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OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

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Hmm I installed the entire Locke_AnimMOD to the OFP dir, added cmd line and launched ofp. Then I tried on of the button-combo's as stated in the readme but nothing happens.. same old OFP animations.

It is installed like this OFP\Locke_AnimMOD\addons


                                                        \bin + crouchedwalk

BergHoff, try this: put Locke_Anims.pbo in the MAIN OFP add-ons directory. The BIN folder you keep in the Mod folder.

Strange I've tried nearly about everything and I just doesn't work  rock.gif

yeah, this is most strange, i used lean anim from Sanctuary's thread with no problem, but somehow, i cant get this mod to work, only the crouched walk works, the lean and roll dont sad_o.gif

i dont understand why, maybe 'cos of keyboard configuration? Ill try to get the original anim.pbo (which was overwritten by sanctuary's v1.5 by mistake) and try this again.

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We must all respect FDF Mod's decision if you can edit it by yourself use it than only for personal use and dont make it public.

but what if you are not able to do it yourself, then you are the dumb? but you might have to tell the ppl that if they want to play online they'll have to change back to the original config again

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does anyone remember back when modding ment doing something to make your game better and after fooling around with it for awhile you go "hey fellow flashpoint players i made this to play with but since im a nice person ill share it with you to play with too smile_o.gif " now it seems like most mods are nothing more then a group of people that share one additude: "0mG!!one111 we made this super uber l33t mod and you BETTER DOWNLOAD IT!!!!!!11!ONE ONE ONE or else your not cool and cool people use our shit hell yea!" and then after release throw on top of it "oh and if you look at our mod the wrong way we will sue you for harassment and assult with a deadly modding tool and then slader your good name thruout every forum we can join up with and then sit back and laugh at you becuz our uber l33t users will then hate you and continue to love their gods, us."

and ill be 100% honest i am sick and fucking tired of this additude, now to avoid a fight i wont name the several mods who adapt this additude but you know who you are to my knowlege theres currently 4 differnt mods that adapt this additude and its sickening.

god damn people locke just spent the past several (months? weeks?) working on this, he didnt make a cool addon, he didnt make a super sweet animation, the man (i assume your male?) took time out of his life and did something for OFP that has NEVER been done before, something that was so despretly needed its not even funny. and look at you, tell me honestly that you can boot up and effecticly play a game of OFP without these now. now that you have them tell me that you could delete them and be "Fine" with ofp "the way it is". you cant. not with an innovation like this. and Y2K3, FFUR, and CSLA now use these animations to make our mods better and our users are greatful that we take up the "hey we made this and what the hell u can have it too" additude and help not only make our gaming better but gaming better for people that enjoy our stuff.

and now what? a 3 page battle of "fuck fdf you pricks" and "omg fdf rulez! and they are so right!" what the hell is wrong with you people?! this isnt about who will and wont use these animations, its about locke and the people that enjoy his modhack. if you dont want to use these, well then you have my pity. but for those of us that do enjoy it lets contructivly critque his modhack, lets make suggestions, lets praise his efforts. lets NOT sit here and argue over who is right and who is wrong. how about who gives a shit? cuz i certanly dont.

FDF doesnt want to use it. thats fine. FDF users im sorry that you cant enjoy these animations and good luck with all your multiplayer fun. for everyone else just sit tight, this is the biggest innovation for OFP and soon every (non FDF, as not to offend) server will be running this by default. and you are gonna go on there and you are gonna play missions with these animations and your gonna have fun.

so lets drop this whole thing and go back to enjoying the animations, those of us that can. cuz the next time i click on this thread i want to see comments related to locke and his animation mod only. cuz some of us do not feel like watching people fight over this pety battle of the egos. this isnt locke's fault he is an equal oppertunity modder and trying to give every OFPer the ability to play with these animations but FDF said "no you will not touch our mod or feel the consiquences of our lawyers" and so thats that. locke removed the config, fdf'ers arent permited to enjoy these animations, fight over. locke cant help fdf and fdf cant help themselves so just drop it. its over. theres nothing more to be done here. agreeing or disagreeing will not make FDF jump up and say "you are right! we will use these!" its just not gonna happen. so let it go.

and yes i am a hipocrit cuz i was the first to reply, but, and this happens alot, i sometimes like to make futile efforts to help people use a little common sense and have a little bit more considerate additude toward people, especialy the people that took time and bandwith to download thier addon or mod and say "hey look they have a right to be happy". and i think that i might actualy reach out and touch someone with this freindly advice but it always ends in tragedy with something like this. a multipage battle of "dont you tell us what to do we are gawd and we will destroy you"

Alright, Now You Sons a Bitchs You Know How I Feel


PS: note the closing statment, a quote from patton, is not directed toward any one person, its just the "closing" ive decided to to adopt as my closing statment for things like this where i feel my opinions and veiws needed voiced

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does anyone remember back when modding ment doing something to make your game better and after fooling around with it for awhile you go "hey fellow flashpoint players i made this to play with but since im a nice person ill share it with you to play with too smile_o.gif " now it seems like most mods are nothing more then a group of people that share one additude: "0mG!!one111 we made this super uber l33t mod and you BETTER DOWNLOAD IT!!!!!!11!ONE ONE ONE or else your not cool and cool people use our shit hell yea!" and then after release throw on top of it "oh and if you look at our mod the wrong way we will sue you for harassment and assult with a deadly modding tool and then slader your good name thruout every forum we can join up with and then sit back and laugh at you becuz our uber l33t users will then hate you and continue to love their gods, us."

and ill be 100% honest i am sick and fucking tired of this additude, now to avoid a fight i wont name the several mods who adapt this additude but you know who you are to my knowlege theres currently 4 differnt mods that adapt this additude and its sickening.

I couldn't have said it any better myself !

And now please back on topic.

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Hmm I installed the entire Locke_AnimMOD to the OFP dir, added cmd line and launched ofp. Then I tried on of the button-combo's as stated in the readme but nothing happens.. same old OFP animations.

It is installed like this OFP\Locke_AnimMOD\addons


\bin + crouchedwalk

BergHoff, try this: put Locke_Anims.pbo in the MAIN OFP add-ons directory. The BIN folder you keep in the Mod folder.

Strange I've tried nearly about everything and I just doesn't work rock.gif

yeah, this is most strange, i used lean anim from Sanctuary's thread with no problem, but somehow, i cant get this mod to work, only the crouched walk works, the lean and roll dont sad_o.gif

i dont understand why, maybe 'cos of keyboard configuration? Ill try to get the original anim.pbo (which was overwritten by sanctuary's v1.5 by mistake) and try this again.

You need to use the "turbo" button. Took some time for me to find that out, it actually wasn't the "spring" key in my case, it was the "turbo" key.

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well, what new on the handgun anims?

want to ask another question, if you did and doing outstanding work, that i didn't believe that it's possible(lean anims), it's possible to make standing and lying anims for rocket lauchers?

P.S. I agree with you both 100%!

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this isnt locke's fault he is an equal oppertunity modder and trying to give every OFPer the ability to play with these animations but FDF said "no you will not touch our mod or feel the consiquences of our lawyers" and so thats that.

Who said that and where? If you do not like what we do with FDFmod then dont use it, I have no problem with that, but dont spread lies like this.

Locke released the modification of FDFmod config without permission, which is very disrespectful in my opinion. And not only that, but the modified config will crash multiplayer servers, which is harmful for everyone who is running FDFmod servers or playing on them. And you think we did something wrong here?

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You need to use the "turbo" button. Took some time for me to find that out, it actually wasn't the "spring" key in my case, it was the "turbo" key.


I think there shouldn't be much problems to find the right keys as OFP only has 3 Movement variations in the standing and crouched position: Walking, Running and Sprinting. wink_o.gif

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well, what new on the handgun anims?

want to ask another question, if you did and doing outstanding work, that i didn't believe that it's possible(lean anims), it's possible to make standing and lying anims for rocket lauchers?

P.S. I agree with you both 100%!

in theroy, it should be possible but i really dont know. we will just have to wait and see smile_o.gif

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You need to use the "turbo" button. Took some time for me to find that out, it actually wasn't the "spring" key in my case, it was the "turbo" key.

tounge_o.gif ok that worked.

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well, what new on the handgun anims?

want to ask another question, if you did and doing outstanding work, that i didn't believe that it's possible(lean anims), it's possible to make standing and lying anims for rocket lauchers?

P.S. I agree with you both 100%!

in theroy, it should be possible but i really dont know. we will just have to wait and see smile_o.gif

as i have almost beaten the shit out of the opgwc mod i can say it is possible

they had the standing rpg animations included, but the bad thing was, that it replaced the kneeing rpg anim.

so i'd prefer to have it like the other weapons, that you can switch between prone, kneeing and standing (not that i demand it locke, just a suggest from my point of view, lean animation in that case would be unrealistic of course)

btw, are you doing that leaning thing with the handguns now too?

very nice improvement locke smile_o.gif

*weiter so* smile_o.gif

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so i'd prefer to have it like the other weapons, that you can switch between prone, kneeing and standing (not that i demand it locke, just a suggest from my point of view, lean animation in that case would be unrealistic of course)

What you are suggesting is already in the planned features list and it's possible to make it, it will also definatly be included in the final version.

Only one small difference will be that you are able to make a crouched lean with AT weapons, but aiming will be alot harder than in normal firingpositions.

btw, are you doing that leaning thing with the handguns now too?

Not the first time this has been asked, so to prevent that the same suggestions are repeated endlessly,  because nobody wants to read two or three pages back, i'am gonna prepare a not so small planned feature's list for a final version.  tounge_o.gif

You can also find two pictures of a early handgun-leaning animation on page 8 of this thread.  smile_o.gif

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then again how will you make the reloading animation for the rpg, will the player be forced to go into the kneeing animation again to reload, or will you make anims for prone and standing reloading too?

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thats a good question, i think he should be forced to a kneeling animation. reloading an AT weapon (when possible) is a considerably long process, one that u might want to rest while you do smile_o.gif

and about the relearning how to aim when leaning. dont worry if we are leaning around a corner the target isnt that far away wink_o.gif

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Very nice Locke!

It works very fine with my config and the patrol anims.

One thing is...irritating

When rolling while prone the weapon is swung in a large circle over the rolling trooper. This is bad since it gives away the position and I think every soldier (at least we were) is trained to keep the weapon close to his body, pointing forward while performing a combat roll.

So if it's possible I would be very pleased to see this in a new update.

And by the way AI is using at least the crouched walk (I use a modfied version of the VME_events).

However a very good addon.

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One thing is...irritating

When rolling while prone the weapon is swung in a large circle over the rolling trooper. This is bad since it gives away the position and I think every soldier (at least we were) is trained to keep the weapon close to his body, pointing forward while performing a combat roll.

So if it's possible I would be very pleased to see this in a new update.

Never trained a combat roll at the Geman Army myself ( as i was in the Air Force) but actually if i would make a combat roll it would look more like this, just because the combat roll is more an emergency-move for getting quickly into some cover. While rolling whith the weapon pointed forward you would need more concentration and the hole move wouldn't be so fast. Another point would be that you don't want to get your weapon stuck with the muzzle in dirt or some other obstacle.

As for visibility by AI, its possible to set a visibility value for every single animation, means if you stand or run you will be easily spotted, if you sneek around its much harder to see you. Basicly BIS srewed this one up by simply forgettting !? to define the visible size for certain animations thus incorparating the value of the anim they are based on. For example with the original CfgMoves from V1.91 you will be equaly visible while standing still or lying on the ground with a binocular ! There are still a few other errors of this kind in the original CfgMoves that i'am going to fix.

But atm i don't think i change the Roll-anim. Other opinions to this ?

And by the way AI is using at least the crouched walk (I use a modfied version of the VME_events).

Real problem is to get the Ai to use the Leaning, and i dont think this is possible, atleast not by moding the CfgMoves.  


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Well I was trained to do combat rolls as part of immediate action drills I received during my service time with the Fallschirmjäger.

After firing the first round a "Deutschuss" you go prone and change your position immediately before you start engaging the opposition again. The idea is to prevent being cought by return fire so ideally this movent should be unrecognized by the opposition.

Additionally rolling is a way to quickly cross the top of a hill when no cover is aviable. Then again a low profile would be preferable.

I never ever had dirt in my muzzlebrake!

On the other hand it is very likely that your weapon will get stuck swinning it this way especially when rolling into cover (eg bushes).

I trained with US, frensh, italian and british Paratroopers, at least US AB was rolling in a similar way (to be honest we were rolling rarely).

As I said I would be pleased to have it this way since I modified OFP to be as realsitic as possible and enyojed your addon.

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then again how will you make the reloading animation for the rpg, will the player be forced to go into the kneeing animation again to reload, or will you make anims for prone and standing reloading too?

besides that question, as you have not updated the first post with you future plans yet,

1. then again if you are in the standing position with the rpg and you are going to switch weapons to the rifle, please make try to avoid that the player gets forced in the kneeing position

2.will there also be a "grenade throwing in leaning position anim"

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sorry guys! this is a poor question (caus it probably already been asked, and solved before!) but how do you get this to work with the FlashFX mod?

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Additionally rolling is a way to quickly cross the top of a hill when no cover is aviable. Then again a low profile would be preferable.

Good point, complety forget about this one as my basic training is almost 4 years over  tounge_o.gif

I never ever had dirt in my muzzlebrake!

LOL. biggrin_o.gif I've seen a lot recruits that wanted to make some ubercool-action-movie-style-moves on some exercises that ended up watching the actual shooting exercise cleaning their HK G36 while we others had a lot of fun switching our weapons to "Frieden" (widely spread slang term known in the German Army for Fully-Automatic fire) and wasted away our ammo.

... as you have not updated the first post with you future plans yet

Please be patient, RL is a real bitch ATM.

1. then again if you are in the standing position with the rpg and you are going to switch weapons to the rifle, please make try to avoid that the player gets forced in the kneeing position

2.will there also be a "grenade throwing in leaning position anim"

1. Switching weapons will be possible: Standing, Crouching and maybe lying.

Reloading however only crouched or lying

2. Yes biggrin_o.gif

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@Bald-maggot : AFAIK the latest version 4.3 includes the leananims but only the standing ones. Wait for the next patch or change the editable config yourself.

I already changed the FLASHFX low CPU config so it works with the Crouchedlean anims  

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@Locke: no problem i am patient, you just arose my interest and curiosty to see what's next with your project smile_o.gif

(i could have said it better in german, but that is not allowed here)

next FFUR patch with your current anims will be released pretty soon (other effects of course too)

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For example with the original CfgMoves from V1.91 you will be equaly visible while standing still or lying on the ground with a binocular ! There are still a few other errors of this kind in the original CfgMoves that i'am going to fix.

Very interesting! Never known that but if you are fixing this flaw I'm looking forward to the next update even more smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

But atm i don't think i change the Roll-anim. Other opinions to this ?

I can agree that the current roll-anim doesn't look like the one learned in army but it's more than OK for me. The main purpose for me with the roll is to be a bit more agile when prone and for that the current anim works great.

Just my 0.20 SEK

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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