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Due to alot of issues to be dealt with and numerous members leaving I am taking this chance to say that the usmc mod is now done. We Will be now known as the USMC Addon studio and that is the best note xmas_o.gif

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I assume your stay with the OFPCentral hosting rock.gif

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Isn't this like the third time the USMC Mod has died? Will you release any unfinished addons?

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Isn't this like the third time the USMC Mod has died? Will you release any unfinished addons?

he said its not done but as a addon team.

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I would think the TheMarshall be smarter than to even bother going near this with a 50 ft pole, maybe get somepeople involved that don't have as many _issues_ and that will be more productive than what the formor mods have shown, I still have my bets on TOW WGL and Combat.. They can at least show professional level operations in carring out their addon making.

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what is it with peopleing naming "mods" blah blah addon studio, its old dog now come up with summit origional.

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As I understand it the full conversion mod is dead but they're still be making addons... that how it is?

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Very sad, truly, I would like to help to keep this alive. sad_o.gif

But I can`t donate, or help in any other way.

This is the MOD, I`m waiting for.

So please give us addons. Great missions and campaigns could be done by ourselves if we have the right stuff at hand.

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no full conversion but campaigns and what not will be available in time I find it really not fair for me or the time to pour our hearts into a mod for a community that wouldnt appreciate it anyways.

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Quote[/b] ]I find it really not fair for me or the time to pour our hearts into a mod for a community that wouldnt appreciate it anyways.

Just goes to show that if everyone had the same attitude as you.. We wouldn't have a community as good as this.....


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...just a flame warning to all here...if you are going to criticize a mod or addon teams work and/or past performance, do it with a little politeness, please.

Any aggressive or overly sarcastic comments can be considered flaming, which wil likely earn you a PR and/or warning level.

Let's try to be nice, eh? wink_o.gif

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If the implication is that you're abandoning the silly notion YAM'ing (Yet-Another-(propietary, buggy, incompatible, etc)-Mod) your way to OFP glory, I want to thank you most sincerely and warmly for coming to your senses.

If on the other hand you're just trying to wrap the rotor blades with tape while trying to stay flying... well, time will tell.

Anyways... Hows the -53 airframe coming along? Are you structuring it in a way so that it could be readily modified to support addon development of everything from Nam-era HH-53 Jolly's to present-day MH-53 pavelows? Not that you guys have to do it all at once, wink_o.gif it would be nice to have the future expansion capability.

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no full conversion but campaigns and what not will be available in time I find it really not fair for me or the time to pour our hearts into a mod for a community that wouldnt appreciate it anyways.


Whatcha mean don't appreciate it? Dude... there will ALWAYS be people who will bitch about your addons. But there will also PLENTY who will LOVE your addons and who most definitely will appreciate your hard work.

Right now I would KILL for a CH-46 or a first class AAV-7.

Anyways, I don't think you need to change the name if you're still making USMC addons or still have one or two people helping you. Just keep picking away at it and try to get help from other mods and addon makers when needed.

I do however agree that a full mod is not the best strategy if you have a really small team because if you do that it will take years to finish. That's my own mod team releases addon packs instead. Anyways, keep your chin up. There are plenty of addon makers interested in making USMC stuff so just work together with other teams and indepent addonamkers so as to get some great USMC stuff out that mission makers can start making missions with.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thats the thing people there is no one helping its just me making addons its hard enough with people helping no im on my own so I will do what i can.

If anyone decides to help contact me on msn at USmarine408@hotmail

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Whatcha mean don't appreciate it?   Dude... there will ALWAYS be people who will bitch about your addons.  But there will also PLENTY who will LOVE your addons and who most definitely will appreciate your hard work.  


I agree 100% with this.Don't let a few people spoil what is obviously a very much wanted and appreciated addons "department".I too am lookin forward to your releases (I mean the addons by the way tounge_o.gif )

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Not this again. crazy_o.gif

There was a whole thread on addon makers and bitchy people in the off topic awhile back.

Either make addons because you like doing it or dont...because there will always be complainers.

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I wouldn't mind helping with some high-tech addons.What addons are planned?

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Well I can help you with making missions as that's my speciality, however I can also help with a few little things and maybe I can ask Calm Terror if he wants to help with something like the AAV-7.   He's very good at .cpp config stuff.

What I would recommend is that you list what addons you currently need help on and with what particular areas.   Then that way people will have a better idea of whether or not they can help you with specific problems.  

Just make a list of which addons are priorities and concentrate on those.  Also if a addon has already been made that the USMC uses, don't be shy about asking them to use it for your mod (like Sigma's LAV-25 for example).  

Anyways, basically the main thing is that you have to communicate to the OFP addon making community what you need help with.  Then your chances will be better at attracting someone who is interested in seeing a particular addon or several addons finished.

For example I have an old beta of the Code Blue AAV-7 that I may finish up even if it means just temporarily using a M113 interior.  The exterior model is fantastic.  It just needs some better textures on the interior, and few geometry/weight problems fixed as well as some .cpp config stuff fixed.

Anyways...I need to email the Code Blue people again to see if they'll let me try and finish it up.   Plus I need to know from them who the original maker of it was so I can give proper credits as the model is excellent.  

However if you have an AAV-7 that's already in an advanced stage of development, my mod team might be able to finish it up as long as you release it when its finished.   Maybe in fact the model you guys are using is the same one?  Dunno.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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