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After some time over in Iraq, our contract is up for now and I'm finally back home with the wife. Just thought I'd post the note here, as some of the old BAS guys might want an update. Time for some long overdue vacation time.

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dude, I'm not an old BAS member, but I am glad to see you back. I didn't know you were in Iraq, but it's very good to see you made it out unhurt (al least I assume you aren't hurt physically)

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With all this word of kidnappings and stuff its good to see you came home safely! smile_o.gif

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Great that you're back all in one piece man!

Get yourself on irc at some point, we have a lot of catching up to do biggrin_o.gif

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learning sand art  tounge_o.gif

easier to cut and paste than to type out a long response. our purpose in iraq. hope that answers your question ironsight?

have a good day, guys. next 5 days are hectic unpacking/packing/WILDPASSIONATEHORNDOGGEDNESS. i'll be around, so fire off questions, and i'll be glad to do what i can to answer  smile_o.gif

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You kill anybody?

read his signature... "airborne search and rescue" smile_o.gif

good to see you back alive!

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You kill anybody?

we engaged the 'bad guys' quite a few times while over there. whether i killed anyone is for me to know and you to fear in your sleep. mwahaha. take that response as you will.

but really, i dont think this thread is an appropriate place to talk about ending a life. we were there to preserve life, it was our primary task, and in my case i've got my medical bag with intentions of preserving it.

Van Hellfish - i didnt use my camera all too much in my time over there for the sake of it not on my mind during ops and lack of motivation while we had some down time. i did develop a mean game of chess, though. however, i did take some shots, its all 35mm, so it'll take some time to develop. our firm has a strict black-out policy on operations, media, and what you, the public sees, so any film related to our time there goes through the admin in a "censorship process"; i.e. anything they don't like gets pulled and we're left to bitch and kick and moan without getting anywhere. give it a week or two, and i'll have images to post.

anyone got a web server i can host the images on?

an incident ya'll might like to hear, i know angusheaf has already heard this. we were out det'd with some of the army boys doing door to door searches on an op, and we had to stop while the EOD boys were working on an IED along the road. Got out of the vehicle to stretch my legs and the next thing I know I'm on my ass seeing stars and everyone else me is returning fire. Some f*ck had taken a lucky pot shot and the round deflected off my helmet. We knew where it originated, but there wasn't a chance in hell we were going to catch up. Effectively destroyed my comms, but my noggin stayed in one piece. Writing a HUGE thank you and customer testomonial to Gallet. How's that for campfire talk, avon?


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Holy crap. wow_o.gif

I remember when I was in we hated wearing our helmets - especially any Rangers in my platoon. Good to see that common sense still prevails over comfort, though.

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That reminded me of the beach scene in Pvt Ryan crazy_o.gif Fortunately, you didn't look at the dent for too long crazy_o.gif

Glad you made it out alive tho mate biggrin_o.gif

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yep, wearing a helmet is a good plan. You never know if or when it will save your life, but it only needs to do so one time to make it worth wearing.

I'm glad you were wearing it!

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Hey, welcome back. Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking. Best wishes that you'll make Thanksgiving this year. crazy_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Got out of the vehicle to stretch my legs and the next thing I know I'm on my ass seeing stars and everyone else me is returning fire. Some f*ck had taken a lucky pot shot and the round deflected off my helmet. We knew where it originated, but there wasn't a chance in hell we were going to catch up. Effectively destroyed my comms, but my noggin stayed in one piece. Writing a HUGE thank you and customer testomonial to Gallet. How's that for campfire talk, avon?

are you sure it wasn't your thick skull that saved you, not the helmet? tounge_o.gif


glad to have you back. now, could you please adjust your sig?

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we were out det'd with some of the army boys doing door to door searches on an op, and we had to stop while the EOD boys were working on an IED along the road. Got out of the vehicle to stretch my legs and the next thing I know I'm on my ass seeing stars and everyone else me is returning fire. Some f*ck had taken a lucky pot shot and the round deflected off my helmet. We knew where it originated, but there wasn't a chance in hell we were going to catch up. Effectively destroyed my comms, but my noggin stayed in one piece.

DAMN! wow_o.gif

Do you still have the helmet? You should honor it somehow, hang it on your wall back home. biggrin_o.gif

We're all glad you came back safe and sound, anyway. wink_o.gif

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i only wore my helmet about half the time. if my wife knew this, she'd be PISSED. she gets the nickname "killa" for a reason. in most urban environments it was a no-brainer, else one could find themselves really a no-brainer. i've worked on enough guys to realize that there are a lot of things that could have prevented in "should-have-been-wearing" situations. i swear by Gallet's products now, and plan on sending back my helmet with a huge THANK YOU, so they can see first hand the damage the helmet took and the damage it prevented on my (yes ralphy), incredibly thick skull. but even now, i know i should wear my helmet more than i actually do. there's reasons, and if those don't hold up, i'm just plain stubborn. i have to agree hellfish on this though, i despise wearing it. tounge_o.gif  

something i noticed over there was the number of greenhorn medics who hadn't a clue what the hell they were doing. i don't know if it was just a need to get acclimated to the combat zone or what, but there were plenty of military medical personnel i met that i would NOT have felt were competent enough to treat patients in certain situations. it really concerned me. to be fair though, the majority of personnel knew what the hell they were doing and did their jobs damn well.

shinraiden - if you can deep fry a turkey, the missus and i are there!

ralph - what specifically is wrong in the signature?

hellfish - for some reason i thought you had served with the marines, not the army?

avon - they're all beef. "they plump when ya cook 'em."

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hellfish - for some reason i thought you had served with the marines, not the army?

I think Hellfish served in an Army Air assault division, hate to answer the question for him though tounge_o.gif

Good to see you back in one piece, you probably don't know who the hell I am though wink_o.gif

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