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Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

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Footmunch remodel F-16 unreleast , BFS_stuff , DXDLL , Llaumax , Freya island

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Another OFP: Stalker tounge2.gif screens


The same addons as before. T72 pak

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Now some town views:)



SM BRDM1, RHS GRU Specnaz, Newland, I44Grass, BRG Nature pack, Chernobyl Object Pack

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(Warning: linked pictures can be a pain for 56k users)

(307, 317 and 296 kb's)

Pic #1

Pic #2

Pic #3

A: Inv 44 Phase 1 and future stuff (mostly by John & Marfy)

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The second pic does Not look like OFP, awesome work.


Insertion via US CH-47.

Addons: CAT afghanistan, FLK lynx, UKF DPM 1.1, dxdll, hisky.

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Quote[/b] ]That's not Hawk's addon, he stole it and messed with the scripts, he didn't ask permission and didn't credit, he deserves no credit for that and as in the picture you can only see models and textures, that is all of DKMs work.

I am tired of having to defend these addons against theives. I can understand how people posting think these belong to whichever addon "maker" (read: theif), but it's just a joke now

Sorry, didn´t know that and never heared about ...

Well, so these are the MI 28s from the DKM Mod:

(Hope I got it right now)



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Larry Papez is about to disappear after being asked a few questions about the resistance on Nogojev.


Drill Sergeant's Hostages, ICP Men, Personal Anim

Sorry if I made a mistake quoting the addons. It was off the top of my head.

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An RAF Tornado fires on unknown hostile surface vessels off the coast of Saint David island.

From my Blood Brothers Campaign.


Tornado - G8Mod

Saint David - BDM

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