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Gorgeous Hind?

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Anybody seen any more news on that Hind with the GORGEOUS texturing?

I think it'll go nicely with the new Mi-26 by Our (Russian) Weapons.

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How can i have missed these screenshots !!!

It is just fantastic , wonderful, awesome , great , superb etc... smile_o.gif

While being very excited about this, i strongly hope it is very near completion , and that Scar will release it.

I would be desesperate if Scar's Mi24 end in joining the "gorgeous addons that disappeared from the world" bandwagon before release.

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I found Scar's website , but unfortunately i don't understand a word of japanese.

edit : oops sorry for the reply instaed of edit

ah that mi-24 is so good looking.


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That thing is going to give me nightmares crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif.

That HIND does look awesome. I loved Scar's Leopard tank and hoepfully this will be just as good biggrin_o.gif.

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They look like the helicopter version of a T-rex surveying the battlefield, just itching to munch metal... Definitely the ride to show who's boss! biggrin_o.gif

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Poke around on his website and you should find some pics of the interiors, they look pretty good.

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Great, but i don't understand more what is wrote in his blog than what is wrote in his website wink_o.gif

I just hope what i see in his blog is an indication that he will release his Mi-24 to the public very soon smile_o.gif

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If i'm not mistaken i think he's letting CSLA MOD have it for the future.I read something about it in the last few pages of there thread

Quote[/b] ]

Bobby made some agreement with Scars, who was willing to allow us to implement his Hind into CSLA when he finishes it. That is why we stopped working on our model and have waited for completion of Scars' awesome piece of art. The "interim" models are just result of this status quo, we really felt we need better Hinds... smile_o.gif

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Damn wow_o.gif

I haven't looked at his site for a while, but those new interiour pics are very impressive. It seems he's working on the textures for the interiour now (note that cockpit and cargo area have some untextured parts). But it seems work is still going on and progressing nicely.

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If i'm not mistaken i think he's letting CSLA MOD have it for the future.I read something about it in the last few pages of there thread
Quote[/b] ]

Bobby made some agreement with Scars, who was willing to allow us to implement his Hind into CSLA when he finishes it. That is why we stopped working on our model and have waited for completion of Scars' awesome piece of art. The "interim" models are just result of this status quo, we really felt we need better Hinds... smile_o.gif

I strongly hope Scar will release his hind in stand alone , not only as an exclusive addon for CSLA.

Now i am a bit desesperate thinking about this.

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Indeed, that's one incredible looking Hind. Hope it comes with equally incredible sounds.

I can read the Japanese somewhat but I can't translate it biggrin_o.gif

I can't believe people can actually read the text, it's so small.

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Scar's current blog

All Hind updates

(went and updated his blog as I was typing this translation... wink_o.gif )



(80%) After a little, much messier?

OWP's MI-26 cockpit is wonderful...

From very detailed observations it became a reference.


Rear section parts and bulkhead, also one piece...


Hurry up and finish it! - orz


Sunk in, seats anything but long time sat in?


Interior (or middle?) halfway made, shadow (glare?) is a little strong probably.

Afterwards soldier hatch was like to be open, but it became a little weird.

From the action menu right and left reverse it is going to be.



Comments from the 11-12 posting suggest that there may be some uncertainty about the weps.

The concern is about "The F-model's right-side Gsh-30?" possibly being confused with the BIS 12.7mm ammo classes. Comments to feedback?

Also comments from the 02-12 posting suggest that Scars intends to implement window wipers, but that would be at the time when he gets to the config.

From the 28-11 comments he says he wants downwash functionality, but is unsure how to implement it...

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Thanks for the translation.

all those hind update pictures are so wondefull , that it looks really from another world icon14.gif

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Thanks for the translation. THe cockpit and interiour seem to have a high poly count crazy_o.gif This doesn't have to be a problem, though and it does look fantastic.

The oustide also has a high polycount (and that could be a problem), but with proper LOD's (5 or 6) this should work well on most rigs.

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Oh yes, i really hope Scar will make some LOD to solve this potential problem, as flying several Hind without some lighter LODs for the distant ones can lead into some huge "computer lag" problem (unless for the people with some NASA computers wink_o.gif ).

And with such superb Mi-24 it would really be a pity.

/me is crossing my fingers

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2005 - JAN - 25

Since the launcher-mouth area was kinda bad, I pasted in a photo and lighted it a little...


2005 - JAN - 23

The coloring is a little different from normal, this is because of processing through DXDLL. But, it s not that strong of an effect.


(3rd Comment)


There will be two variations of the Czech -24v, (-ed. unsure of the count of) Russian -24p, and 1 Russian -24v. Would like to do more models, but due to the volume of texture's I'll have to think about it (-ed. in the negative 'not likely' conotation)


2005 - JAN - 22

Made a Czech-MIL gunpod.

Don't have really any neta (?) right now.

The interior is finished, working now on a Czech-MIL Tiger pait job for the exterior. After finishing that, then do scripts and sounds. Downwash, Random numbering, anim'd gear are done, after about 1~2 weeks probably...

If I didn't keep redoing things it would hurry up and be done.


2005 - JAN - 09

2) Now if I can get the doors to open it will be done.

Ome) Haven't done anything since New Years.


(-ed. comments)

Remember folks, there are rules about what you can post on the forums, so be disciplined in your comments. Just generic WTF!? and OMG!!!111 level remarks will do - for now. But if the current screenshots and notes are anything to go by, we had all best be buying a ton of towels and buckets for all the drooling coming this way.

Also, the "hate to bug you but whens the release date"-"its done when it is done" was already posted on the comments for 2005-01-09, so don't bother here.

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Incredible.... right when I figured it couldn't get any better, it did. I hope we can see more addons from SCAR(s) in the future. This Hind is as good if not better than the commercial Flight Sim addons!

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It really looks great!


In the 9-1-2005 post he means opening the cargo-doors?

Thanks for the translation, btw!!

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The connotation for Jan-09 was that the cargo door animation process was still planned, but uncompleted at that stage. No mention of it further since that date. I presume then that he means the memory points are done, now he's just in the final configs and script stage.

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Exhibit A

The above (picture'd) model is totally changed from the original construction. The cockpit is much more decorated and the wings narrowed, if you look at the image you'll see that as an actual hind it's tilted to the right, among various other changes.

Exhibit B

The nose sensor (?) looks a little different, looking at the image it seems to be an improvement. The lower (image) is the thing after improvement.

However, after textures were applied other model improvements (unavoidablely blocked/interfered). So it became neccessary to newly paste in the changed model sections... If the model had been more completely made before making the textures it would have been good.

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