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Buying Flashpoint, places that have stock....

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I thought it would be a good time to compile a list of stores (especially in the US) who still carry this game, for those who would like to purchase a copy to no avail. If you know any other places who carry the game please add them to this post.

USA - GoGamer.com - $19.95

Yes, it's sad, but that's the only store in the US that I could find!

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Last copy I got was at a EB Games in Katy, TX. Saw CWC, so I took the store apart until I found RES. Cost me something like ~$12 total. Have them open the box and check to make sure the manuals are all there though. Keep your eyes open and they show up at your local EB Games from time to time.

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I've seen plenty of OFP: CWC 'best sellers' editions going around in stores around southern & eastern Australia.

It's been about a year since I last saw any Red Hammer, or Resistance expansions. The last GOTY I saw, I snapped up at an EB Games sale about six months ago!

Can I ask, why was the Cold War Crisis software touted as the 'best sellers' edition, and not the Game of the Year Edition pack?

People who’ve bought or received OFP in its ‘best sellers’ guise, and are new to OFP won't be experiencing the game to its maximum potential, and seeing as the expansions are thin on the ground, don’t have much of a chance to either. rock.gifsad_o.gif

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Starting in march 2005, in France (and knowing how quick it can be in my country, it will occurs certainly sooner than march in every other countries), Codemaster will launch a new "budget serie" (a different one from the "best seller" serie) with some of their game at 10€

And Operation Flashpoint (+the expansions) is planned to be included in this "budget serie" at 10€.

Quote[/b] ]Can I ask, why was the Cold War Crisis software touted as the 'best sellers' edition, and not the Game of the Year Edition pack?

People who’ve bought or received OFP in its ‘best sellers’ guise, and are new to OFP won't be experiencing the game to its maximum potential, and seeing as the expansions are thin on the ground, don’t have much of a chance to either.

I guess Codemaster was lazy in Australia

Actually in my country, i bought in a shop some months ago for a nephew, an "OFP + Red Hammer + Resistance" pack .

It was in the "Best Seller" collection.

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Is there anywhere a "special edition" of OFP still available? You know, one that had all the goodies and came in a special box... I got the gold edition here, as well as the goty, and just for the fun of it, since christmas 2003 I spent in Prague, bought the local OFP:R package biggrin_o.gif ... now only the OFP Special Edition is lacking (I'll skip the "normal" OFP:CWC tounge_o.gif ).

Would anybody know where to get the special edition?

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Hmm, a OFP-DVD (CWC, RH and RES) would be nice.

Easy to install with the latest patch included.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Last time i checked the local mall:

Operation Flashpoint GOTY Edition 14,95€

Anttila, Lippulaiva, Espoo, Finland.

And i bought it with 50€ crazy_o.gif But it was worth it. It really was.

More Finnish prices ruthlessy stolen from http://www.mbnet.fi/

Verkkokauppa.com 15 € http://www.verkkokauppa.com

MJT Finland 16 € http://www.mjtech.fi

Peliarkku 17 € http://www.peliarkku.fi

Bulldog 19 € http://www.bdog.fi/netstore

Kärkkäinen 19 € http://www.karkkainen.com

Dose 20 € http://www.dose.net

Gamelife 20 € http://www.gamelife.fi

DigiComp Finland 25 € http://www.digicomp.fi

Puolenkuun Pelit 27 € http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com

Propably no use to anyone, but well, finnish players.

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Anyone find a Canadian distributer solution?

I've checked the walmart/staples/futureshop/EB/Radioshacks nearby with ZERO luck.

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I replied to NS_Kossak last night by PM but I'll paste it here in case it helps anyone else.......

Quote[/b] ]I came across a site that ships just about anywhere when looking for someone in Mexico who wanted the game, not sure how competitive the price is but it's a start http://www.cdaccess.com/html/pc/opflashy.htm

Alternatively search for as many price comparison websites you can such as kelkoo.co.uk pricegrabber.com pricerunner.com and run operation flashpoint through them, eventually you'll find one that ships to Canada, also look into ordering it direct from codemasters http://www.codemasters.co.uk/eshop/more-details.php?eshopitemid=263 (can't find it on the USA site so you'll prolly need to Email them)

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i sent them (codemasters USA) an email, but they havnt replied yet.

When/if they do i'll post the price they quote in here, just for reference.

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ok so its been pretty well a whole month since i came on here complaining that i couldnt find OFP: GoTY anywhere.

I emailed codemasters USA to ask about the games ability through them, (since neither the minisite nor the main site has the option to buy it through them directly)

this is an exerpt from what i recieved:

Quote[/b] ]Your message is being returned; it has been enqueued and undeliverable for

54 hours to the following recipients:

Recipient address: [email protected]

Reason: unable to deliver this message after 54 hours

So i guess Codemasters was having some technical difficulties on their own.

Anyway, today, finally, i bit the bullet and used the "buy it now" option on Ebay, from some place in Georgia with 100% positive feedback. Hopefully it will arrive sometime before OFP2 comes out tounge_o.gif

after all the trouble i've gone through to get my hands on this game, it better be even more fun than i remember it being! (I know it will be... i miss OFP so much sad_o.gif )

When/if i get the game delivered and they prove trustworthy, i'll post the seller's information in here, so others can possibly follow suit.

I still find it strange that getting a game from Codemasters directly is like pulling teeth.. i was practically waving my fist of money saying "someone take my money"... and nobody jumped.

anyway. more to come as the situation progresses.

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My game arrived today. i'm happy happy happy.

The Ebay vendor i mentioned before is called "pauxpaux" and they are based in the US. Georgia to be specific.

It took 11 days for it to reach me in Canada, which seems quite quick considering border delays, and i'm twitching with anticipation.

I just played the included Helo missions, and realized that i'm only a LITTLE rusty. i can still fly circles around most baddies.

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