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Nice job! I like the dust script.

Some constructive criticism...

- Scary indeed, but way too hard to kill for an animal, it eats bullets. smile_o.gif

- I hope the animations will be improved one day

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that thing attacked my car!

fliped it over too.

so yea if your beince chased... hiding in a vehicle such as a car or truck will not work

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Yes!!!!!  biggrin_o.gif  it got released b4 my LAN party!!!  xmas_o.gif

Damn im gonna make my friends piss their pants when they expect to meet soldiers and some tigers run up to them from behind   biggrin_o.gif  Love yaa philcommando!

tried some more of the missions that came with the tiger and i loved the run to the car setup tounge_o.gif

one thing funny is that you can't hide from them either they run down tree's and bushes to kill you even ghostface.gif

would be cool if you could make some sort of eating anim like the zombies from the zombie mod has tounge_o.gif

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woah, excellent addon philcommando, its IS scary crazy_o.gif

my only complaint is the tigers footsteps sounds, IMO its too loud, we all know that tigers are stealth creatures, these make sounds of elephants.

btw, i was just hunting tigers in your pc_horse, of course, they hunted me smile_o.gif

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a strong male tiger, no chance if you're in a jeep, but much fun and great work, i hope you keep on working on some other animals.

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Glad u folks like the addon. The ultimate objective for this addon is not to steal a march on the Juraissic mod, but to assist them to cut down on the developement time for the dinos. I would be sadden to see another mod disappearing. However i am sure the Juraissic mod is doing pretty well on their own. Cheers! \_/

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Philcommando...any chance that the attack script you made could be used to modify that old dog addon made awhile back??? If so that would be fantastic! I'm sure its Teacup (its maker) wouldn't mind if you fixed up his dog so that it actually attacked.

Another animal that I know my own mod and many other Middle East mods desperately need is a camel.

We have a camel object in the LoBo addonpack #2, but the textures are terrible and its not animated. sad_o.gif

Anyhoo...just an idea and not a demand or anything. I absolutely love your tiger!! Excellent work!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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After checking out the tiger, an idea came to my mind:

-why not make tiger, that's based on human class (and not vehicle), just like old Teacup's dog is. This option would have a few quite important advantages:

- much better animations

- tigers wouldn't try to ram vehicles

- tigers would not leave tiremarks

- tigers would bleed when shot at.

- it'd be possible to be a tiger ;)

The only downside I can see at the moment is the extra amount of work put into creating walking and running animations (.rtm's, I mean). Anybody to pick up the challange?

Anyway, still great work PC, especially the hunting script! smile_o.gif

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Philcommando...any chance that the attack script you made could be used to modify that old dog addon made awhile back???   If so that would be fantastic!  I'm sure its Teacup (its maker) wouldn't mind if you fixed up his dog so that it actually attacked.

Another animal that I know my own mod and many other Middle East mods desperately need is a camel.

We have a camel object in the LoBo addonpack #2, but the textures are terrible and its not animated.  sad_o.gif

Anyhoo...just an idea and not a demand or anything.  I absolutely love your tiger!!   Excellent work!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

the zombie/vampire mod did a version of the dogs that were like on fire... flameing gaurd dogs that viciously attacked you. based off his dog

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I have always preferred simplicity and functionality over aesthetics and as long as you have PCTiger.pbo in your ofp addon folder, you can use the attacking script for any object even if u dont use the addon. No more putting scripts for every mission in the description.exe.

The line to use is :-

[avehicle, hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs"

where avehicle is the name of the tracking object and hunted is the name of the tracked object. The code can only be use for 1 set and should u require more objects to do the tracking, it will be:-

[bvehicle,hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs";[cvehicle,hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs"

many ways to use the script, for example:- _x foreach commands

Hitman play


For example, if u wanna have a hitman kind of mission to kill unarmed civilians:-

[avehicle, [man1, man2, man3, man4, man5, man6, man7, man8, man9]]  exec "\PCTiger\scripts\tracking.sqs"

The hitman(avehicle) will travel one end of the map to another to kill all of them one by one, no matter where they are, just like in the Terminator movies, till either all of them dies or he dies.(may not work if target is in buildings)

*and of course, there are more better scripts and better way to do it than what i have in the ofp world, eg;- countlist, groups, etc...

Teacup's dog:- the dog will react to this script except it wont bite as the killing feature is not incorporated in it.

BIS models:- all vehicles will react to this script except the killing feature - it will depend on the threat rating in their config, eg:- tanks and heli will not shoot at humans.


BIS domove commands:-


testing the bis command, u will find that it has limitations:-

a. it will move to the target but stop 5 metres in front.

b. it will only react once. When the target moves away,it will not follow.

Thus i had to come out with the tracking and hunted scripts:-



a. It has a loop to continually be updated the target's position and move to it.

b. it has a getpos code to move closest to the target.

_vehicle domove [((getpos _man1 select 0) + 0),((getpos _man1 select 1) + 2),((getpos _man1 select 2) + 0)]

c. it has a setvelocity code to increase the speed once near to the target to simulate an actual tiger's pounce to overwelhm the target.

d. double ensure the target dies by using the 'pounce' and a short range weapon config.

- the head moves because it is set as a weapon with the usual otocs memory points.


Human or vehicle class animals?


Advantages and disadvantages abound, but it will depend on features one wants in the addon.

human:- 24km/hr, memory points, selections - fixed

            -cant float, etc

vehicle:- no speed limit, memory points, selections - varies

            -can float, fire missiles, etc.

Someone here once said last year in jan-" there is nothing more to make and ofp1 has reached its limit'.............thing is, have we even penetrate the surface of ofp1 yet?

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great work as usual phill

really nice

anyone saying his addons are uselles i gonna kick his ass

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This so good, philcommando.

Can you make cat also?      PCtigers.jpg

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Cats? ? ? ? wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif ...errr...do u mean panthers, lions, jaguars,etc...or the err...tiny furry cute domesticated kind? wow_o.gif If the latter, i fear for their lives, no many animal lovers here, nothing like a cat shoot for them! wow_o.gif

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