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Usmc uh-1n

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nice work mate, best huey in ofp methinks

found a bug though - LODs at 250-300m look funny.

also the m2 sounds pretty weak for a .50 cal.

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Image, as promised:


Hope it helps. Keep up the good work. smile_o.gif

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Thank you Sniper! It helped a lot...tomorrow i'll try!

Quote[/b] ]nice work mate, best huey in ofp methinks

found a bug though - LODs at 250-300m look funny.

also the m2 sounds pretty weak for a .50 cal.


Another thing to fix! Fortunately this should take just a couple of minutes! wink_o.gif

About the M2 sound: unfortunately that's the best sound i've found around the net! sad_o.gif

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I haven't had a chance to install and play with this yet, but I really look forward to it. Thanks for all your work, Prep H.

As for the M2 sound...If it's the same sound from the 1.0 release, it sounds very much like the GAU-16 in real life. I always love hearing that while they are inserting troops in the game. Anyway, if it's the same sound, I'm quite happy. smile_o.gif

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Prep H,

Lovely model - the only thing I can see for the moment is that the tail-rotor goes round the wrong way. It should go "down-at-the-back" to keep the advancing blade clear of the main-rotor downwash. "Down-at-the-front" was the most significant problem - in handling terms - with the B204/ early B205 (ie HU1B-UH1D/early -H), leading to loss of tail-rotor effectiveness in crosswinds from the right. Later -H used the B212's tail rotor, which was mounted on the other side of the tailboom.

If there IS some way of making the pilot remain in a threat-area, I'd like to hear it. The AI versions I fly with when I'm gunner in this have a real risk-aversion problem... tounge_o.gif

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But this isn't the ABCD or H the N was its own degisignation from the 70s.  The Army heuys were too whimpy for the abuse the Marines imposed on them why most of their choppers were twin engined.  Including the Early AH1J Cobra.  

Further testing with the AI had little trouble peppering me on the ground urban areas with the weapons, noticied they commonly save rockets for higher value targets like soft skined vehicles and armor.  The gunner can engage very well, its the moron pilot turning the chopper away from targets each pass, common problem on most choppers with gunners int he doors, should beable to find the things needed to add to inti field to stop the pilot from going beserk.

Try charging at one on the ground bet you the gunner will stitch you with the M134 in two bursts. Think its kinda funny RPGs get vectered off by the flares. Best to use Guard over search and destroy for choppers against ground units.

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Quote[/b] ]But this isn't the ABCD or H the N was its own degisignation from the 70s

Agreed - the boring history lesson was merely there to illustrate to Prep H why the model could be slightly improved by changing the tail-rotor direction of rotation.

Useful tip re using "guard" instead of "search & destroy", I'll give that a try. Hadn't seen the RPG-decoy trick either.

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Search and destroy is for ground units. Its useless on air units, drawback is now the helios will kill everything in the area nnot on their side three 134 w ffar and one M2 vs a company of RF motorized infantry with support. They lasted about ten minutes tops. The first verssion of the bird usualy got hosed by trigger happy PK gunners and R PG nuts. Usualy only one bird lost. I have their fly in height set as low as possable to lessen MG effectiveness just skiming tree & roof tops. These puppies imspired me to finish the leather neck chopper jockies.

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Hi Prep H

Great addon now my maries deploy from a USMC Helicopter biggrin_o.gif .

I wondering if you were planning to include a rappelling capability in a future update, a would be great to be able to rappel from these great birds.

Again great Work

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Quote[/b] ]I wondering if you were planning to include a rappelling capability in a future update, a would be great to be able to rappel from these great birds.

TheMarshal is working on some very interesting scripts...Unfortunately he lost all his data and that project will be delayed 'cause he has to start from scratch.

Quote[/b] ]Try charging at one on the ground bet you the gunner will stitch you with the M134 in two bursts. Think its kinda funny RPGs get vectered off by the flares. Best to use Guard over search and destroy for choppers against ground units.

So let me understand... is there a way to improve AI skills without changing the config.cpp? It would be great 'cause i have no idea on how to tweak the config!

About the sound: do you guys believe the old 1.0 M2 sound was better than the 1.1 one? Sincerely i'm not satisfied by the new sound and If you like the old one and believe it's more realistic, just tell me 'cause i can restore it.

@ThudBlunderQ8: oh man! I thought it was the right rotating direction...So, let's make an example to understand better: i'm looking to the left side of the helicopter, what's the direction of main rotor and tail rotor?

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After having a chance to mess around w/ this baby last night, I've got to say... Please go back to the old .50 cal sound. I know I can always change it back to the original for my own use, but for the overall release, I'd really recommend changing it back, especially if you're going to release an update.

Otherwise, great work!

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Prep H:

Main rotor - anti-clockwise (or counter-clockwise if you're American) when viewed from the top.  This means that as you're sitting inside the aircraft, the blades move from your right to your left.  This is the same for all Hueys, most US single rotor helis, UK-designed helis and most German-designed Eurocopter aircraft.

Tail rotor - when viewed from the left:

- Early Hueys - anti-clockwise (ie a blade at the top of its travel moves down toward the FRONT of the aircraft).

- Late Hueys (including your 212) - clockwise (ie a blade at the top of its travel moves down towards the BACK of the aircraft).

I spent 3 years teaching on the 212 in Borneo and have a fair number of digital pics.  If you'd like some (including some of the abseiling (rappeling) equipment that has been requested recently) send me a PM with your address and I'll Hotmail them to you.

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The repelling script is pretty easy to just do by the player, don't bother adding it to the bird, they just have to int it in the mission editor. They can even pick which version for the mission and how many ropes drop. Do not fall for doing something for over _lazy_ players cause you'll never pick the right script for their demands seeing there are about six currently popular repelling scripts. I use them in flashFX so all the FX capabilities are aviable like smoke tail roter failure dust scripts.

As far as the AIs ability to use the helo better, do what said you'll get the better results than search and destroy. Having dug into the config other than resetting some of the sounds to play only in the cockpit and the textures and lod issues.

Leave the major scripting to Marshal, he will do it As far as the M2 sound , it would be mouted by the sound of the huey's engines and rotorblade noise. They are still so loud you can hear them a mile away..

AI gunners are fine experimenting they gunner is quite capable of picking a man off with the M134/M2 at almost 500 meters when using guard vs search and destroy. The retarded AI pilot does not under stand the gun is mounted on the side so turns the chopper to face front to attack asuming it has forward mounted guns. With guard it will make attack runs over the pistion. Also cuts down midair crashes scary it holds its own vs the KA60 beta in heli vs heli.

People are sniviling about the M2 you can dig out the old one or get the one from the combat_misc make sure all sounds are converted to a less lag inducing format. I have a converter program if you need it.

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A trick i used in some missions with the BIS UH60MG to have it efficient against ground troop is the following :

Create an empty UH60MG , create a pilot with this in its init line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this moveindriver nameofchopper

Predefine the waypoints (for the pilot) the chopper will folllow over the enemy positions , to have the side with the machinegun facing those positions (end with a Cycle waypoint to let the chopper continue his flight over those enemies)

Set the first waypoint in CARELESS, Limited speed , and Hold Fire, Engage at Will

in the On Activation line of this waypoint add

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nameofchopper flyinheight 30

This way the AI pilot in the chopper will follow the waypoints without trying to face the enemy or engage it but will allow (the Hold Fire Engage at Will) its gunner to open fire.

And it will fly low and slow enough to allow the gunner to see the potential targets and engage them

Create a soldier that will be used as the helicopter gunner with a skill of 1 , make sure it is not a part of the pilot group, then write in its init line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this moveingunner choppername; this setbehaviour "COMBAT"

Then you are set , the gunner will engage anything he will see while the chopper will follow its own route.

With some script to heal/revive the chopper the pilot and the gunner damage regularly , you will have a flying killing machine for ground troops.

On a flat ground (no trees) , you can lower the flyinheight to 20 to give more "engage the enemy" vision to the gunner

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Yeah... I put few of the M134's against a ORCS RF Mot. Inf. group 2, myself as a machine gunner... They killed some of the group... But didn't hit me! I had few hundred bullet holes in about 0.5-1m radius of me... But not a single hit.



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Those are some really great shots. What island did you use for that and are you using the dxll mod? That last one looks very realistic, I take it the Whiskey in the second picture is NXShadows?

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Thank you for your help guys! biggrin_o.gif

Well... i just have to fix rotor direction, add clan_sign, retexture some parts of the furthest LOD and change the M2 sound (

King Homer really saved my life...he found a fantastic M2 sound for my helo! Thanks! wink_o.gif ).

The other bugs you noticed have been already corrected.

I'm pretty busy in these days but i hope to get those bugs fixed as soon as possible! smile_o.gif

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Great chopper, Great Addon.

Otherwise, I think some little changes of the models would make them perfect.

the engine on fuselage should be a little taller, and the nose is a little bit up when a uh-1n is on the ground

here are some materials for you.

Standard Aircraft Characteristics Chart for UH-1N (PDF)


left side pic 1

left side pic 2

right side pic

what's the difference between them

thanks for you work

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An informative post. Unfortunately the last article ("the difference between them") shows a silhouette of the 212/-N with the tail rotor going the wrong way sad_o.gif

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Just a little update:

- added clan sign (thanks to Sniperwolf572)

- fixed furthest LOD

- fixed rotors (thanks to ThunderBlunderQ8 and Lupus)

- changed M2 sound

As i said yesterday, King Homer sent me a fantastic M2 sound, anyway i tried to use it on the helo but it doesn't sound "metallic" as it should be. I found and reworked another sound: it is very similar to the one produced by an HMMWV mounted M2 i saw in a video...i hope you'll like it...

Tomorrow i'll change the engine block: Lupus did a great job reworking the original one, so I just have to scale it and fit some details...now the helo seems quite more realistic (Lupus for president! tounge_o.gif)

That will be the last change i'll make on the addon, then it'll be ready for the update release! wink_o.gif

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that sounds really good!!!  smile_o.gif


I love the minigun sound you used!

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yeah that minigun sounds is sooooooo cool, great work on that.

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Yeah PrepH I love your UH-1N That bird is totally awesome !!!

Can't wait for the Updated Version !!! smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

Go PrepH Go PrepH Go PrepH

Go Lupus Go Lupus Go Lupus biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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