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US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

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Quote[/b] ]Squad of 12 could be front rank of six kneeling, rear rank of six standing with an NCO or Officer standing left rear.


Thats possible, ive been thinking about changing the actual default formations, that is, if i can find em.

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Again, I think the smoke is just right as it is, black powder guns smoke like you wouldn't believe!   The new interface, changing the accents of the Confederates, the names, it's quality work all around!

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the names

Names were not fun to change. But i think it was worth it. No more ruskies fighting for the south, well i guess there are a few, but youll have to put on about 300 rebels before ya get to em.

Alright men, listen up, today im going to give you a course dealing with the compass. Figured i better do so considering I had trouble reading it myself when i first used it after i made it. Keep these 2 words in your mind "Blue Indicator", and youll find your way. Examine this exhibit below:


Although the quality of the picture is low quality, you may or may not notice the Blue Indicator. It is visible in-game, although its small and the tilt of the compass suppresses it. (Blue indicator Will be enlarged later).

Presuming you studied the image you will notice that the blue indicator will be on the oposite side for East and West. Due West the "BI" will be on East, and due east the "BI will be on West. For North and South the indicator will be on the correct direction. BI on North = north, BI on South = South.

The quality of the directional background texture is not that great, so it makes using degrees rather hard to use. I doubt many people use them anyway, but believe me if i come across a good texture reference ill change the texture so the Degs will be useable. Anyway on this compass the degrees go in this order starting at north: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0. Therefore it does not use 360, its uses two 180 degree cross sections on the compass, which makes it a tid bit harder to use (this is historically accurate for this device in the Civil War era).

Like I said before, I doubt many people use the degrees in missions, or just to mess around with. Although it is fun to play with.

Well I hope you learned something, dont get lost anymore.

Oh yes, one more thing for mission editors. In the Civil War i believe the cost of compasses were rather expensive. Therefore Compasses were not issued to all soldiers and maybe even just officers had them. Ill do some more research and confirm the above statement.

Quote[/b] ]The officers and their staff also needed those items necessary to their work, such as maps, orders books, tactics manuals, binoculars, and compasses.

source: http://www.bufordsboys.com/UnionCavalrymanV.htm

There are defiently exceptions, but I think only officers and there staff were equiped compasses. An exception maybe a scout and maybe a calvary Sergeant.

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Quote[/b] ]Squad of 12 could be front rank of six kneeling, rear rank of six standing with an NCO or Officer standing left rear.


Thats possible, ive been thinking about changing the actual default formations, that is, if i can find em.

Unfortunately , you can't change the OFP formations, they are hardcoded and not defined in a modifiable file (but you can change the distance between units in the config with formationX , formationZ, formationTime for the class Man:Land )

But, what you can do as a wrokaround is to use some scripts like this one from General Barron to create new scripted formations .

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Here is a nice campaign Popka posted at the ofp.info forum.


The feeling is very authentic, historical atmosphere, it doesn't lag bad even on my old comp., generally a nice thing to play. Give it a try!

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Yay! A campaign!

This one goes to test it immediately.

PS: The soldier could have token the compass from a dead enemy officer, right? I think i've killed enough officers to have a compass collection tounge_o.gif

EDIT: Hmm, campaign of a great amount of two missions then?

But those two were simply great. The atmosphere is at top, though I guess my OFP bugged somehow and I only had Melee as my weapon in the second mission. Well, who cares, just attachin' the bayonet and the fight can begin.

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I guess my OFP bugged somehow and I only had Melee as my weapon in the second mission.

I guess it didn't since I had the same thing. couldn't reload the ammo pouch rock.gif

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Fraps doesent work in my computer, do you guys know any other screenshot tool?

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I made a little mission where you sneak into an enemy camp and back at night.

Go to http://safariofp.sphosting.com/addons/ and download file named TheAftermathCWGettysburg.zip.

(endmission trigger didn't work no matter how I tried  so I just removed it. Any advice more than welcome smile_o.gif)

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I am looking for 1 or 2 people to assist me in editing Zues 1.2 CTI system to edit to use the Civil War mods units. If you interested in helping me, let me know. You mainly need to know how to edit scripts. No mission editing skill is needed because 90% of the mission is scripts. Also, Id perfer if you are familiar with CTI missions systems, but I wont be picky.

The main things that need to be done are deleting modern day options, changing the units and weapon purchasing system, and adding some sort of system for a squad to realistically transport artillery.

If you are interested and are good at scripting or are familiar with cti mission based systems, message me via this forum.

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thanx all for the feedback on my mission.

i didnt realize that the thing lagged so much so i tested it

out on the wifes 1.8ghz and ya it was laggy as hell.

so here's a updated version.

dropped it down to 3 squads per side

and set the view to 500m

thats all i could think of to get it playable.

i'm also having trouble with this melee option

i cant seem to load my ammo sometimes and my

squad refuses to fire!


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I am almost positive now that sometimes the guns have fifferent strengths. Sometimes when I play as a Berdan Sharpshooter I can comftarbly talke out enemies at several hundered yards. Ad today I played defending a house. I literally fired 3 yards away from an enemy and he was wounded only!

I Know it doesnt make sense how they would be different strengths sometimes but I also think the same can be said for accuraxy in that sometimes it is poorer.

If anybody else has experienced this please reply smile_o.gif

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Hey Combat-Agent. Zeus 1.2 CTI never herd of Zeus 1.2 CTI, If you can send me a link to it, because I have played Cti44(using ww2 addons),MFcti(using regular ofp addons) and CTINam(using vietnam addons). But I have never herd of Zeus 1.2 CTI.

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Here it is, the conversion is coming along nicely should be done about in a week. I was informed there was a newer version coming out, however.

Ok, It will take a lot of work to complete this thoug because you will need to know all the unit names, ware to put spawnpoints on the map ect.... I would help but I am still working on my campaign.

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Quote[/b] ]Ok, It will take a lot of work to complete this thoug because you will need to know all the unit names, ware to put spawnpoints on the map ect.... I would help but I am still working on my campaign.

Not really, in matter of fact ive almost got all the CW units in, ive got all the weapons in the purchase menu. And most importantly ive now got the one of Zeus team members assisting me. I hardly doubt changing the map is a chore. Change triggers via map, change town names in scripts. Biggest problem, i think, will be getting a decent artillery system going on.

Here is a picture of the alpha on everon. Ive just gone playing that, lasted 1 and 19 minutes and didnt even get half the map, i quit ofcourse. It was real fun to play til a resistance BMP drove up and ended the fun. Damn resistance with their derringers and bmps. Still tryin to get rid of the modern vehicles.

I found out real fast that transportation is needed. Phil Commandos horse will definetly be in there and also CSJs Ox cart will also probably be in there. I plan on creating some sort of wagon train to transport troops quickly, or atleast quicker. A train would be nice, but i sure as hell aint makin it. A ww1 and ww2 mod are making a train that kinda look like one of the era. Might toss that in there once they are released. But i cant wait till i get this done, this is the most fun ive had with the mod so far, (guess i got a knack for commanding alot of troops).

Guess i better explain what CTI is to the people that dont know what it is. CTI stands for Capture the Island. In this version im converting there are 3 sides. The 2 combating sides, Union and Confederate, and then the resistance, they occupy the towns at the begining of the game. The object is to kill your enemy or capture all the towns, which ever comes first. AS you can tell by the name, a whole island is used. For those people that dont or cant play multiplayer, there is a AI that carries out the duty of the opposite army, and from what i can tell, somewhat effectively too. Hopefully we can get it to utilize the unique upcoming transportation styles.

Heres a pic of what little progress ive made within an hour, I had only 1 horse (which the BMP had its way with it), the rest of the troops had to travel by foot.

If anyone has any good ideas they would like to relay or has any questions about this project, message me.


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looks and sounds interesting Combat!

looks like cavalry might be a must for this.

i know there was a train mod that was done a while ago

but i cant remeber who did it. It would be fantastic

to detrain ...form up and capture a town.

i wonder if the mule can be used to transport

the artillery?


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A ww1 and ww2 mod are making a train that kinda look like one of the era.

wow_o.gif I didn't know there was still a WWI mod active! I thought they'd all died. I'd like to play that almost as much as I enjoy the War Between The States! biggrin_o.gif

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the bull run campaign was excellent!

the only problem i had (and its not the mission makers)

was that on the second mission I couldnt load my weapon!

this needs to be addressed!

is it the melee option?. If It Is then get rid of it. Its nice

to see but its not really nessesary. the bayonet option is more than enough.

Give me 60 rounds and the bayonet option and thats all I need.

thats my 2 cents.


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I had the same problem with the Bull run Capaign also. Also there is a train already out but its not a steam train thoug.

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is it the melee option?. If It Is then get rid of it. the bayonet option is more than enough.

Me disagrees.

Yeah, the bayonet is ten times as deadly and stuff, but at least there's one very nice thing about the melee. When you reload, the "ammo box" (or whatever you call it wink_o.gif ) disappears after a time. So, when you want to know if your gun is reloaded, you simply press spacebar twice. That makes life a lot easier i thinks, though the cannons are still awful to use, because of the same reason. Haven't been cannoning too much anyway though.

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I have a bug that when I use the melee and hit a soldier there is large puff of smoke on the ground like a grenade. rock.gif

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