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Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

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Thanks , may them help you in your quest of the best looking OFP screenshot wink_o.gif

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Excellent work indeed! Especially the stand to prone, prone to stand, and crouch to stand... You made some very good transitions! Generally a really good pack!

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i just wanted to say how much i like using your anims; to be honest, at first i was kind of like "ehh...looks...different..." But i found that the more i used them the more i liked them, and now i dont think i can go back to the originals!

anyway, its sad to hear that you won't be updating them anymore (although i can't complain). i was just wondering what you're opinion was on an idea that i have had for a while:

a problem that annoys me in most missions is that if you want enemy soldiers to patrol an area, you can either have them in "aware" mode or "safe" mode. the problem with "aware" mode is that the soldiers run everywhere, which looks very unrealistic. the problem with "safe" mode is that the soldiers have their guns on their backs, which also looks unrealistic. below is a link to the conversation i had with general barron about his mission "Realistic Combat Patrol" back in september, where we agreed it would be nice if there was a solution:


the problem was that i didn't know how it could be fixed, until i saw the work you were doing with animations. after remembering the problem i'd had back in september, i had the thought of changing the way the "safe" animation looks so that the soldiers are carrying their guns like in the link below:


i wasn't sure whether such a change would be possible though, and that's why i'm posting it here for your review. any thoughts would be much appreciated.

...and thanks again for creating the anim pack!

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Dreamy Knight made an animation similar to the one you linked in the photo.

He did not made it as a replacement animation, but by giving it the same name of the safe anim " chuzebez0l.rtm " and replacing the file of the same name in an anim.pbo you can change that safe walk into that "patrol" animation.

You can find his animations there

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I'm trying to tinker a bit with this pack - does anyone remember what the default AI stance .rtm file name is? You know... the one where the rifle is angled down a bit. crazy_o.gif

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When I first tried this pack, I was like...eh...looks funky...the way they run and all...but as I used it more and more I realized how good this pack is. smile_o.gif Nice work!

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biggrin_o.gif Agreed with guy above,, When I first saw the running action I thought chicken runners,, no no no, must delete this. But then I saw the binocs stance and others and was won over. When playing CTi online I saw for the first time others running around and appreciated the way the guns held much better. Thx Sanc gj smile_o.gif

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Thanks wink_o.gif .

Quote[/b] ]I'm trying to tinker a bit with this pack - does anyone remember what the default AI stance .rtm file name is? You know... the one where the rifle is angled down a bit.

In the .rar archive, there is an animation name list

Quote[/b] ]stand ready (AI only)


And if you need them , the animations that are played while the AI rotate to the left or to the right when it is in this stand ready stance



For the example if you want to give a look, i released yesterday in the sharing animation thread of my signature a new animation replacing this stand ready by a "crouch ready"

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Dreamy Knight made an animation similar to the one you linked in the photo.

He did not made it as a replacement animation, but by giving it the same name of the safe anim " chuzebez0l.rtm " and replacing the file of the same name in an anim.pbo you can change that safe walk into that "patrol" animation.

You can find his animations there

i looked through DK's anims, but now i'm confused:

why do some of his anims require the depbo'ing of O.pbo?

also, is his "patrol" anim a full anim or just a static?

and if i replace your safe anim with his, will it "flow" or will it be jumpy?

thanks the heads up!

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The animations that require working on the O.pbo are the handguns animations, they can't be put in the Anim.pbo

All the other ones are for the Anim.pbo , and you don't have to replace handgun animations , it is not required.

The patrol animations is a full walking anim.

It will not totally flow, as you will need some other "weapon in back" to be modified

You can try to replace the jogging with weapon back too


You will need to create a static animation to replace the "standing weapon on back" , for when the soldier stop

At least this one should not be hard as you can just take one of the frame of the Dreamy Knight patrol animation , moving the legs in a simple "i stand there" position and make it a static one.

the name of this animation is bezstanisTaT.rtm

If you want a perfect "flow" with the other animation, it will require some more long work. A good occasion to learn how to use OFPAnim.

Good luck wink_o.gif

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ok i got sick and tired of seening the news about this on ofp.info. so i downloaded them so i could bitch about them lol tounge_o.gif

and well... i have nothing to bitch about crazy_o.gif

i havnt tested everything.. but so far i like what i see smile_o.gif my only wish that someday someone would make a differnt sitting animation. a more casual one like the sitting animations in the BAS h60s.

other then that they are VERY nice. i love the transitions. smile_o.gif

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All i can add for more is to advice people interested by the patrol animation in the place of the weapon on back animation to monitor the animation sharing center thread.

I tried to experiment a bit about it and ended in something that is looking surprisingly good.

Expect very soon a release of those animation when i will have time to work them a bit more in that sharing animation thread.

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Quote[/b] ]All i can add for more is to advice people interested by the patrol animation in the place of the weapon on back animation to monitor the animation sharing center thread.

Sure , thanks wink_o.gif

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...the one that click on the good spot shall find what he was waiting for...

Well, i am not really good when it comes to riddles so just click on the shared animation center link in my signature and get the new patrol animation work i finished.

a mini pack of 24 animations files that can replace the majority of the "weapon in back" animations by new ones using a patrol movement "feeling".

there will not be a complete 1.6 version of my animation pack using those new ones. you will have to do the replacement yourself by un-pbo , replace files and re-pbo the Anim.pbo

Now go and try them

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here's 1.5 with all the optional anims

one question:

do the new patrol anims require the new sitting anim?  and if they don't, what is the name of the sitting anim so i can use the old one instead? it would be fine as a static, it just doesn't fit look right when you have a bunch of people sitting around the campfire in that position, which is the way most people use it.

thanks again for the great anims

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here's 1.5 with all the optional anims

one question:

do the new patrol anims require the new sitting anim?  and if they don't, what is the name of the sitting anim so i can use the old one instead?  it would be fine as a static, it just doesn't fit look right when you have a bunch of people sitting around the campfire in that position, which is the way most people use it.

thanks again for the great anims


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a quick screenshot can be found in the animation sharing center thread , linked in my signature.

Quote[/b] ]one question:

do the new patrol anims require the new sitting anim? and if they don't, what is the name of the sitting anim so i can use the old one instead? it would be fine as a static, it just doesn't fit look right when you have a bunch of people sitting around the campfire in that position, which is the way most people use it.

The sitting animation start from the "patrol"/weapon on back stance.

So the default sitting one from BIS start from a soldier having his weapon on the back.

And if you use the default sitting whith the other "patrol" animations, the weapon will be "teleported" suddenly on his back when the animation will begin.

Another solution would be to rework the beginning of te BIS sitting animation and modifiy a lot of those frame to get the soldier in the patrol stance.

But unfortunately, as OFPAnim has no copy a frame from an animation to another animation feature, it will be difficult to have a smooth interpolation in that case.

I don't remember on the fly the animations name for the sitting animations , but you can find them in the corresponding post in the animation sharing center thread.

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wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just tried the optional/added anims that does the crouch aware, sit down and weapon on back

sanctuary your like a anim god!!!!!!!!!!

i love those anims crazy

send them on info!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just tried the optional/added anims that does the crouch aware, sit down and weapon on back

sanctuary your like a anim god!!!!!!!!!!

i love those anims crazy

send them on info!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sent the patrol addon pack to ofp.info (as there is a chance my ftp can break , noticing as how many people requested me those patrol animations ealier) , it will certainly take some time before it makes it there, as people are busy.

But as soon as there is a mirror for this patrol addon pack, it will be updated in my signature.

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Houston, we've got a <s>problem</s> release

-first post updated with the first mirror , thanks to xela89-

have fun with the "patrol pack" version

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