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What to possibly expect in FP2

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I read Gordos post about VBS 1 hands on in some forum and thought id post it up

If FP doesnt have this id be disapointed.

id prob buy VBS all right.

As per Gordo post


The lead man is Seventh CEO of the company in Australia (BIA). Bohemia Interactive (BIS) are responsible for Operation Flashpoint a First person Shooter that takes place in 1985 in a fictional European Island- it’s basically a cold war scenario of East Versus West. American Armed forces trying to throw out a Russian Occupation Force.

Played worldwide it has a huge audience. Operation flashpoint came to the notice of the USMC who ordered a version for there needs and thus Bohemia Interactive Australia made VBS- Virtual Battlefield System. The USMC uses it for training unit’s etc- especially when underway on the MEU Ships such as the WASP Class ships.

The VBS system is a 3D system that models ground, air and sea units. It models a command and control interface to allow the squad leader (section commander etc) to command their troops. The environment is real time and location based allowing the location and real time, sky, star’s to be accurate for the location and time. Wind, ran, snow and tides are all modelled.

VBS came to the attention of DSTO who ordered the USMC version for in house about 12-18 months ago. ADFA also ordered a version but models of characters, weapons and vehicles specific to the Australian Armed Forces.

VBS Ver 1

VBS allows the user once licensed to integrate their own maps, weapons and vehicle models into the system to configure it to their user preferences. For example Satellite 3D Maps can be easily turned into maps for the VBS System allowing the user to recreate accurate battlefield scenarios in the real world terrain that is in the map.

For the Australian Defence Force this will allow the ADF to create maps of operational or training areas as a familiarisation tool for infantry units.


In addition this version of VBS also has an After action review Mode (AAR) to allow 2D and in 3D recreations of battles that are fought in VBS. This AAR mode allows a senior person or indeed the diggers themselves to look back at the actions taken by the unit as a whole or even down to the view of each individual soldier. The AAR is much like the ACMI range used by Air Superioty fighters allowing the users to see who shot first, how many rounds were fired and who hit what they were aiming at, in addition to accurately portraying all OPFOR and Friendly units locations and actions.


The whole program allows easy introduction of new models and features. 3D AAR review is in the pipeline as is a commanders program to allow Platoon or Company (or above) commanders to view and direct their forces. The Commanders version may or may not use human players, the AI can handle the task if human players are not available.

Also present is the ability to integrate new types of interface such as using a LTD to train FAC or FO’s or new vehicle models to train armoured crews in vehicle operations.

Artificial Intelligence:-

The AI of the OPFOR and friendly AI is a crucial component in this program is it were “dumb†then the program while good looking and easy to use would not offer any real training value. The VBS ADF and VBS original version I witnessed running had the most proficient AI I’ve seen in any PC simulation. One engagement witnessed from the 2D AAR God Mode saw one platoon sized enemy element split into two separate elements, one element laid suppressing fire while the other tried to flank the friendly position.

In addition the missions can be created so that the enemy will behave or reinforce their positions to maximise training value. I.e. if assaulting village if enemy gets to certain lowered strength then reinforcements will arrive to support them.

Also making a presence is Non Player Characters such as animals- sheep, rabbits, Kangaroos etc all faithfully recreated and they act in relation to the player- gunfire will scatter the sheep flocks this giving the friendly or enemy your location or vice versa.

The AI is realistic in that if you are quiet and behind vegetation they will not see you or “Sense†you, some Civilian FP shooters are notorious for AI that sees you through multiple bushes and knows where you are even if you can’t see them.

Scenario’s Witnessed.:-

After viewing pictures and video and talking at length about the VBS ADF and it’s implications I had the opportunity to see some advanced Beta scenarios using the latest 3D Character, Vehicle and Weapon models. The Scenario started off on a hilltop mountain. (The map taken from the Designers property in Wagga Wagga) Visibility was set at a staggering 1200m (the sim will allow distances up to 5km viewing-which is awesome considering Ghost recon has a distance of about 200M Maximum at times. The Maps are huge some 50km by 50km areas can be modelled. ) The player was armed with an AI AW-50F .50 cal AMR Sniper Rifle. Enemy consisted of a OPFOR Squad roughly over 1000m away, the developer than proceeded to engage the enemy at extreme long range. I was very impressed with the ballistics- the bullet drop was noticeable and the time delay from firing to impact was right on the money. The weapon Model was also accurate and goes with what I’ve seen in open literature on the AW-50 Sniping System.

The second scenario had the same player put into a flat gully with the same enemy force aligned against him. To show off the system a Aussie S-70 Blackhawk was introduced and proceeded to fly over the battlefield. It took fire on the first pass but on the 2nd pass laid down mini gum fire to suppress the enemy.

To further showcase the work they have done two ASLAV-25’s were introduced to further cause the enemy OPFOR hassles- these were fired upon by enemy RPG Troops and one ASLAV was hit- as this was happening I witnessed an enemy OPFOR backing away from the other ASLAV and preparing to fire his RPG before the developer engaged him with the AW-50.

In a further the twist the scenario was restarted and section of US Marines was introduced to showcase the friendly AI’s assault AI. Very impressive Stuff.

Further more I saw in game models of drivable Land Rovers, UniMogs and also the LPRV used by the SASR in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The full range of Aussie Battlefield weapons are being modelled- M4A5, Minimi, Steyr, Javelin. So too are all the vehicle’s from Blackhawk, ASLAV, the M1A2 being ordered recently to the LPRV.

Cheers Gordon

Note Review was Beta stage....."

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Wow, didn't know VBS had all that stuff! I hope all these features (especially weapon ballistics and AI) make it to OFP2 and are not "dumbed down" for the civilian version. I want to see it be as realistic as possible.

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It looks like VBS1 has the ability for dynamic destructable buildings, firing while inside vehicles, and multiple gun points in vehicles. OFP2 should have these features then with the new engine im guessing.      


Movies part 1

Movies part 2

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It looks like VBS1 has the ability for dynamic destructable buildings,

Remember Klink's DIB?

Quote[/b] ]firing while inside vehicles

Looks _very_ setposed


VBS isn't that different to OFP, the main changes have been done to the AI.

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I wouldnt doubt everything you see in VBS1 will have an appearance in ofp2

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OMFG!!! if ofp2 is anything remotely like that but cheaper (dynamic buildings!!!) I will be so goddamn happy. Okay, I need some new underwear after those videos.

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... back on topic wink_o.gif

`expect nothing, hope for anything` tounge_o.gif

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wow_o.gif Very nice video's there! Keep em coming!

It looks like VBS1 has the ability for dynamic destructable buildings,

Remember Klink's DIB?

I think his system was just from setpos'ing a whole lot of smaller objects (shards of glass) into place in one bigger house, I hardly think that compares at all to the system in the video's, which looks very smooth and the damage very beleivable.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]firing while inside vehicles

Looks _very_ setposed

You can tell from the chat in one of the 'firing from vehicles' clips that the video was filmed during an online MP game, so a slight delay between the one driving the vehicle and the AI gunning in the back might be expected. Hopefully it'll be less noticeable in OFP2 smile_o.gif

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If ofp2 = vbs1 + + I`ll be the happiest man in the world.

?OFP2>VBS1: player action "HAPPY"

I think that is more appropriate tounge_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">wallet = 100

?(OFP2>VBS1):Wallet = wallet -50


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Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]firing while inside vehicles

Looks _very_ setposed

You can tell from the chat in one of the 'firing from vehicles' clips that the video was filmed during an online MP game, so a slight delay between the one driving the vehicle and the AI gunning in the back might be expected. Hopefully it'll be less noticeable in OFP2  smile_o.gif

It is not even due to MP lag, it's not SetPos at all, it's real it's just video taken literally the same day it was programmed so it was early days. It is smooth now.

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wait if they can do all those things to VBS1 so quickly, why cant they do that for Ofp .. since its the same engine

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wait if they can do all those things to VBS1 so quickly, why cant they do that for Ofp .. since its the same engine

money money money its so funny.......

there things are problery already in the new OFP in some way or another. If you asking why you can't have it in a patch or so, its problery because BIS would realy like to make OFP2 worth buying giving things away free dosen't give you bread on the table. and even if they released it as a pack you should buy in the stores most computer players dosen't know and don't play the game so the effort to give us there new funtions would not pay off.

Oh and DIB is not gonna be released for OFP unfortunetly C. klink transfered it too VBS.


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Videos don't work on my computer  sad_o.gif  Does the link still work?

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Videos don't work on my computer sad_o.gif Does the link still work?

surely need codecs.. download xvid and ffdshow

works just fine smile_o.gif

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