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Silent N Deadly

OPF altitude limit?

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Is 13,500 the altitude limit in OPF? The highest I got is 13,500 and then the plane just drops in altitude like a 1,000 even tho the planes speed is 1200 and going straight up. I tried this with several planes and couldn't get higher. Can anyone confirm this?

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13.5 km is quite high - you will not get much lift from your wings above this alltitude. I am not sure if the simulation is absolutely realistic, but I think we are not too far from it in this respect.

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Thats not much i could drive up and reach the top in 30 mins or so if there was a road made to go there tounge_o.gif

So whats the max height planes fly on?

Fighters and High altitude bombers must vary here right?

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Highest plane flew ~350,000. A few days ago. Called Spaceshipone. BTW- That's above earth's atmophire. This plane was powered by a single engine using liquid nitrogen, pretty much a rocket ship more then a plane.

EDIT- 350,000 feet not kilometers.  tounge_o.gif

EDIT Again- In Flashpoint is it 13,500 feet or kilometers? According to Suma's post I am guessing its kilometers. But why is it kilometers and not feet or meters, I was assuming this all along. I thought it was meters or feet rather then kilometers and miles. wink_o.gif

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Yes, I saw it yesterday on the Discovery channel. Pretty interesting. It was a 2 hour thing, I think ?! It showed some nice footage of the flights and alot of other stuff. Humans are pushing the limits of flight. Spaceshipone was the first civilain flight to space. smile_o.gif

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But why is it kilometers and not feet or meters, I was assuming this all along. I thought it was meters or feet rather then kilometers and miles.  wink_o.gif

OFP uses (and always has) the metric system for all distances.

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It seems to be the  altitude limit.

I teleported with a setpos an A10 in 14000 m of altitude , and as it was not possible to move the A10 to fly higher, i tried to turn to my left and was immediately put to an altitude of 1m while spinning on myself at great speed just before exploding smile_o.gif

EDIT : 14000m not 14000km ;)

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EDIT Again- In Flashpoint is it 13,500 feet or kilometers? According to Suma's post I am guessing its kilometers. But why is it kilometers and not feet or meters, I was assuming this all along. I thought it was meters or feet rather then kilometers and miles.  wink_o.gif


Suma said 13.5 kilometers, which is 13500 meters

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commercial airliners fly at 9000m (30000ft), personaly i dont feel any need to go higher than a few Km upwards, especially in MP game (in fact i think i never flew higher than 3km in MP game)

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So if you want to reproduce a somewhat realistic HALO insertion, the aircraft should be at 9000m or 30,000 feet. A good way to test the limit is to download an aircraft that you know has an afterburner (I would recommend the F-111 because it's badass anyways) and point yourself up and hit the afterburner. I have done it before but I can't remember what happened. :P


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I don't see why there's really a need to go that high. Even with the view distance on the max(5,000m), you still wouldn't be able to see the ground from that height. There would be no visible difference between 13,500m, and a much lower height. That's one area I think OFP needs to improve upon in future versions(larger view distances especially for seeing aircraft from the ground, and seeing the ground vehicles/buildings from planes).

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I remember flying a SU25 in OFP, I flew til 40000 feet, and stil going up. I stopped because I got boring.

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So if you want to reproduce a somewhat realistic HALO insertion, the aircraft should be at 9000m or 30,000 feet.

It's just that even with OFP's viewdistance set to max, it isn't very exiting to spend 3 minutes it takes to fall down from 9km without seeing anything but sky and fog... That's also reason why in FDFmod HALO jumpers start way lower than that.

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I just love going high then Ejecting to see how long it takes to come down. And it takes a bloody long time wink_o.gif

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there is one. at least in ofpr 1.96beta biggrin_o.gif

13000m + x; x < 500m

something like that.

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about 0.3 seconds after that pic i burst into flames and dieded  smile_o.gif

You hit the ceiling? rock.gif


if i got any higher id be smokin a bag of pot singing hippy songs tounge_o.gif

so yes. i "hit the ceiling" thats all shes got. thats the second time in my OFP playing carrer that ive got that hight. first was with the A4. ironic that only NAVY jets can get that high tounge_o.gif

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