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Invasion 1944 Info Thread

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Here are a bunch of new screens from the campaign which is about 3/4 finished now. Click the pics to see the full size ones.

Elements of the 9th SS panzers move in to reinforce


British paras entering Oosterbeek


Field Marshal Models HQ


German officers discussing strategy (Model will be changed to Wehrmacht, i promise)


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Some more:

British Gliders detach and prepare to land


The 1st paras arrive


A member of the Dutch resistance watches the 1st jumps


Greetings from Wolfheze, Sunday, 17-Sept-1944.


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Looks very nice, especially the 2nd batch firefoxlover.gif

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This looks really nice. notworthy.gif

Question: Are those gliders very realistic or just airplanes without fuel?

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They are gliders, if they were planes without fuel they would all just crash.

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They are like planes without fuel .... They try not to crash, but they slowly loose attiude, and drops slowly towards the ground ... smile_o.gif then they slide a little and stop.

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The Dakota will crash upon landing when it runs out of fuel the Horsa will glide to a safe landing. Also, the glider will not slowly lose altitude it will immediately make a landing a plane without fuel will slowly lose altitude and attempt to land but it will crash.

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Will we see any models of civilians in this mod? The BIS ones are nice and all... But they don't quite cut it when put next to your awesome models. Would be cool if you could ask FDFMOD to modify their WW2 era civilians smile_o.gif

Oh, almost forgot: Lookin' good lads smile_o.gif

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So you made a difference between airplanes and gliders in your MOD?

Yes, the gliders will not crash, they will quickly land and come to a halt so all the Brits can hop out and start  pistols.gif

Will we see any models of civilians in this mod? The BIS ones are nice and all... But they don't quite cut it when put next to your awesome models. Would be cool if you could ask FDFMOD to modify their WW2 era civilians smile_o.gif

Oh, almost forgot: Lookin' good lads smile_o.gif

I would like to have new civs but the Dutch res do not play a large part in the campaign so its gonna be BIS civs for now.

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Looks really awesome.But what about release.I'm not asking for date but start of "Beta testing" was for about a year ago... sad_o.gif

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Once the campaign is finished a release will be close on its heels. I am trying to get it finished ASAP. I know it's been a long time coming but we have not been as fortunate as other mods have been in staying busy, we have been plauged with people joining and disappearing or quiting when mistakes in their work were pointed out to them. Basically 5-6 guys have been doing everything for the last few months now. It is because of these few that the mod didnt die as we refuse to let it and are dedicated to getting this done.

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just a question winters..

all the c-47's have there landing gear down is that because of the distance of the picture or will they be down all the time??

other then that the pics look great..

will you edit some of the BIS civ's with orange bands??

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The C-47's have a straange bug that when they are carrying troops the gear is down i dont know if this will be fixed before release but i am certainly not going to hold it up just for that. I will try to get someone to do the arm band for the dutch resistance but we are basically a 5 man operation at this point.

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Quote[/b] ]I will try to get someone to do the arm band for the dutch resistance

So the Dutch res are BIS civies with an armband...if you put one on?

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Quote[/b] ]I will try to get someone to do the arm band for the dutch resistance

So the Dutch res are BIS civies with an armband...if you put one on?

Yep, unless someone wants to make a new avatar for the Dutch Resistance, but seeing as they are not playable in the campaign and just added for story purposes i dont see it happening.

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nar thats cool mate..maybe in phase 2 you can add the arm bands.

oh well cant have everything can we tounge2.gif

as for the C-47's dont worry for a 5man team you've all done pretty well with all the things that are done.

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ahhhh, finally the invasion is getting closer.... can'0t wait, can't wait...

By the way winters, do you have any plains to release the phase two for Armed asault? or are you going to still working on flashpoint engine when ArmA will be out?

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do you have any plains to release the phase two for Armed asault? or are you going to still working on flashpoint engine when ArmA will be out?

Seriously now, put that brain into action and I'm sure you will be able to figure it out tounge2.gif

(that means: yes, no, just like every other mod).

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Good to hear something from I44 again smile_o.gif ,and good to hear that the release of the Alphamod is closing in. Got no questions about it anyway.

Great work


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Not sure if this has been asked before, but is there any chance for ambience noise?

What I mean is once battle has begun, to hear a lone MG42 firing in the not so far distance or something of that sort, ambient fire from K98s and Stg44s. I think it would definately liven the atmosphere once in battle without the real threat.

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Happy to know INV44 mod still alive! Please finish it asap and let's not ask any new requests for their mod and just let they do what they are doing now. Otherwise we have to wait long again...

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To answer some questions, Phase 1 is for OFP the rest will be for ArmA, im also holding out hope that we can easily port phase 1 to ArmA as well.

We have plenty of ambience, you will notice when you first start it will be quiet with the exception of some birds and crickets but as the fight heats up you will hear distant MG fire and Artillery.

But then you guys alreay knew how important atmosphere/immersion is in my work whistle.gif

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Sounds great! That was probably the one question I kept forgetting to ask, I am glad to hear that it will be naturally included in the mod smile_o.gif

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i know its abit late asking

but is there anychance of having commandos in the game winters??

in phase2 perhaps??

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