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Invasion 1944 Info Thread

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Yes, it looks nice but it isn't entirely correct. Do you mind

if I make some suggestions on possible improvements?

If that's supposed to be the No. 32 Mk. 1 sighting telescope

then it is badly out of scale (too thin), is wrongly positioned

on the rifle (way too far back) and the pads and turrets are

incorrectly shaped. Also bear in mind that the real No. 32

telescope was made of heavy brass, so when the paint

scratches off it, it looks a characteristic "golden colour", not

a "silvery-white" colour like you have there. The heavy

mounting bracket (on the left hand side) was cast iron.

Also, all No. 4 rifles that were converted to the (T) variant

had the battle sight aperture milled off - your model still has

it (digging into the 'scope tube, it looks like).

Your rifle is also apparently missing its foresight - I presume

you have this in the "pilot-view" though. Sometimes users

found that the standard foresight blade reflected light

into the telescope and unit armourers made adjustments to

prevent this, but the foresight was never removed entirely.

Apart from those small niggles, I must say that it's jolly good

work overall. Always nice to see British stuff being done so


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Great news to hear that you guys are making such good progress lately. It makes me very happy and I am still looking forward to the release of the mod. And about that Oosterbeek footage, I don't know who made it but I am sure it was released 6 months ago or something. It seems to be on the island a (former, not sure about that)member Jaakko was building. Anyways ,it is good to see it back again and if I am right, it was one of the first movies released with the british paratroopers in it.



Ps. That rifle looks really awesome. The quality keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work guys smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

The pics look very good. Just hope you'll release it before I grow old and die wink_o.gif

If the campaign is as good as/better than CWC/Resistance then I guees it's worth the long wait.

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great work guys! nice to hear from you!

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Better to have no screenshoots just before releasing of a Mod. Otherwise, some " positive suggestions " from some ardent guys would delay a nice Mod forever...

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Personally, I feel it isn't a bad idea to release screenshots, even if it is on the eve of the mods release. It depends on how each person reacts, but I find it pleasing to see the progress done on models, weapons and so forth.

In any case, the fellow was pointing out things which Inv'44 may find useful. Even if it is not implemented right away, what is there to do?

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Hmmmm...little to quiet in here.....
Quote[/b] ]We will be having an exclusive interview with OFP.info in the near future, where we will reveal more about Invasion 1944 - Phase 1: Oosterbeek.

Marcel, the mod leader is working on the interview, but he has alot of school projects that need to be finished first.

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@ Aug. 08 2006,11:23)]Any updates?

I check OFP.info every day, and I haven't seen an interview posted there yet, so no. Most of us are working all day, on vacation, moving from one place to another etc.

From Winters:

Quote[/b] ]Hello all, i wanted to let everyone know that i have been without internet access since i moved to a new house but i will back online 1 week from tuesday (thats wednesday for those of you across the pond living in the future) and that i have been working on the campaign all this time i have been away. As soon as i am back online i will have a new version for the team to test out and i am also working on a new video trailer that i will release here when my nets' back up.

Again, quoting Winters:

Quote[/b] ]As most of the team is away for the summer it wont be as soon as we all hope. But its coming, trust me it is coming.

Quote from me:

Quote[/b] ]I was in the secret Invasion 1944 Development Bunker today, I was doing promotional work at the time, so I had my camera with me. One scene was really impresive, so I took a picture of that. Totally out of the blue my camera malfunctioned (being 1940's technology and all), and the picture came out very blurred unfortunatly. I hope we can bring you a better looking result after some good old restoring processes sad_o.gif

[bad picture]

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As promised a new peek into the kampaign, this features some footage from the later parts, enjoy. Some spelling errors (sergeant) sneaked by but will be fixed before release.

I44 Oosterbeek 2

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Outstanding piece of work gents!

Good things come to those that wait....

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Agreed! That video was a great piece, well worth the wait.

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you think threatening them will make them release it faster?


People said the same in September of last year, and we didn't release then, as we don't release unfinished projects, which is apperantly too much for non-modmakers to comprehend...

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will be included some little things like Bolt actions,dynamic anims.,lean..... etc?

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will be included some little things like Bolt actions,dynamic anims.,lean..... etc?

Weapon animations are not possible (or at least nowhere near perfect) in OFP, yes, no.

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will be included some little things like Bolt actions,dynamic anims.,lean..... etc?

Weapon animations are not possible (or at least nowhere near perfect) in OFP, yes, no.

weap.anims ARE possible,download LIBERATION Patch 1.07

Its working great wink_o.gif

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indeed, and the turd thing was a joke...i've been following I44 since the first demo, and was on their old forum

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I think it will be extremely time consuming to make a perfect Mod. You guys seem to seek for such perfect... So just suggest whether you could release some addons separately first and leave the missions in later release. You know, so many guys are thirsty to get something from you soon after almost three years waiting from your last release years ago...

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will be included some little things like Bolt actions,dynamic anims.,lean..... etc?

Weapon animations are not possible (or at least nowhere near perfect) in OFP, yes, no.

weap.anims ARE possible,download LIBERATION Patch 1.07

Its working great wink_o.gif

Weapon "animations" are put into OFP by using workarounds, not hardcoded like in UT2004, BF2 or HL2, that support all kinds of custom animations to make up for lousy gameplay. We don't have many of these "oh look, that tiny little thing is moving" as they do nothing to improve gameplay, only the looks are improved by things like ejectorports opening and closing etc. The chances in OFP where you actually get a chance to see those kinds of details are few and far in between, not worth spending too much development time on.

Weapon animations are considered opening a MG up and putting in a new belt, inserting/removing a mag by actually grabbing it and replacing it, having the hand adjust a setting on the scope etc, "zasleh" tricks with parts of the model making it appear like it moves are not weapon animations.

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The interview with OFP.info has been posted.

If you are unable to open the OFP.info interview, you will need to download Adobe Reader from the Adobe site here: http://www.adobe.com/ (untick the "Adobe Yahoo! Toolbar" and "Adobe Photoshop® Album Starter Edition" before downloading it).

Edit: the nice interview layout was done by Marcel.

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