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General Barron

Post your OFP nigglies

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If you look in the Opf2 forums you will see suggestion threads which have already covered such suggestions, although I'm sure if you try you may be able to come up with some unique ideas to suggest smile_o.gif

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some more:

-join in progress. I do not play multiplayer just because we don't have this. So annoying.

-lack of 3d ironsights. this isn't that big of a deal, but it does sometimes get annoying how there isn't evena transition between ironsights..and the fact is, ironsights sometimes seem a little useless.

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I'd like to see machine guns have a suppressive effect on the enemy.  It seems like current MGs focus on engaging point targets rather than suppressing area targets.

I'm not sure if it is possible at all because current AI are real men. They dont afraid to die. They just follow their orders the best way they can. I'm showing them respect.  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

I would rather have pussies who can complete an objective than real men who all die in some Modern day Banzai charge before we even get into the town.  tounge_o.gif

I hate that fact, that the AI have no value over their own lives. To heck with HD or FDF Recoil, if you had enemy AI that actually took cover and didn't want to be shot in some machocistic desire to die, then firefights would last much longer!

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Quote[/b] ]To heck with HD or FDF Recoil, if you had enemy AI that actually took cover and didn't want to be shot in some machocistic desire to die, then firefights would last much longer!

Nah... I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The main reason why the AI die so quickly is because there is relatively no cover in OFP lands. No little bumps in the terrain, no little rocks or ditches to hide behind, no little tufts of grass to help conceal you... just a bush or tree every 15 meters at the closest. Most games are like this of course, especially if they are on large-scales, like OFP. But in the future, it would be nice to see more detailed terrain, as well as more controls to take cover in that terrain.

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Actually, it's all a matter of how much time the map editor wants to spend on the map, and what the minimum specs of the target system are. I ran a proof-of-concept map the other day with 1 200 000 trees on it, but it ctd'd exiting the mission editor going back to the main screen after I was done flying around on it.

The max viewdistance for that density (~20 trees per cell on a 12.8km map) is about 1200m flying before you get weird clipping. FPS was not a problem though, but I only had flat terrain. With forests like that you could drop the viewdistance down to ~800m on foot.

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plus the ai can see through res bushes sad_o.gif kind of makes it pointless to hide behind them

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