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About Novellus

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Novellus

    BattlEye: Client Not Responding

    Is UPnP need to use ?
  2. Novellus

    GDCE and WGL5

    Can I see your testing missions ?
  3. Novellus

    Itweas Ninjas

    this clandestine intruder (shimobi no mono) is nice. Â Â I want east side unit too ! Â with other color If it`s possible. Â as much as anything else good Scripting !!
  4. Novellus

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    Is there a this kind of anti-cheat pache for 1.46 Hosted Server?
  5. Novellus


    really nice work Desert-Rat I was waiting Cat addon long time. It will be my favorite one.
  6. Novellus

    CTI Campaign Everon

    [V 1.21] Significant revision of Buying Sol/Veh Script, removing broken vehicle system , added Time Speed/weather change and  number of the Soldiers Per Squad limit function. Buying Script It changed to very simple, due to protero looping Script makes lag. Remove sol/Veh Script. It runs at local Server. (protero script was runs only host Server side). Thereby they deleted efficiently more than befour. This and new deleting Vehicle Script (V0.995) decreased the number of unit Buffer about 40 percent. Data buffer addition Script from 0.995. new function added to control simultaneous execution to the further stabilization sake. Thereby a waiting time get longer (2 sec from 0.5 sec) when you buy a unit. Players can`t buy unit till  job complete. New Town Trigger size. due to prohibitioning bad Tactics. see Sample of new Triggger. notice : a Captureing town Script comes every 14 sec. removed restrictions of buying AirUnit parameter.
  7. Novellus

    CTI Campaign Everon

    [V 0.995] almost same scripts as V0.98 Series and 0.99. just added PlayerMarkers. you can see where they are on map.  An Auto deleting unit Script chenged  in miniature. to removing waste of resource. new Script remove all Vehicle If it`s can not move. ( protero script remove only complete collapse Vehicles)  -- New Function --Manual Data Buffer clean up Script. A cleaning died unit from data buffer/on map Script. It workes in ManualMode. any players can execute this Script when they feels lag. Automatic taking town Script. an AI going to take towns after players disconnected to keep even play.                an old map tester of Andy_Fin says tihs is not good for this map.  hmmm fixed ammo bug protero map have an ammo bug. ammos leak from Ammo Truck when you touch to the truck. It happen at only Res. it fixed (I think).
  8. Novellus

    M65 A1 DualArms

    LX, I corrected them. Â (I can`t fix Topic Description) As my opinion about this I want you to make these arms more powerful. Consider as necessary. add that Can you include any cautionary statement next publish this? If we can paly CTF with this addon, It will be fun map. Â Â Â Â thanks.
  9. Novellus

    ComRef > 1.85

    See this Thread. Forum rules - please read before posting. Â Â 3-1 "Search before posting"
  10. Novellus

    Antonov 124 1.1

    We like this Addon. Â Â Â Â Get V_1.2
  11. Novellus

    Deleting dead bodies

    How is it In this case ? init.sqs unitList=[]; ;unit added in game remove.sqs #start _unitCnt=count unitList; _unitIndex=0; ?(_unitCnt==0):goto "done"; #removeUnitLoop _unit=unitList select _unitIndex; ?((getDammage _unit)!=1):_unitIndex=_unitIndex+1;goto "nextUnit"; unitList=unitList-[_unit]; deleteVehicle _unit; _unitCnt=_unitCnt-1; _unitIndex=0; #nextUnit ?(_unitIndex<_unitCnt):goto "removeUnitLoop"; #done ~120 goto "start" It`s not remove about 10 or 20 percent of dead bodies . (Vehicles are removed unexceptionally ) How should I change this ? Â Â Â Thanks.
  12. Novellus

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Thanks for very fast work. I`m D/Ling agein.
  13. Novellus

    CTI World Cup

    This so good. The CTI is very kind of popular map !!
  14. Novellus

    M65 A1 DualArms

    LX has released Powerd sute Addon M65 A1 Dual Arms(Beta version) on the Tebukuro Web page.          Addon Direct link side  : West only Class : Powerd_suit unit  : M65_A1 Dual Arms OFPVer  1.96 They are waiting any feedback.       BBS here
  15. LX has made Powerd sute Addon M65 A1 Dual Arms(Beta version) on the Tebukuro Web page.          Addon Direct link side  : West only Class : Powerd_suit unit  : M65_A1 Dual Arms OFPVer  1.96 They waiting any feedback.       BBS here