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Swiss mod released

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Sweet. Does it come with a campaign?

It comes with missions but I don't know about a campaign.

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Eeeeexcellent! Downloading right away. Now to think up some scenarios in which the Swiss armed forces would be involved lol...Hmmmmmmmmm

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Although i had almost forgotten the mod, i'm really looking forward to play it.

Pics are looking excellent smile_o.gif

d/l now.

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The Eagle 3 jeep and the CV90 are cool, I think there my favs in the pack.

Thats some nice work fellas.

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Nice work. There's some nice stuff in here, everything i would need for mission making, and like the deployeable weapons in particular. The sniper model looks alittle crazy for me (white bit sticking out of it crazy_o.gif ), and the Smoke wall doesn't seem to appear, but apart from that all looks and works great.

EDIT: And mirror here.

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Quote[/b] ]Sweet. Does it come with a campaign?

Sorry, no campaign...  crazy_o.gif We only have one missions-maker but he dead in action  tounge_o.gif

It's 4 missions in this pack (3 SP, 1 MP)

For the smoke wall, you must place the Game Logic "FX on"  smile_o.gif if you don't place this, it's isn't FX (like doors, and others)


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Nice work, but i don`t like the standard BIS Units. I can`t use Swissmod & Y2K3 together. So it`s your Units vers. BIS Units.

It would be great if you could change your config, so that the other Units will be replaced.

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Thanks! I will transmit the compliments to PicVert! tounge_o.gif or he comes here...

For the campaign... if you are interssed to help or make a campaign, you can go in our (new)forum


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Hmm sucks for me i dl it and set it up then bam all i get is the manual forum link and website and unstall? rock.gif i cant launch it?

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I don't have problems to install... you have DL the *.exe? He makes a shortcut in your deskop... no? I have good understood the problemes? rock.gif

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unable to view that site is there any screen shots and mabe some details of the MOD must be traveling threw a bad NODE crazy_o.gif

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