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How do you steer planes in OFP?

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I use keyboard only smile_o.gif

Up arrow - throttle

Down arrow - brake

Left arrow - Left roll

Right arrow - Right roll

Q/Y - Pitch (I use QWERTZ keyboard)

X/C - Rotation (Choppers)

TAB - Target select

Space - Shift weapons

L Ctrl - Fire!

So I rarely use mouse with it,so you should put another option Keyboard only tounge_o.gif

Mouse is only nessecary when selecting inactive targets or those with engine off.

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I use keyboard only  smile_o.gif

LOL hardcore,brings back memories of the old days when alot of games only had keyboard support.

I just wanted to add that in BF42 ( i know this is OFP plane related but similiar flying)

Most of the ACES that I encounter are using a joystick and there are some very good pilots.

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M+k... too lazy to go to store and get a stick. tounge_o.gif

Actually, I'm quite surprised that some of you say handling with joystick is better, maybe I'll give it a try? rock.gif

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Have only one to say - Saitek X45 - best joy i ever had biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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keyboard and mouse

since i dotn owe a joystick...

but i switch of the mouse look

so i stear the plane with keyboard and look around with the mouse biggrin_o.gif

doest this work with a joystick?

if so i gonna get one biggrin_o.gif

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afaik it used to work before ofp v1.96.

not anymore, if mouselook is off it centers the screen as soon as you touch the stick sad_o.gif

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Yes, low flying is the thing!

I always fly with joystick, both planes and choppers.

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Hey, the real pilot can fly every bird with his fine joystick! Vote for joystick! (And Michelle Wild for President!!! biggrin_o.gif)

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Guest RKSL-Rock

TM Cougar HOTAS and pedals - makes flying helicopters more fun.

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if the keyboard and mouse were better they had placed them in helicopters! crazy_o.gif

Joystick all the way, all functions on right hand, only up and down with keyboard, and then typing and other shit....

the best thing about flying apache with joystick, cuz of many joysticks now have the horizontal rudder axis, which makes hovering behind trees very easy, also making some special turns in other aircraft...

In OFP aircraft are cool, but not really usefull since the world passes waaaay to fast and you cannot really get any height... I like doing elite circuits though!

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biggrin_o.gif Yesterday my new Saitek X52 arrived. Without programming a profile for OFP, it works perfectly in OFP. I enabled the joystick control in the OFP settings and everything works perfect, the POV (coolie hat) too, in OFP v. 1.96 beta. wow_o.gif

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Interesting topic. Personally, I prefer mouse and keyboard. I play a lot of other flight sims with joystick, but in OFP I hate going back and forth. This is one of the only games I play often that I need to use M&K for foot work, and then have to fly an aircraft, and then back on foot. Makes it faster and easier for me to use M&K for the whole process, instead of having to switch back and forth before and after I use the vehicles.

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I use a joystick and pedals. That's what real aircraft have, and that's what I use. I'd probably use them even if they weren't as good, just because it's more realistic. However, they easily double your effectiveness - perhaps not in Operation Flashpoint, but in any realistic aerial combat simulator. Actually, I can only think of one realistic aerial combat simulator, and that's Lock On: Modern Air Combat. Even that's not anywhere near perfect. IL-2 Sturmovik is a joke, though. If you think that's realistic, you need to do some basic research. Watch the Roaring Glory warbirds videos, and read the old flight manuals.

Anyway, I'd be willing to bet several hundred dollars that there's not a person in the world that could beat me with guns in Lock On: Modern Air Combat, or any aerial combat simulator that is truly realistic (or even halfway realistic, like IL-2 Sturmovik), if I am flying with a joystick and pedals. And I'm a mediocre pilot.

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as long as you have a tab button it dont matter what you use to fly smile_o.gif

altough the mouse is useful for right clicking.

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Anyway, I'd be willing to bet several hundred dollars that there's not a person in the world that could beat me with guns in Lock On: Modern Air Combat, or any aerial combat simulator that is truly realistic (or even halfway realistic, like IL-2 Sturmovik), if I am flying with a joystick and pedals.  And I'm a mediocre pilot.

lol benny  .....  so IL2 isnt realistic but LOMAC is ?

teheheheheh  tounge_o.gif

M+K untill i get a new flight stick .

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Actually, I can only think of one realistic aerial combat simulator, and that's Lock On: Modern Air Combat. Even that's not anywhere near perfect.

I have played Falcon 4.0 with max realism settings on, and so far it's the best I've seen. There are a few unofficial 3rd-party upgrades for it that enhance the realism even more, many people honestly can't play with that amount of realism. They have replicated a lot of the controls as much as possible without violating restrictions. For that game, it's joystick, pedals, and FCS all the way. For civvy flight sims, I prefer yoke over joystick though.

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Orson, Lock On: Modern Air Combat is not fully realistic; it has bugs, scripted parts that should not be, a bad damage model, and incorrect avionics galore. But the flight model is far more realistic than IL-2 Sturmovik's, and unlike 1C, Eagle Dynamics did their research on aircraft performance specifications. Anyway, however unrealistic it is (which is considerable), it's still the most realistic one out there, and is easily twice as realistic as the IL-2 series. Scoff if you will, but have you ever flown a real aircraft?

Grunt, have you ever been to an air show? Have you ever flown a real or even remotely controlled aircraft? How much have you studied the properties of aircraft? Falcon has an inherently unrealistic flight model, which is the most important part of any flight simulator.

Parvus, force feedback is a bad thing for aerial combat simulators. It makes the stick shake when the guns fire, and that will throw off your aim. In real life, the stick rarely shakes or moves unless you do the shaking or moving. I think it does it in certain types of stalls or spins, but I know that a straight and level stall in dirty configuration does not make the stick (or yoke, in my case) shake, at least in a Cessna.

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 Scoff if you will, but have you ever flown a real aircraft?

Benny the thing i te he'd at was your claim about being the WORLDS best dogfighter with guns

Quote[/b] ]Anyway, I'd be willing to bet several hundred dollars that there's not a person in the world that could beat me with guns in Lock On: Modern Air Combat, or any aerial combat simulator that is truly realistic (or even halfway realistic, like IL-2 Sturmovik), if I am flying with a joystick and pedals.  And I'm a mediocre pilot.

Its was at this that i laughed  , its quite a claim .

And because you spent a few hours in a cesna you claim to know all about the the flight engine of a sim ... unless you were on the dev team then no , no you wont know .

Cant see why you think ED did more research into flight performance the Maddox  though rock.gif

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Scoff if you will, but have you ever flown a real aircraft?

Benny the thing i te he'd at was your claim about being the WORLDS best dogfighter with guns

Its was at this that i laughed , its quite a claim .

Oops! I just realized when you quoted me that I accidentally omitted part of my statement. What I meant to say was, ""I'd be willing to bet several hundred dollars that there's not a person in the world that could beat me with guns in Lock On: Modern Air Combat, or any aerial combat simulator that is truly realistic (or even halfway realistic, like IL-2 Sturmovik), if I am flying with a joystick and pedals and the other guy is flying with a mouse and keyboard."

I'm pointing out the effectiveness of a joystick, not bragging about my own mediocre skills. I know a lot more people that can kick me around the sky in simulators than people that I can kick around the sky in simulators. As you see, I made the admission in my previous post that I am a mediocre pilot. I was referring to simulators, as I don't consider myself a real pilot (yet) because of the scarcity of my hours.

However, you are absolutely wrong about my ability to judge flight simulators. Ten hours in a Cessna makes me one hundred percent qualified to point out absolute wrongnesses in a simulator! In addition, I have watched aircraft for more hours than you would think humanly possible, and read about them even more. Now, here is a list of the problems with IL-2 Sturmovik. If you think you know better than me, then let's argue.

My issues with IL-2 Sturmovik include taildragger taxiing (they taxi exactly like a tricycle in the game), no groundloops, no roll inertia at all, scripted spins ("Oleg's Banana Peel Stall" and automatic spins even when plane has no torque and stalls are perfectly coordinated), no difference in dive acceleration between planes, hugely incorrect torque (no rudder input necessary, torque affects wrong axis, torque affects twin engined planes with contra-rotating propellers, torque present with engine off), Russian differential braking system on all Western planes (especially annoying for someone who is accustomed to the real thing), and incredibly simple "realistic" engine management (they even took out the P-40's mixture control in one of the patches; don't ask me why, because you can see the control right there in the cockpit).

Here's a few other things I've noticed. You can keep flying a constant circle at very low speed while your wingtip is touching the ground, when in real life you'd be cartwheeling. If you touch wings with another aircraft in the air or on the ground, you lose your wing no matter how gently you touch. So much for the historical tactic of wingtipping V-2 rockets. If you are out of fuel and ammunition and you hit the ground hard, you still detonate - what? You can drop a five thousand pound bomb two feet away from a tank, and it won't hurt it because you didn't hit it. You can tear about the sky on full throttle all day, and when you start to overheat, just pull back the throttle for a few seconds, and hey presto - you're good to go again. And don't get me started on the fifty caliber issue. In addition, none of the planes behave like a real aircraft. I can only go with my instinct, observations of warbirds, and limited experience with Cessnas on that one.

My single largest issue is the fact that there are no stalls in the game, discounting spins. You cannot stall your aircraft. You can spin it, but you can't stall it. That's one of the most important parts of flying, and it's done completely wrong.

And I haven't even mentioned the incorrect individual aircraft peformance specifications and characteristics. I even e-mailed Lockheed about the P-38 Lightning, got a reply, and posted it on the official IL-2 forum. I was scoffed at and ignored, and the P-38 in the game still is far from the specifications. In addition to this, I spend many hours watching movies of warbirds flying. You can tell when they don't mirror the game's versions.

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i use both, planes i use joystick, helicopters i use joystick and mouse and keyboard becuase sometimes its hard to land in a tight space with a joystick..  biggrin_o.gif

and what u on about.. ive stalled my aircraft lots of times..

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