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Russian 1985 soldier reskin/remodel?

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I just tested them, and they are really great with superb textures.

Superb work as usual icon14.gif

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Nice, finally some opponents to use with HYK's 85 soldiers smile_o.gif

Short question, is it possible to toggle the hidden selections (ie backpack and helmet/cap? ) via the init line?

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These are exellent Denorc. I can't believe you call something of such great quality just a small project. The textures and unit load outs are exellent. You keep getting better all the time.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what the next new release or update will be from ORCS.

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wow_o.gif simply perfect. I can't beliene noone did this before.

When I saw the screenshot on ofp.info, I thought "ah nice, an other vbs1 picture, pf something I will never be able to play". Guess I couldn't be more wrong.

Just a question; any chance we can see winter units aswell? Just like in VBS1, with winter trousers en helmet, but woodland jacket. That would be neat. But don't consider this a request. Only do so if you want them yourself.

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To Denorc...

I love your addons, you did a great job on them. However I was wondering if you would make a little addition that would require a lot less time...

can we get a soldier who is not wearing a backpack or a hat/helmet?

Simply because I would like to use these troops for some light recon and prison escape so I was wondering if it was possible to remove the equipment off your soldiers backs and head.

I'm sure its just a matter of deleting those objects of in Oxygen but I cant do it myself...

Thanks for these great guys...

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@ Jan. 14 2005,04:16)]Screen 1

Much better uniform.

BIS better hurry up with OFP2 before the fans are making it for them tounge_o.gif

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I just replaced BIS units ingame.. I can do unit without any loadouts of course... just forgot.

About winter units: russian winter camo are not so rich, as summer patterns. I can remember only "spot" pattern and masking suits used by specnaz. The colors of russian winter uniform now are equival to summer ones. In 1985 soldiers used winter "afganka" suits, or coats...

Russian Winter pack is also planning. As usual, we will report you when it'll be ready... Less talk, more action...

2 Shadow: Thx my friend)

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Quote[/b] ]I can do unit without any loadouts of course... just forgot

Yay... I think what I was really looking for was the load out of the Officer. Just a water bottle and some ammo pouches...

About the head gear perhaps you can do some with pilotka and some without hats at all?

Thanks again, and hopefully looking forward to these tiny adjustments...


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Yes, I too was wondering about being able to remove the backpack on the soldiers of this addon.  I just wanted to do this so they could look more like the original BIS units only with updated textures and editions.

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@ Jan. 15 2005,02:03)]2 Shadow: Thx my friend)

He He, no hard feelings anymore then?  wink_o.gif

Played a bit with the units and decided they really deserve their place in my addon folder, nice  smile_o.gif

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@ Jan. 15 2005,02:03)]About winter units: russian winter camo are not so rich, as summer patterns. I can remember only "spot" pattern and masking suits used by specnaz. The colors of russian winter uniform now are equival to summer ones. In 1985 soldiers used winter "afganka" suits, or coats...

Russian Winter pack is also planning. As usual, we will report you when it'll be ready... Less talk, more action...

2 Shadow: Thx my friend)

Yes, I did a search and it seems you're right (wasn't really suprised about that).

Modern russian troops wear the klyaksa-oversuit (spot camo) and a completely white oversuit (could also be named klyaksa, bu I don't know).

I'm not sure if they used snow suits in 1985, but I must assume they did have them. In a search for 'soviet witer camoulfage' I was kind of suprised by the result;


Seems the soviet military had quite a few camouflage uniforms even WW2, including a few types of snowsuits.

On the same page I found this;


It's discribed as a Soviet snowsuit. I'm not sure if it was worn in 1985, though. But it does show that the russian military did have the.

It would be a bit unfair in OFP to have the russian winter troops run around in brown suits. In MP this would kill you and in SP it's no fun either.

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Excelent work, that is what we needed. If you plan to expand this addon to more variations I would love 1985 Soviet Naval Infantry (brown woodland, black beret) and Naval SECNAZ and Airborne (VDV) in KLMK or KZS and officer with blue beret). We would like use these units in our campaign. http://flashpoint.bonusweb.cz/operation85.html

This version is allready adopted wink_o.gif

Here are some photos and ilustration i found when I was searching for info about these units in 1980s.

KZS -succesor of KLMK used in 85s.



Brown woodland worn by Soviet naval infantry,naval spetsnaz,80's airborne units.



Airborne from 80. illustration (KLMK,KZS brown woodland)


Equipment Soviet/Russian:


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The guy on the left with the blue hat and rocket launcher reminds me of a GI Joe I had when I was young named Red Star.



    Sorry little off topic. Just brought back memories is all.

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Cool theses new guys didn't beat my ass like the regualr RF units,

They also earn a spot on another RHS members addon folder.

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I have KZS pattern textures also, and "Klyaksa", made for Liberation mod. I made KZS camo few months ago for personal reasons. I am thinking about little update: i will add officer without loadout and a sniper, maybe specnaz in KZS suit... But this will not be very soon, 'cause i have some other modwork to do. Thanks to all for your comments.

2 ShadowNX: Sure, it looks like this... This is time for work, not for flame, isn't it?)))

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Excellent stuff! Had a peek at the config, and it needs a bit of love&caring to make the addon work in MP on dedicated servers.<ul>[*]Addon dependency list incomplete

[*] units[] list incomplete

[*] Some unbalanced {}:s in the CfgGroups part

The addon uses the ORCS RF Weapons pack (ICP_weaponpack<span style='color:red'>*</span>) so it needs to declare that. Otherwise, MP servers using this might just silently refuse to load missions using them. (Most common sign of this is that you select a mission and OFP immediately returns you to the mission selection screen)

Again, thanks for a very nice addon!

<span style='color:red'>*</span> Edit: The weapons pack addon itself is of course called "ICP_rfwp.pbo" but declares ICP_weaponpack in CfgPatches.

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