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Fox hunting Ban

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My Grandpa was known for his smacks into faces of hunters when they werent able to kill an animal with the first shot.

So what did he do when he himself only mortally wounded the animal, allowing it to escape before he could fire a 2nd shot? Did he beat himself up with guilt? Perhaps he attended some hunters counselling sessions?   wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

I agree with you but its not us brits it's them toffs.

I think you'll find "them toffs" are Brits too. Or maybe not...how are things down at the BNP social club these days anyway?

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I think you'll find "them toffs" are Brits too. Or maybe not...how are things down at the BNP social club these days anyway?


I am against hunting so telling THEM brits that hunting is wrong is stupid as most of us know it is.

Never been never will go, have you been sounds like you have once but maybe you didnt like it?

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I am against hunting so telling THEM brits that hunting is wrong is stupid as most of us know it is.

Never been never will go, have you been sounds like you have once but maybe you didnt like it?

Sorry, i think i'm getting you mixed up with someone else. Last time i was around here, i recall someone with an avatar like yours being a big BNP fan. BNP voters are not renowned for their ability to be open minded about what a 'Brit' is. biggrin_o.gif

Anyway...my point is that you can't just dismiss 'Hunting with dogs' as a "toff" thing. This ban will affect people on all rungs of the socio-economic ladder. The ones with most to lose are on the farm workers etc.

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I am against hunting so telling THEM brits that hunting is wrong is stupid as most of us know it is.

Never been never will go, have you been sounds like you have once but maybe you didnt like it?

Sorry, i think i'm getting you mixed up with someone else. Last time i was around here, i recall someone with an avatar like yours being a big BNP fan. BNP voters are not renowned for their ability to be open minded about what a 'Brit' is. biggrin_o.gif

Anyway...my point is that you can't just dismiss 'Hunting with dogs' as a "toff" thing. This ban will affect people on all rungs of the socio-economic ladder. The ones with most to lose are on the farm workers etc.

Ok no problem mate.

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If I had a saying I would say NO to a ban. Foxhunting with packs of dogs may look inhumane but it's very effective and scientific conclusions suggest the foxes are not stressed more than nessecary. The fox caught by the pack is killed instantly and is actually more effective than the use of gass, shotguns (easy to wound rather than kill) and traps.

Terrierwork is perhaps more suspect but with a trained gunner the work is done quickly as soon as the terrier has bolted the fox.

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If I had a saying I would say NO to a ban. Foxhunting with packs of dogs may look inhumane but it's very effective and scientific conclusions suggest the foxes are not stressed more than nessecary. The fox caught by the pack is killed instantly and is actually more effective than the use of gass, shotguns (easy to wound rather than kill) and traps.

Terrierwork is perhaps more suspect but with a trained gunner the work is done quickly as soon as the terrier has bolted the fox.

Would it be better to use a high power rifle then a shotgun to kill a fox?

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Quote[/b] ]scientific conclusions suggest the foxes are not stressed more than nessecary

Source ? rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Would it be better to use a high power rifle then a shotgun to kill a fox?

I'm afraid not because only the shotgun have the nessecary impact at close range at a moving target. At longer distances you are allowed to use some other rifle calibers - in Norway that is. Revolver of any caliber and pistol (22LR) are allowed if you have to dig into the denn if the fox gets stuck and/or the terrier can't bolt him or the terrier is injured by the fox.


Quote[/b] ] Source ?  


Quote[/b] ]research by Dr David McDonald at Oxford University's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit which suggests that the average duration of a hunt is 17 minutes.

The fox does not anticipate death, they say, so is not unduly traumatised by the pursuit.

And the alternatives - shooting, gassing, snaring or poisoning - would all inflict much more pain and suffering on the foxes. Already, 10 times as many foxes are shot each year than are hunted to death, they say. That figure would only increase if hunting was banned.


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Anyway, I believe we should kill more animals. It makes you feel good - especially the fluffy ones!

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Anyway, I believe we should kill more animals. It makes you feel good - especially the fluffy ones!


.................. rock.gif .......

I sure hope you're kidding rock.gifcrazy_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]which suggests that the average duration of a hunt is 17 minutes.

Aha. Funny that the organizations organizing foxhunts say different:

Quote[/b] ]e. Duration - The length of the hunt is two hours. Time may be extended at the discretion of the fox.

Interesting also that the foxhounds used to hunt down the foxes are shot after 4 - 6 years as they don´t comply to foxhound standards after this time. Statistics suggest that each year up to 3500 dogs are killed for exactly this reason. So it´s not only the fox who has to die for some snobs but also the dogs...

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hunting foxes is for sissy's. im not into hunting but if i were to hunt for sport, than i'd hunt something that could put up a fight, like a Grizzly Bear, a Mountian Lion, or a Wolf. hell even your typical Buck (male deer for those who don't know) is capable of putting up a nasty fight should somebody be foolish enough to wander in during mating season. such a trophey would look so much better on the wall than some mangy little fox and you can have plenty of meat.

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Quote[/b] ]Aha. Funny that the organizations organizing foxhunts say different:

Sorry, but you've got it wrong Balschiow. "The hunt" is not the actuall hunt but the whole social phenomena - from start with punch outside the village pub, the organizing of the hunt itself with different parties each allocated their very specific place in the hunt (such as followers on horseback, terriermen etc) and then there's the final chase - which I believe you refer to. The chase itself doesn't take that long so 17 minuttes makes sense. But of course, if the fox takes refuge in a denn the hunt will go on for longer because of the need to get the terrier men and their dogs. Bolting the fox from a denn with terriers can actually take much longer than two hours depending on the local environment such as stones, roots etc.

Quote[/b] ]Interesting also that the foxhounds used to hunt down the foxes are shot after 4 - 6 years as they don´t comply to foxhound standards after this time.

You find that disturbing? When the dogs (hounds that is - not terriers) can't fullfil their task anymore they have to be killed. The reason for this is that they are not domesticated dogs in the ordinary sense. They cannot be housetrained and cannot live in an ordinary household like other dogs. It would be a misserable life. Sort of like lion in a living room. And don't forget that the hounds live a very good life untill they are put to sleep. No other domestic dog could possibly live such a good life with long walks, running, training and the social world of living in a pack. And six years is also the average lifespan for a lot of breeds - especially the larger ones.

Quote[/b] ]Statistics suggest that each year up to 3500 dogs are killed for exactly this reason.

Hunting is a large "industry" and I'm sure lots of dogs are put to sleep whenever they can't do their job anymore because of old age or other dysfunctionalities. This is quite ordinary with dogs and animals breeded for other uses such as polar dogs, cart dogs, horses, family dogs etc.

Or would you rather let your family dog be in pain or live a life unworthy of someone you love?

Quote[/b] ]So it´s not only the fox who has to die for some snobs but also the dogs...

Now that is a silly thing to say! Don't be fooled by the plebs thoughts on class etc. The fact is that the whole rural community is engaged in hunting activity - not only the ones on horsebacks!

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hunting foxes is for sissy's. im not into hunting but if i were to hunt for sport, than i'd hunt something that could put up a fight, like a Grizzly Bear, a Mountian Lion, or a Wolf. hell even your typical Buck (male deer for those who don't know) is capable of putting up a nasty fight should somebody be foolish enough to wander in during mating season. such a trophey would look so much better on the wall than some mangy little fox and you can have plenty of meat.

The reason for hunting animals is that you have to control the population, pest control and ease the burden for agricultural communities. Wether it's for sissy's or not is up to you but I feel most people have problems aknowlidging the the great pleasure of hunting. It's become sort of an immoral thing or unethical to seek pleasure through hunting wich is silly. Most people I know would say they greatly enjoy sex even if the sole purpose is to breed a new generation.

I personaly don't feel "manly" when I hunt - and I know quite a few girls that go hunting as well. Fact is that in Norway there is a rise in the numbers of female hunters.

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hunting foxes is for sissy's. im not into hunting but if i were to hunt for sport, than i'd hunt something that could put up a fight, like a Grizzly Bear, a Mountian Lion, or a Wolf. hell even your typical Buck (male deer for those who don't know) is capable of putting up a nasty fight should somebody be foolish enough to wander in during mating season. such a trophey would look so much better on the wall than some mangy little fox and you can have plenty of meat.

The reason for hunting animals is that you have to control the population, pest control and ease the burden for agricultural communities. Wether it's for sissy's or not is up to you but I feel most people have problems aknowlidging the the great pleasure of hunting. It's become sort of an immoral thing or unethical to seek pleasure through hunting wich is silly. Most people I know would say they greatly enjoy sex even if the sole purpose is to breed a new generation.

I personaly don't feel "manly" when I hunt - and I know quite a few girls that go hunting as well. Fact is that in Norway there is a rise in the numbers of female hunters.

population control? meh, thats what cars and the highways are for. or just do what the degenerates do when they have a varmit problem, get a bunch of well armed drinking buddies together one night around a pickup truck, leave a few trashcan lids open, when the racoons and possums come out to feast, flip on the brights on your truck and let'em have it. i actually knew some highschool friends who did shit like biggrin_o.gif but if any species is in need of population control, its humanity it self im afraid.

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Quote[/b] ]population control? meh, thats what cars and the highways are for.

hehe - agree with you!

Quote[/b] ] or just do what the degenerates do when they have a varmit problem, get a bunch of well armed drinking buddies together one night around a pickup truck, leave a few trashcan lids open, when the racoons and possums come out to feast, flip on the brights on your truck and let'em have it. i actually knew some highschool friends who did shit like biggrin_o.gif

LOL - that's a disgrace and you'd end up in prison for that in Norway.

Quote[/b] ]but if any species is in need of population control, its humanity it self im afraid.

Well said my friend - let's start with the swedish population biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]The reason for hunting animals is that you have to control the population, pest control and ease the burden for agricultural communities.

Blabla ...you only need to use drugs on foxes like we do in germany. Place a permanent drug-pit for foxes in the woods and they will get sterile and will not be able to overpopulatate....

Yeah...right...then you miss the fun in hunting them with dogs...I know...

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Anyways, hunting 1 fox with a dozen horses, a bunch of dogs and 50 helpers is not what I'd call efficient population control. It's just done for the fun. If you want to control a population seriously you can't waste your time riding around on horses looking stupid.

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Yeah...right...then you miss the fun in hunting them with dogs...I know...

So, what's wrong with populatin control and enjoying it at the same time?

Do any on this forum seriously believe hunters hunt because they have to? It's fun for Gods sake!


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My Grandpa was known for his smacks into faces of hunters when they werent able to kill an animal with the first shot.

So what did he do when he himself only mortally wounded the animal, allowing it to escape before he could fire a 2nd shot? Did he beat himself up with guilt? Perhaps he attended some hunters counselling sessions?   wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

I agree with you but its not us brits it's them toffs.

I think you'll find "them toffs" are Brits too. Or maybe not...how are things down at the BNP social club these days anyway?

Well strangely enough in germany this rarely happens cause it is considered as dishonourable (I think I said that already). Either you have the chance to pull the trigger or you dont. In case such a thing realy happens then you got to chase the wounded animal with the dogs untill you find it. May it be night or day.

They dont do such things as lucky shots in germany. At least not in the generation of my grandpa

(albert filled with pride)

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I think it's generally the same here... Most hunters make sure that they will kill the animal with one shot, or they won't pull the trigger. And when the animal is only injured, the hunt is many times halted for a while until the injured animal has been put down.

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