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Post your OFP nigglies

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Lots of great suggestions here, keep em coming. smile_o.gif I'll comment on a few of them:

Quote[/b] ]the AI not acting until the order is "spoken" via vioce
I forgot about how much I hate this one. I usually hit the speed up time button when I'm giving lots of commands, but in combat that doesn't work too well. I don't think this one can be fixed though, unfortunately....
Quote[/b] ]glow in the dark bullet holes

Oh yeah, that is annoying. Forgot about that one too. smile_o.gif I think that should be fixed in the ECP... except I don't know how you make a texture glow or not glow. sad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]another is the ability to "lean" left or right. as well as not being able to jump. i want to jump jump jump.. jump around.. jump around. jump up jump up and get down

Leaning is most definately possible, and I am for sure going to implement it into ofp (eventually). And I'm talking about from the keyboard, like you hold shift+strafe left to lean. Jumping is a possibility, but not for sure. This isn't counterstrike, after all. Jumping would only be nice, IMO, so you could get over fences and other little obstacles.

Quote[/b] ]moving while using binoculars

Aha! That's a new one I didn't think about! That will definately be thrown into my "list" of new movements/controls to add into OFP! If anyone is interested, check this thread out here:


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OFP just doesn't feel...smooth, to me. Whenever I play another FPS, like Call of Duty, BF1942, Joint Ops, any other FPS, it seems smooth. Not in terms of lag, I mean. But the weapons just feel all gritty and grainy and, well, it's hard to describe. But the game just doesn't seem to flow like how it does in any other FPS.

There is no supression in OFP. Hell, I hate making the enemy go prone. It makes them harder to hit and they can hit me easier. No matter how many bullets land around an AI, he is still gonna fire unaffected.

Lack of cover, and lack of AI's ability to use cover. It would be great if the AI pressed their back against a rock or a tree when they come under fire. Foxholes and trenches (not the crappy mock ups we have in OFP) would be great too. Making it easier to have the AI stay behind cover unless ordered to move somewhere else should be easier, too (dostop this, then adjusting the AI a centimeter at a time in the editor, previewing it to make sure he's in cover...It gets old). And the landscape in OFP seems bare. I don't like having to crank up ground detail to very high, I wish we had more rocks and thicker trees and the like in the landscape.

Poor flight model. I hate flying fixed wing aircraft in OFP. I always end up going head first into the ground. I fly easier in IL-2 on full realism.

Hit points on tanks, planes, etc. need to be removed. WWIIOL has a great armor system (especially with turret pops when the ammo explodes! yay!), and shooting down planes in WWIIOL is the most fun thing ever. I almost orgasm every time I see a wing break off and a 110 smash into the ground in WWIIOL. OFP does not really have this...

Difficulty in mission editing. It's not really hard, but it's long and tedious to make a good mission IMO. I've never finished a mission. My mind just wanders...I end up not doing what I try to do (allowing the player to be able to adjust to a situation) and I always float off into an unflexible version of OFP, a Call of Duty kind of OFP. That gets boring. Maybe this is my problem, I wish I had people to work with but, alas, the mission making community is almost non exsistant.

Close Quarters combat...as said above, it doesn't flow like in any other FPS. It's far too clunky to be any fun.

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Nice thread GB!

I've tried to eliminate many of my personal "OFP nigglies" in some scripts (see signature) but there are still some (I mention all I can remember in no particular order)...

- Laser designator doesn't work in MP when human pilot and human co-pilot in Kiowa.

- Knowsabout value doesn't increase when you look at an target/enemy in optics (binoculars, sniper scope, Kiowa optics etc.).

- In some of the latest patches the view system changed when flying choppers, now the view snap back to center automaticly after you release the button.

- No joystick configs for sensitivity, inverse axes etc. (I personally use a programable FLCS+TQS and fixed all this in the sticks software).

- Better script/editor documentation overall but especially for MP issues (thank god for ofpec.com).

- As mentioned before, AI performance in CQB.

- AI see's thru smoke screens (JAM2 fixes this issue when player throw smoke grenades).

- AI's "uber radar" that picks you up as soon you enter any vehicle.

However, despite it's age and flaws OFP when combined with some great user made addons is still #1 IMHO and I'm confident they will fix all of these issues in OFP 2 and add lots of new cool features smile_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Quote[/b] ] AI see's thru smoke screens (JAM 2 fixes this issue when player throw smoke grenades).

dispite the long running joke.. the AI can still see you thru JAM smoke

i was on the other side of a hill on the desert island.. the AI was facing the oppisite direction. i threw4 JAM smoke grenades. i steped up over the hill. 5 shots. im dead. there is no such thing as AI blinding smoke.

you forget. this is the same AI that can see thru moutians and houses. you ever get spoted by an AI. duck down behind a moutian. then zig zag back and forth so he wouldnt know where u pop up next? and u pop up and he already has a bead on you. bam your dead.

AI can see thru anything and everything. you cant blind the AI. the best u can do is make them too stupid to know ur a bad man. but even that wont work, you put them on "never fire" or "hold fire" mode and they still launch everything they got at you. crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Poor flight model. I hate flying fixed wing aircraft in OFP. I always end up going head first into the ground. I fly easier in IL-2 on full realism.

im gonna agree and disagree with you on this one. for jets, the flight model sucks. but for piston engine aircraft such as the cessna, and WWII planes. its perfect. i say this becuz i learned how to fly in OFP, had the chance to pilot an SNJ in real life, when i took hold of the stick and had control of the aircraft. it felt PERFECT compared to OFP. you throw in some G forces to your comptuer chair and OFP flight dynamic for piston engine planes is perfect smile_o.gif

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When injured during a firefight crawling over to a Medic getting treatment and then going to crouch position or standing up instead of staying prone.

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Quote[/b] ]

dispite the long running joke.. the AI can still see you thru JAM smoke

i was on the other side of a hill on the desert island.. the AI was facing the oppisite direction. i threw4 JAM smoke grenades. i steped up over the hill. 5 shots. im dead. there is no such thing as AI blinding smoke.

Don't get the joke part but anyway... Are you sure that you  really used JAM2 smoke grenades??? If the soldiers aren't made to use JAM2 they don't automaticly use the AI obscuring smoke (see JAM2 readme for the details).

Also, the default AI obscuring smoke grenades in JAM2 aren't extremely effective but they do work if used correctly (I've made an personal "JAM2-version" that is more effective, see this thread).

One other thing regarding JAM2 smoke grenades. If some of the AI seen you before you pop the smoke they already know you are there, the one/s that seen you may still shoot at you. To have the smoke to screen you better you have to throw the smoke grenades before they detects you. Try it and you will see what I mean. JAM2 smoke grenades do work but they aren't perfect!

Quote[/b] ]

AI can see thru anything and everything. you cant blind the AI. the best u can do is make them too stupid to know ur a bad man.

Not true! You can perfectly well hide in "old" bushes, the one used on Everon etc. The AI will not detect you if you find a big enough bush and stay put, same for terra, walls, buildings etc. here. But the "new" nicer looking bushes used on Nogova (and other islands) doesn't hide you nearly as well from the AI.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Yeah, AI-obscuring smoke grenades do work. I know, I recently spent a good deal of time between O2 and OFP testing stuff out, and you can make invisible objects that the AI cannot see though. But if you get spotted, the AI has an idea of where you are, but is not certain. Sometimes it will even shoot w/o knowing exactly where you are. You've probably experienced this in a vehicle that can lock on to people. Lock on to one, and let him run behind cover. You're target will continue to track for a while, until it picks him up again. Same is true if your SL gives you an order to attack someone and you get that little "Target" box.

(Actually, looking in the MAAM thread, I'm going to check out Keycat's .p3d, too. I just kind of made mine up, will be intersting to see how it compares)

My personal "nigglies" are:

- AI using improper rate of fire on full-auto weapons. Lower skill AI have a lower rate of fire, as though their skill affects the weapon itself. I don't mind them being worse shots, but an AK is an AK is an AK. It still has the same rate of fire. Also, I've seen a lot of mods where the aiRateOfFire for full-auto is not set to zero. aiRateOfFire is in addition to the normal rate of fire delay, so it just lower's the AI's RoF even more. So far the only work-around I've been able to get for the AI's RoF issues is to define all full-auto weapons in bursts.

- Improper tracers. Not every round has a tracer, and I'd like to see that in-game. I'm working on a system that uses objects as tracers, but my skills w/ O2 keep screwing me up (first they did not have any drop from gravity, now they disappear after a few meters).

- The Grenadier bug. For anyone who has been on the receiving end of this, you know it sucks. The "mortar" style weapons (ie: rifle grenades) do not play an animation when prone, so if you hit 'R' twice quickly, it is instantly reloaded. Making for a nasty rain of fire. This can be fixed simply by forcing the stand animation (already did that), but a new anim would be better.

- Forced smoke on grenade launcher muzzles. Don't know why, but I cannot seem to disable this smoke in the config. Grenade launcher always generate OFP's smoke, and since I am trying to replace all of it, it would be nice to do so for grenade launchers, too.

- Of course, engine limits like not being able to use an optics view for gunners in cars, and not being able to keep the driver of a tank turned out and allow the gun to turn (open-topped tanks, etc).

- Not being able to play a reload animation for bolt-action rifles (may can be fixed w/ the anim code, but I haven't messed around enough with it to know)

I'm sure there are more, but those are the most off the top of my head. Hopefully a lot of these issues will eventually be overcome smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ](Actually, looking in the MAAM thread, I'm going to check out Barron's .p3d, too. I just kind of made mine up, will be intersting to see how it compares)

You mean Keycat's .p3d, right. rock.gif

Quote[/b] ] The Grenadier bug.

Ah, another one I've noticed, but forgot about. That should be easily fixed.

Quote[/b] ]- AI using improper rate of fire on full-auto weapons.

Well, it actually is realistic that low-skill AI would take longer to aim and fire off a shot... but that is in semi-auto mode. I agree that it is absurd with full auto; machine guns especially; for them to sit there shooting one bullet at a time. But with machine guns, you are supposed to be shooting bursts anyway, so configing bursts in the weapon for the AI to use seems fine to me, as long as you can keep the full auto mode there for the player.

Quote[/b] ]ctrl+Z do not work in the editor, and its a pity...

There is no "delete" in the editor--when you "delete" something, it is copied to the clip board, so you really are "cutting", not "deleting". So ctrl+V will paste it back down, although not in the same location if you moved the mouse...

But that's why I learned to save after I do anything. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ](Actually, looking in the MAAM thread, I'm going to check out Barron's .p3d, too. I just kind of made mine up, will be intersting to see how it compares)

You mean Keycat's .p3d, right. rock.gif

hehe, you're right... fixed now biggrin_o.gif

and just FYI, the way I have the weapons set up full-auto is that it always fires in bursts, even for the player. But if you hold the trigger, it keeps firing. This has its ups and downs, but I've found it to be the best system so far. crazy_o.gif

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burst fire and full auto is great for the feeling!

i love to scary my friends or just make them take cover when i fire bursts andfull auto around them just to annoy them biggrin_o.gif

but i discovered way back in ofp 1.0 that burst fire was the best fire mode especially when playing on laggy computers and close range tounge_o.gif

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i got a new nigglie...

the fact that there are alot of buildings and farms that are situated some distance from the nearest road (sometimes just some 100m from a road but anyway) and there is no road or anything whatsoever leading there.

if it´s a farm/building near the beach a dock or similar is eneough.. but a farm, in the middle of a farmland, not near water or a road, with no way of getting there (other then either using a chopper or walking quite a bit)

doesnt seam natural..

this goes for the original BIS islands too, but first of all the addon islands that ppl have made...

could you please just make a dirtroad or something leading to the farm, would look much more natural..

(the simple description, the lack of realistic road networks in islands bugg me)

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I don't like the big target/move squares and points. They often block my view of the target next to it.It looks arcade imo.

I would like them to see smaller or even a bit transparant.

It this hardcoded?

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That's another annoyance. I've never seen the AI use single-shot with an M16. They always use burst fire. Same with AK74s.

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My main gripe that I hope they fix is the collision detection.  I don't think there's any need to go in depth with this one, as everyone I know bitches about it at some point.

The AI rapid tank fire.  I've sometimes seen them shoot 5 rounds in around 5 seconds when engaged.  Needless to say, it's an unfair advantage as I do not have the ability to respond in kind.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.  Sometimes they engage normally with reload times and sometimes it's as if I've run into a fully auto tank.

This is a minor one in the big scheme of things, although it annoys me to no end. The inability of some planes to loop realistically. In the A10/F4, I have to barrel roll to inverted at the apex of the climb or simply descend as the plane will not go completely vertical and beyond.  I haven't tried it in some of the newer mods so I'm unsure if this is the case in those.

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The AI rapid tank fire.  I've sometimes seen them shoot 5 rounds in around 5 seconds when engaged.  Needless to say, it's an unfair advantage as I do not have the ability to respond in kind.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.  Sometimes they engage normally with reload times and sometimes it's as if I've run into a fully auto tank.

Are you sure you are talking about BIS tanks ? or by any chance are you using a mod that is poorly configured to have rapid fire tanks (in that case it would not be a game fault, but a config fault).

I never ran into those kind of rapid fire tanks when playing without any addons.

One important feature is that crew members of a tank are able to reload quicker if their skill is set higher (but not 5 shots in 5 seconds).

Low skilled crew members reload slower and so will stand few chances to survive if facing a tank with high skill setting.

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nah, stock BIS tanks. It doesn't happen so much in the campaign game, but in MP Coop the AI tanks do this all the time addons or no addons.

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The gun seems to fire rapidly, multiple times, in MP, but only one shell lands anywhere. Sounds/looks dumb.

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This called LAG! If u dont know.  crazy_o.gif

It is the same thing as vehicles move in 'jerks'.


I'm talking about MP tounge_o.gif

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Yeah but the gun shouldn't fire more than once, reguardless of lag, if the message is only coming from one place.

Speaking of MP.

THE AMMO BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't we fix this?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!!

It's killed so many maps!!!!

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*the AI not acting until the order is "spoken" via vioce, would like to see the AI act to my order the second its givin and then my unit "say" it when the AI is done yelling 900 things. especialy when in a tank. i say "go to blah blah blah" and they AI replies "negative" 1400 times in a row.. and NEVER shuts up. and i cant get a command in edge wise.

I wish that spoken orders were said more quickly, so that you can tell your squad people to target individual people more smothly.  I also wish that people talked over eash other crazy_o.gif because that would be more realistic, it would also speed up the rate of orders being given.

The Ai is not good at the "hide" command... but I'm not really bothered by that.

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1.Respawn With More Than 30 Rounds In Your Gun.

2.Take More Than 3 Grenades For Your Launcher.

3.Soldiers Carrying The MM1 Grenade Launcher Should Have A Pistol As Backup.

4.The Ammo Bug!!!

5.When You Get Healed You Should Not Stand Up!

6.Sometimes During Missions When Your Told To Go Heal At The Medic,He'll Run Away Towards The Enemy And Get Killed

Meanwhile You Crawling After Him sad_o.gif

7.The Seagull Should Be Easier To Control,Or Have A Ghost Camera Instead

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