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The Middle East part 2

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I cannot help but to marvel at the stupidity and shortsightedness of the militant Islamists.  Suppose they would actually accomplish their stated goal and destroy the West.  Is that really such a good idea for people who live in the desert and import most of the stuff such as food and water?  I mean, let's face it, there are three things in the Middle East: sand, camels and oil.  So what were they going to do after they've eaten their last camel?

uh huh...and whose the one that is constantly thinking about rebuilding the great swedish empire? wink_o.giftounge2.gif


Quote[/b] ]Tehran, Iran (AP) -- Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for "Roses of the Prophet Mohammed."

Bakeries across the capital were covering up their ads for Danish pastries Thursday after the confectioners' union ordered the name change in retaliation for caricatures of the Muslim prophet published in a Danish newspaper.

"Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to 'Rose of Mohammed' pastries," the union said in its order.

"This is a punishment for those who started misusing freedom of expression to insult the sanctities of Islam," said Ahmad Mahmoudi, a cake shop owner in northern Tehran.

One of Tehran's most popular bakeries, "Danish Pastries," covered up the word "Danish" on its sign with a black banner emblazoned "Oh Hussein," a reference to a martyred saint of Shiite Islam. The banner is a traditional sign of mourning.

The shop owner declined to comment Thursday.

Freedom fries anyone?!?! rofl.gif

Nice to see that there are common grounds for different groups of people, even though they might be a bit off.

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Quote[/b] ]"Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to 'Rose of Mohammed' pastries," the union said in its order.

"This is a punishment for those who started misusing freedom of expression to insult the sanctities of Islam," said Ahmad Mahmoudi, a cake shop owner in northern Tehran.

Oh no, I'm shaking in my boots. This is as stupided as the fucking freedom fries thing.

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At least "a burger and freedom fries" sounds OK.

Try ordering a "cappucinno and a rose of Mohammed" at your favorite cafe this morning and see where it gets you.

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Quote[/b] ]

'Offensive Cartoons Like 9/11 of Islamic World'

By Huseyin Akkas, Jeddah

Published: Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The publication of cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed has had the effect of the September 11 attacks on the Islamic world, argued Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Conference.


What? crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

'Offensive Cartoons Like 9/11 of Islamic World'

By Huseyin Akkas, Jeddah

Published: Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The publication of cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed has had the effect of the September 11 attacks on the Islamic world, argued Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Conference.


What? crazy_o.gif

band.gif .... how many have died of "offenseation" by these cartoons then? In thousends please. Evil danish terrorists disguised as cartoonists banghead.gif

Blair is in Berlin this morn to meet "ironface" Merkel smile_o.gif

Not officialy on the list..but all observers think the cartoon-problem and the "social-peace" will be part of the talks, too. confused_o.gif

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Did any1 see 60 minutes last night?

They had a program about denmark, here it is in text:


I must admit, that I am shocked!

Ive seen them put words into the mouths of those they interview before, but gosh!

Also, why didn't they check the information they got elsewhere (especially from the Imams - due to their reputation).

He is even telling him that we havent got any muslim cemetaries or mosques here - and he actually believes him, lol.. what a blue-eyed reporter smile_o.gif

Come on.


It would be the same if we portray USA just for filming Disneyland, and conclude that America is a fantasy land controlled by mice. Simon (the reporter) is also saying that we are out of touch with the rest of the world. Hmm, im pretty sure that there are more percent of the danish population that are studying in a foreign country than in the US.

What an irony to critizise us for having a fashion show here in Denmark, while our embassy and danish flags are burned in the "outside world" - especially thinking about the "live on like normally" philosophy after 9/11.

Whats even better is, that they are basing the whole program by an interview with the editor of Politikken and Uffe Ellemann Jensen smile_o.gif

I guess that you cannot compare democraties and republicans smile_o.gif

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3. For some reason...

That reason is Abu Laban. A Danish Imam who used this whole thing to get himself heard. He brought some fake, offending(unlike the original cartoons) cartoons to the Middle-Eastern countries and with their state-run newspapers/propaganda tools, the public over there will never know that a picture of a muslim, praying, while being fucked by a dog, was never published. They also will probably never know that we didn't paint a picture of Muhammed with a snout. The newspapers over there ARE the government, and if the governments over there show weakness, the opposition will move in for the kill. At least that's if there is any opposition left. Remember what happened when Mahmoud 'Gorilla Boy' Ahmadinejad got in power in Iran? If you don't - Take a wild guess.

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Captain obvious to the rescue.


Quote[/b] ]

US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran

Julian Borger Washington

Monday March 6, 2006

The Guardian

The US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has told British MPs that military action could bring Iran's nuclear programme to a halt if all diplomatic efforts fail. The warning came ahead of a meeting today of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which will forward a report on Iran's nuclear activities to the UN security council.

The council will have to decide whether to impose sanctions, an issue that could split the international community as policy towards Iraq did before the invasion.

Article continues

Yesterday the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, said: "Nobody has said that we have to rush immediately to sanctions of some kind."

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Mother fuckers. If someting go your way you invaded them. Army of the free world my arse, You torture, murder basicly destroy there fucking world then you say everything is all right. Thats is why people hate America, That is why I hate America and that is why your country should be blown of the fucking earth.

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Mother fuckers. If someting go your way you invaded them. Army of the free world my arse, You torture, murder basicly destroy there fucking world then you say everything is all right. Thats is why people hate America, That is why I hate America and that is why your country should be blown of the fucking earth.

Don't tell me you're a muslim fundamentalist, cuz you totally sound like one right now.


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Mother fuckers. If someting go your way you invaded them. Army of the free world my arse, You torture, murder basicly destroy there fucking world then you say everything is all right. Thats is why people hate America, That is why I hate America and that is why your country should be blown of the fucking earth.

Don't tell me you're a muslim fundamentalist, cuz you totally sound like one right now.


Sure. Everybody who doesn't worship the United States is a muslim fundamentalist.

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Yeah, I agree with Abs_01, the other day we were having P.S.H.E and we were discussing the many events happening in the world right now. One was the Iranian Nuclear Dispute, and right now Batdog, you're sounding a bit like Iran's President saying "Israel should be blown off the face of the earth." Just replace Israel with the U.S and that's basically what you're saying. The U.S is the most powerful country in the world whether you like it or not, and when people take on the U.S they ussually go into a world full of pain. Also, the words you used are a bit harsh don't you think? (By the way, I'm not American but I'm Canadian) I think that the U.S fails in some spots, so does Pres. Bush, but everyone does fail at least once in their life. The U.S is making progress, it may be going slow, but the on thing they don't need now is your harsh words against them (Batdog, please, I don't want this to turn into a big deal and I don't mean this offensivly, but you should "Face the facts" as my teacher said.) And Ares, I'm sure he didn't mean it in that way. That would be an insult to the enemies of the U.S and he nor anyone else wants to make enemies. The same day my Iranian Friend whos 12, look at that, 12 years old, said it would be fun if nuclear bombs blew up around us, he thinks the U.S is jealous of Iran. See what these harsh words can make anyone, and I mean Anyone, think like the bad people of the world. The U.S is not jealous, they are probably the most well-off country in the world, they wouldn't need Iran's nuclear technology if they had their own, which they do! I just wish this message of hatred and violence would stop spreading through young minds of today. You see the pictures on the news of kids about the age o 5-10 carrying AK47s on their backs, militia parading through the streets killing anyone who stands in their way. Countries ask for the USAs help and as soon as they get there, or stay too long, the people want them out and will blow themselves up in a crowd of innocent people to make the U.S leave. The terrorists are just cowards, they don;t have the resources to take on the U.S so they attack civilians instead. Now face the facts, that is really just Disgusting and Inhumane/Insane. The terrorists will kill their own people just to make a point, hek I bet they'd kill their family if they had to! The U.S, Britain, Australia, Canada and all the countries involved with this war in Iraq and Afghanistan want to help, but people just wont let them. At heart, I bet they want to be freed of the torments and horrible lives in these areas but young men, who have nothing else to live for, join these groups and kill... thats all they do, thats all they'll ever do as long as this problem of terrorism exists. And we may not be able to put a stop to it with attitudes like that... I don't mean to insult the many more innocent people of the world, these cartoons, yes they are an extremly bad thing and people will not like it, bu innocent Danish or anyother countries, don't have to suffer for someone elses stupidity. That also means that radicals shouldn't go and torch the Danish Embassy and kill hundreds of people just because of one person. Action should be taken against that person or persons involved with these cartoons, but innocent people in my opinion should not have to suffer. People have published insulting cartoons about Bush but he doesn't take radical action against the people who made them. That's what good people of the world do. And thats what more people should do instead of killing innocents for their own well being.

*Edit: Sorry EiZei, will include paragraphs next time, I was writing my true feelings and just typed what I thought without remembering any grammar, apart form capitals and full stops. My English teacher would flip at this lol rofl.gif

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Quote[/b] ]US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran

Sounds to be a constant lack of adrenaline, they should sit down on the nearest available chair and take some calming drugs used to manage various mental disorders.

Realistically speaking, US and other coallition forces are totally unable to establish peace and security in Iraq, so invading Iran would just mean the start of an infinite war that might go against everyone.



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Quote[/b] ]US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran

Sounds to be a constant lack of adrenaline, they should sit down on the nearest available chair and take some calming drugs used to manage various mental disorders.

Realistically speaking, US and other coallition forces are totally unable to establish peace and security in Iraq, so invading Iran would just mean the start of an infinite war that might go against everyone.



Need calming down? They are goddamn lethargic compared to the post 9/11-posturing they had going on just before the 2003 Iraq war.

As far as im concerned the osirak option should executed if necessary (kind of amusing since Iran tried to destroy Iraq's nuclear reactor before Israel) even if it means low-yield nukes. The last thing this world need is another bunch of fundamentalist loons with nukes.

And thomas ryan.. paragraphs. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran

Sounds to be a constant lack of adrenaline, they should sit down on the nearest available chair and take some calming drugs used to manage various mental disorders.

Realistically speaking, US and other coallition forces are totally unable to establish peace and security in Iraq, so invading Iran would just mean the start of an infinite war that might go against everyone.

True, but I guess the main concern is trying to shut down any and all NBC research/production plants in Iran, and worry about the results of their actions later on (like in Afghanistan and Iraq, with the situations getting ever more volitile).

Also, politicians always threaten with war only because most of them have never actually had to fight in one. It is easy to send some people half way across the globe when you yourself are sitting behind an expensive desk.

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Quote[/b] ]The last thing this world need is another bunch of fundamentalist loons with nukes.

In my judgement, Iran should have the same rights to develop nuclear technology as any other signatory of the nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty and as long as Iranian Leaders grant the IAEA further access to their nuclear installations and facilities.

Personally, I would rather be worried about the Indian-Pakistani crisis and about the fact that both sides have nukes...



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Mother fuckers. If someting go your way you invaded them. Army of the free world my arse, You torture, murder basicly destroy there fucking world then you say everything is all right. Thats is why people hate America, That is why I hate America and that is why your country should be blown of the fucking earth.

Don't tell me you're a muslim fundamentalist, cuz you totally sound like one right now.


Sure. Everybody who doesn't worship the United States is a muslim fundamentalist.

It is a point to dislike/hate/don't appreciate a governement or a format of government or just an individual, it is another one to -hate- a whole country full of people that have all their own opinions that could differ from their immediate countrymate.

Fundamentalists , and mostly all other ...-ist people never made any difference between an individual and a whole group, they have already proved this all over the worlds during the whole mankind history.

So yes, this previous post sounded like what all the worlds fundamentalists tell.

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Quote[/b] ]US envoy hints at strike to stop Iran

Sounds to be a constant lack of adrenaline, they should sit down on the nearest available chair and take some calming drugs used to manage various mental disorders.

Realistically speaking, US and other coallition forces are totally unable to establish peace and security in Iraq, so invading Iran would just mean the start of an infinite war that might go against everyone.



Need calming down? They are goddamn lethargic compared to the post 9/11-posturing they had going on just before the 2003 Iraq war.

As far as im concerned the osirak option should executed if necessary (kind of amusing since Iran tried to destroy Iraq's nuclear reactor before Israel) even if it means low-yield nukes. The last thing this world need is another bunch of fundamentalist loons with nukes.

And thomas ryan.. paragraphs. crazy_o.gif

I wonder why Iran is not allowed to build such facilities or even getting the knowledge to do so while Israel sitting on 420 nuclear warheads, and launching threats against Syria and Iran from all sorts and weights?? wow_o.gif

If Iran was honest about the real intentions behind such projects then Iran have the right to accomplish it, and I don’t think they would care for the United States anymore, and they shouldn’t if the united nation resolutions only applies on the Arabs and Iran and does not apply on Israel.

If they want the area empty of weapons of mass destruction then they should include everyone and not just Iran. wink_o.gif

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Who knows? You just might all get your wish.

Quote[/b] ]Islam to rule the world soon-Iranian president

05.03.2006, 12.07

KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 (Itar-Tass) - Islam will soon be the domineering force in the world, placing first in the number of its followers among all other religions. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expressed this confidence here at the end of his state visit to Malaysia.

Following a meeting with Sultan Jamalullail I, the supreme head of the federation of nine states where Islam was proclaimed the state religion, he pontificated: “The world will be in the hands of Islam over the next few years.â€

According to the president, history “convincingly shows the force of the Islamic religion, aimed not at quashing other peoples, but at serving peace and quietudeâ€.

Good luck, world!

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Why would anyone want nukes?

The leaders of the nations that have, or want to have nukes, are insane and should be shot dead.

Let the revolution begin!!


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Why would anyone want nukes?

The leaders of the nations that have, or want to have nukes, are insane and should be shot dead.

Let the revolution begin!!


Until now I don’t see any evidence proving such claim about the Iranian nuclear project, no one want any new country with nukes, but having nuclear projects for civilian purposes such power is not a problem if that country was honest about that.

But in Iran case they say Iran not in need of a civilian project of this kind, Iran has lots of resources that can do the job if the power was the main benefit so they don’t need a nuclear reactor, how funny they even decide for them what they need and what they don’t. rofl.gif

They should admit that the real issue is their concern about Israel security no more no less.

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They should admit that the real issue is their concern about Israel security no more no less.

Israel us just the first stepping stone towards the appearance of the Twelfth Imam and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest you start looking up everything that Ahmadinejad has been publicly proclaiming over the last year.

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When the second caliph Omar entered Jerusalem the city you living in, he not just didn’t kill anyone he offered protection to Christians and other religions alike, when the crusades entered it they killed over 50.000 Muslim and Christian there and 12.000 Jew in their way when Muslims toke back the city again and it was Salah alDeen This time they killed none and the Christians of the city helped him to get rid of the crusades.

The imam as you describe him doesn’t look like a beast! wink_o.gif

You trying to show Islam as definite threat and its absolutely not.

By the way can you tell why your country needs over 300 or even 400 nuke I really want to know why?? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Here's my own solution to the Iran we're facing now - Airstrike the hell out of their nuclear facility and threaten to nuke their country if they even think about retaliating on anyone. I believe it is the only "argument" an insane hostage-taking-terrorist-turned-dictator would understand. That way we can have our pie and and eat it, too. Diplomacy has failed and Iran is laughing at us, so I don't see any other solution to this.

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