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Non-lethal chemi-warfare?

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Quote[/b] ]Pentagon Spurned Plan to Initiate Enemy Homosexuality

By Jim Wolf

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military rejected a 1994 proposal to develop an "aphrodisiac" to spur homosexual activity among enemy troops but is hard at work on other less-than-lethal weapons, defense officials said Sunday.

The idea of fostering homosexuality among the enemy figured in a declassified six-year, $7.5 million request from a laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio for funding of non-lethal chemical weapon research.

The proposal, disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request, called for developing chemicals affecting human behavior "so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely affected."

"One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior," said the document, obtained by the Sunshine Project. The watchdog group posted the partly blacked-out, three-page document on its Web site.

Lt. Col. Barry Venable of the Army, a Defense Department spokesman, said: "This suggestion arose essentially from a brainstorming session, and it was rejected out of hand."

The Air Force Research Laboratory also suggested using chemicals that could be sprayed on enemy positions to attract stinging and biting bugs, rodents and larger animals.

Another idea involved creating "severe and lasting halitosis" to help sniff out fighters trying to blend with civilians.

The U.S. military remains committed to developing less-than-lethal weapons that pass stringent legal reviews and are consistent with international treaties, said Captain Dan McSweeny of the Marine Corps, a spokesman for the Pentagon unit spearheading their introduction.

"We feel it's very important to offer our deployed service members and their commanders a greater range of options in dealing with increasingly complex operational environments," said McSweeny, of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate.


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Oh my.. I guess things might turn nasty when dropping a sexbomb on the battlefield.

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I don't know if this is some kind of military joke, but maybe it will give a new meaning to friendly fire.

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havent they tested this on the navy? ooh sailor

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And with foriegn ignorance in extremely "pious" countries, I'm sure that the "lethal" part would come from all the executions and lynchings for being "indecent." (j/k)

Seriously though, it makes you wonder if the developers and thinkers of this idea have serious misunderstandings about the homo-sexual community. rock.gif

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Am I the only one thinking this might lead to desertions amongst some members of the U.S. military? wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]This suggestion arose essentially from a brainstorming session, and it was rejected out of hand."

ROFLMAO! tounge_o.gif

I bet they had quite the brainstorming 'session' to come up with that idea.



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the plan is gay tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

i hate to be the person they test it on

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It definitly wouldn't be a last resort weapon. Can you imagine the horror? You're surrounded and out numbered 100 to 1, so your commander orders this gas weapon used on the enemy. The moment the enemy charged after being gassed with that, well I'd probably just shoot my self.

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It definitly wouldn't be a last resort weapon. Can you imagine the horror? You're surrounded and out numbered 100 to 1, so your commander orders this gas weapon used on the enemy. The moment the enemy charged after being gassed with that, well I'd probably just shoot my self.

What if it works the other way around? You're surrounded and outnumbered by 100:1, and your commander orders you to use it on yourselves and do a counterattack.

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I think this one will give a new meaning to "drill sergeant" biggrin_o.gif

What about "staff sargeant" or "rear admiral"? Or "lance corporal"?

What the hell? Apparently there are such things as "Rear Admiral, Lower Half" and "Rear Admiral, Upper Half". rock.gif

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Very useful to eliminate the Iranian army...

Hence homo-sexuality is forbidden by their stupid Sharia law and punished with death.

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