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USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

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Has there ever been a type of Government that hasn't failed....Sometimes its best to go back to the basics..I need water and you need Bread..lets trade...
How does getting rid of currency in favor of barter do anything except put America back in the dark ages?

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Would like to thank Abs, TechnoTerrorist303 and Jack for their hindsight and intelligence Here.

Time comes to get ride of all this propaganda crap about Islam. Those who murder young girls and hang up their young boys by using Islam as a reason is a complete mistake. I don't know about you, but getting some courage and taking a few days to read the "Quran" in your own language will show you that this religion is at 10 000 feet above what you were used to read/hear about through the Media...

We live in western countries in which we are supposed to be a little educated. Therefore we can't allow ourselves to put in the same basket moderate muslims who just follow their beliefs and crazy fanatics who are ready to kill themselves for lost causes. Forgive me if I use such naive and simple words, but I would like to make sure that my point would get clearly understood.

Comparing both entities is already a serious sign of ignorance and lack of knowledge.

This ignorance is what causes narrow-mindedness, fanaticism, narrowness, xenophobia, chauvinism and racism.



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Would like to thank Abs, TechnoTerrorist303 and Jack for their hindsight and intelligence Here.

Time comes to get ride of all this propaganda crap about Islam. Those who murder young girls and hang up their young boys by using Islam as a reason is a complete mistake. I don't know about you, but getting some courage and taking a few days to read the "Quran" in your own language will show you that this religion is at 10 000 feet above what you were used to read/hear about through the Media...

We live in western countries in which we are supposed to be a little educated. Therefore we can't allow ourselves to put in the same basket moderate muslims who just follow their beliefs and crazy fanatics who are ready to kill themselves for lost causes. Forgive me if I use such naive and simple words, but I would like to make sure that my point would get clearly understood.

Comparing both entities is already a serious sign of ignorance and lack of knowledge.

This ignorance is what causes narrow-mindedness, fanaticism, narrowness, xenophobia, chauvinism and racism.



I honestly could care less that they're building a mosque there. I love a bit of irony in my life. These people who are making a fuss over it are the same people who think that all Muslims are terrorists, that Jesus rode a dinosaur, and that Sarah Palin is actually presidential material. Obviously not the brightest crayons in the box.

Edited by Big Mac

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I wish most would think like you do, things would be a pinch easier to handle... Heh.



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I honestly could care less that they're building a mosque there. I love a bit of irony in my life. These people who are making a fuss over it are the same people who think that all Muslims are terrorists, that Jesus rode a dinosaur, and that Sarah Palin is actually presidential material. Obviously not the brightest crayons in the box.

I lolled, probably would have lolled more but it's too early in the morning :(

Sadly the world has many more stupid people in it than clever ones. It's an unfortunate fact of life that the minority voice of reason is frequently drowned out by the idiot majority. Hey, that's democracy at work.

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I can't believe they would even consider building a mosque near Ground Zero!

It's not like any muslims have lost their lives over the consequences of what happened there, or that any muslims died when the buildings were hit... and there CERTAINLY aren't any muslim soldiers in the US/British armed forces fighting for their countries!

And there certainly aren't thousands of muslims fighting in the guise of the ANA against people who are a threat to the USA/UK.

Just in case my message wasn't clear enough, the OP of the Mosque story is a fucking retard.

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*Edited* Lack of sleep combined with a massive headache and you miss the obvious, lol.

Edited by Big Mac

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Mac, note the intense sarcasm in Chris' post. ;)

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I'm tired of you people coming on here and bashing militias, militias are mostly ex-military, and that militia you heard about in the news, where they were planning to kill cops, etc. Weren't even part of a militia the news was saying they were. Second the government had no evidence against them and had to let them go. I'm not saying they aren't crazy, but none of the stories stuck to them in court. Also militias are the only last defence in this country, we aren't even a republic anymore were a social democracy, and next is an oligarchy(which I'm willing to even say we have now). I'm ashamed that you people go against the only people willing to stand up against a corrupt government, but when your hurt by the corrupt government you cry and ask for solutions. We've been trying to give them to you for many years, but as soon as you do, you tell us to go away. If civil war will eventually happen in this country again, you can believe that or not, just be a good sheep, and be lead to the slaughter.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

Also if you want to call us crazy, how come everything we predicted so far has happened? We warned you about a socialist getting in as president and the majority of Americans believe in it. We warned you about the economic collapse but no you just called those people crazy. We warned you about many things, and everything is now falling into place. So keep calling us crazy, and well see where this country goes in the future. Remember the government has some more plans for the American people.

Also one more thing, a militia that trains 8 hours a day, 5 times a week, their people get paid, they have uniforms, names, patches, ranks, and structure. Your telling me they are just playing solider? Or are they a real working legit paramilitary force(militia)

Edited by pviera11

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I'm tired of you people coming on here and bashing militias, militias are mostly ex-military, and that militia you heard about in the news, where they were planning to kill cops, etc. Weren'T even part of a militia the news was saying they were. Second the government had no evidence against them and had to let them go. I'm not saying they aren't crazy, but none of the stories stuck to them in court. Also militias are the only last defence in this country, we aren't even a republic anymore were a social democracy, and next is an oligarchy(which I'm willing to even say we have now). I'm ashamed that you people go against the only people willing to stand up against a corrupt government, but when your hurt by the corrupt government you cry and ask for solutions. We've been trying to give them to you for many years, but as soon as you do, you tell us to go away. If civil war will eventually happen in this country again, you can believe that or not, just be a good sheep, and be lead to the slaughter.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

Also if you want to call us crazy, how come everything we predicted so far has happened? We warned you about a socialist getting in as president and the majority of Americans believe in it. We warned you about the economic collapse but no you just called those people crazy. We warned you about many things, and everything is now falling into place. So keep calling us crazy, and well see where this country goes in the future. Remember the government has some more plans for the American people.

Stop watching Glen Beck, it'll add 10 years to your life..

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I wouldn't watch Glenn Beck with his hype on praising martin luther king(who was a socialist), and about him preaching peace all the time. I simply read history, and laugh at how you idiots repeat it over, and over again. You can insult all you want, and say stop watching Glenn beck. Maybe you don't care about your country, or what kind of government it has, or how its burning down. But i do. Glenn Beck should not receive any credit for what we have been saying for over 10 years.

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

Stop watching Glen Beck, it'll add 10 years to your life..

Also one more thing, a militia that trains 8 hours a day, 5 times a week, their people get paid, they have uniforms, names, patches, ranks, and structure. Your telling me they are just playing solider? Or are they a real working legit paramilitary force(militia)

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I wouldn't watch Glenn Beck with his hype on praising martin luther king(who was a socialist), and about him preaching peace all the time. I simply read history, and laugh at how you idiots repeat it over, and over again. You can insult all you want, and say stop watching Glenn beck. Maybe you don't care about your country, or what kind of government it has, or how its burning down. But i do. Glenn Beck should not receive any credit for what we have been saying for over 10 years.
Who is this 'we' you refer to? Some ultra right wing crack pot militia? Yea we have a few of those around here and they're made up hicks, tax evaders, racists, and nut cases. It seems to me anyone who you disagree with is a socialist.

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I wouldn't watch Glenn Beck with his hype on praising martin luther king(who was a socialist),)

Wait, MLK was a socialist for pushing for equality among the races....?

How would you have handled the extreme predjudice against blacks during that era especially in the South?

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Also one more thing, a militia that trains 8 hours a day, 5 times a week, their people get paid, they have uniforms, names, patches, ranks, and structure. Your telling me they are just playing solider? Or are they a real working legit paramilitary force(militia)
Okay first of all the US hasn't militia like that since the ARNG was formed, the only other paramilitary organization that you might be referring to is State guards or State Defense Forces and they're only in 25 of the 50 states and only 2 of them actually arm their state guardsmen.

The militia you're referring to are not legit and are either a bunch of right wing anti-gov crack pots or a bunch of old men and boys playing soldier.

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I have seen 2 militias so far, become like a real military(they may not have all the update equipment(tanks, attack helicopters, etc.) But they have plenty of enough training behind them, and funding. Also you are correct Ive seen alot of militias try to form(in fact don't even call them militias) that only meet about once a week or once a month, and they sit around drinking beer, and shooting guns. But please do not start painting all militias with the same paint brush, each and every militia is different do not insult them all.

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

Wait, MLK was a socialist for pushing for equality among the races....?

How would you have handled the extreme predjudice against blacks during that era especially in the South?

I don't care if he was white or black, or whatever colour, yea he might of gained the blacks some more rights in the world, but we still can not regard him as a socialist, and he, and his followers have played, or set some kind of path towards the destruction of our country. I'm not saying he did alot of damage, but socialists are destroying our country. You should not give any respect to them.

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I have seen 2 militias so far, become like a real military(they may not have all the update equipment(tanks, attack helicopters, etc.) But they have plenty of enough training behind them, and funding. Also you are correct Ive seen alot of militias try to form(in fact don't even call them militias) that only meet about once a week or once a month, and they sit around drinking beer, and shooting guns. But please do not start painting all militias with the same paint brush, each and every militia is different do not insult them all.
Please they're all a joke. Military rejects, section 8s, old war horses who can't hang up the six shooters for good, retards, and racists. That sums up your hillbilly army.

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Again big mac, what the hell have you done to try, and restore your country. Now you are going to dismiss a fully operational paramilitary force, who can take down a government? To me it just sounds like your a sheep. Please make the sound that a sheep makes.

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Again big mac, what the hell have you done to try, and restore your country. Now you are going to dismiss a fully operational paramilitary force, who can take down a government? To me it just sounds like your a sheep. Please make the sound that a sheep makes.
I volunteer at my old HS trying to help at risk youths. What have you done? And being in a hillbilly army doesn't count as public service my friend. If you were in a legit militia like a state defense force or the national guard then it would count. You seriously need to get a reality check, you people couldn't take over a town with one traffic light with a police force consisting of the police chief and two part time cops, let alone the government. Edited by Big Mac

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I'm just curious but, why do you think MLK and/or Obama are socialists?

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Than give us some names, activities and pictures from this militia erm "fully operational paramilitary force". :cool:

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I don't care if he was white or black, or whatever colour, yea he might of gained the blacks some more rights in the world, but we still can not regard him as a socialist, and he, and his followers have played, or set some kind of path towards the destruction of our country. I'm not saying he did alot of damage, but socialists are destroying our country. You should not give any respect to them.

I'm still not following you. What exactly did MLK do that is leading toward the destruction of our great nation?

Was he too passive? Maybe you regard Malcolm X as a better american as he advocated armed resistence, similar to militias, against those that would oppress his god-given American rights to freedom.

And it's true, the militas have a reputation for underlying racist beliefs - what would they do against anti-american Arayn Supremecy groups whose belief and actions are decidely un-American?

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"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."

— Martin Luther King Jr.

This is one socialist quote, ill highlight the other socialist comments in a paragraph he wrote.

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars.(thats right stick them all on welfare)You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums.(oh thats right make sure everyone gets equal pay) You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.

OHHHHH yea you got what you wanted baby, wacth America burn down to the ground. Its a nice show if you stand back aways.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

Than give us some names, activities and pictures from this militia erm "fully operational paramilitary force". :cool:

When they decide to go public then they will, i am not going to be stupid, and hand out pictures, or documents, or names. Maybe they will never become public.

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"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."

— Martin Luther King Jr.

This is one socialist quote, ill highlight the other socialist comments in a paragraph he wrote.

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars.(thats right stick them all on welfare)You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums.(oh thats right make sure everyone gets equal pay) You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.

OHHHHH yea you got what you wanted baby, wacth America burn down to the ground. Its a nice show if you stand back aways.

You sound extremely racist and not very bright...

When they decide to go public then they will, i am not going to be stupid, and hand out pictures, or documents, or names. Maybe they will never become public.


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"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."

— Martin Luther King Jr.

This is one socialist quote, ill highlight the other socialist comments in a paragraph he wrote.

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars.(thats right stick them all on welfare)You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums.(oh thats right make sure everyone gets equal pay) You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.

OHHHHH yea you got what you wanted baby, wacth America burn down to the ground. Its a nice show if you stand back aways.

None of those are socialist quotes. The first quote is advocating peaceful resistance with a view towards reconciliation between whites and blacks. The rest are simply talking about correcting the injustices that had been enacted against the black population in America, which at the time included discrimination in the form of (amongst other things) woefully unfair pay (the billions of dollars; compensation essentially). The second is just saying the rich shouldn't be able to exploit the poor. That's socialist, that's just common sense.

The last quote offers the opinion that the problem may be entrenched in the US political system and that the best way to get rid of the problem may be to move to a different fairer, more representative form of democracy.

tl;dr: None of those things were socialist.

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Lmao, i sound racist? I gave you proof that he was socialist, and all you come back with is you are racist. That is the favorite saying among the socialists, and communists now days. You sir are truly a pure idiot, from this day on. I am not wasting my time with you.

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