am leader in FUBARs sreenshots but never had the control panel...

And once I was choosen I did as I always tend to do - lead the squad into the deepest trouble with a heavily enemy infested wood goodnight.gif

Anyway, some nice games there even though I only managed to kill about one enemy per mission before I died (once by friendly fire) . Okay, once I killed four but three of them as crew of a BMP  icon_rolleyes.gif

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Here are the before and after shots of Kenji's suicide crash:

Before:Last three of the squad managed to reach the island, but before taking out the AA we were crudely slaughtered by it.


After:Where we failed, Kenji saved our honour by suicide crashing into the Shilka.


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