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Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

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Quote[/b] ]I would trust trained security personnel and police more than average Joe's carrying guns

    This is where you and I are complete polar opposites friend.  Simply put I trust average joe more than I trust any government. Besides the average joe isn't a murderer, if he was then murder wouldn't be frowned upon would it?

     A guy with a gun might murder some people. A government with arms and populace deprived of them and you'll see millions of deaths. History has proven this since the dawn of time.

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Quote[/b] ]I would trust trained security personnel and police more than average Joe's carrying guns

    This is where you and I are complete polar opposites friend.  Simply put I trust average joe more than I trust any government. Besides the average joe isn't a murderer, if he was then murder wouldn't be frowned upon would it?

Sad enough, not only the average joe can buy a weapon in the store...

Sheesh look over there, i see crazy fucked up joe buying an Uzi.  I wonder what he's gonna do with it...

Quote[/b] ]A guy with a gun might murder some people. A government with arms and populace deprived of them and you'll see millions of deaths. History has proven this since the dawn of time.

As far as i'm concerned history doesn't even need to prove that selling such heavy weapons is a pretty stupid thing to do...  

Seriously, there's no good reason for selling these guns...

Entertainment you say?  Collectors you say?  Oh right, hey i wanne collect an a bomb, can i have one now? can i mommy? can i?

Hmmm good ol' irony

Oh well... as i said, you can do with your country what you want, just keep those guns inside your own country please...

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Quote[/b] ]Sheesh look over there, i see crazy fucked up joe buying an Uzi. I wonder what he's gonna do with it...

At least the UZI he would be buying is not automatic.

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Quote[/b] ]Sheesh look over there, i see crazy fucked up joe buying an Uzi.  I wonder what he's gonna do with it...

At least the UZI he would be buying is not automatic.

Whaaaaaaaatever tounge_o.gif

Some guy on tv/radio/whatever don't recall/... said that the uzi was one of the weapons that can now be sold again...

Please forgive me for not being a genious and not knowing everything...

I hope you can...

I really do...

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Quote[/b] ]Whaaaaaaaatever tounge_o.gif

Some guy on tv/radio/whatever don't recall/... said that the uzi was one of the weapons that can now be sold again...

Please forgive me for not being a genious and not knowing everything...

I hope you can...

I really do...

hmmm.. There are semi-auto UZIs... rock.gif



Look at the UZI Pistol stats...

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Quote[/b] ]Whaaaaaaaatever tounge_o.gif

Some guy on tv/radio/whatever don't recall/... said that the uzi was one of the weapons that can now be sold again...

Please forgive me for not being a genious and not knowing everything...

I hope you can...

I really do...

hmmm.. There are semi-auto UZIs... rock.gif


The smile

Solution to everything!

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A guy with a gun might murder some people. A government with arms and populace deprived of them and you'll see millions of deaths. History has proven this since the dawn of time.

Yeh thats why you see the population of Britain being brutally repressed by the government.

As good ole Mr Gandhi showed, you don't need guns to bring about change. Any of the "we need guns to protect our rights" arguments IMO are BS.

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A guy with a gun might murder some people. A government with arms and populace deprived of them and you'll see millions of deaths. History has proven this since the dawn of time.

Yeh thats why you see the population of Britain being brutally repressed by the government.

Sniff sniff...


good ol' irony!

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At least we aren't like some European countries, where the cops have to run after people and say "THIS IS THE POLICE! STOP... or we'll have to yell STOP at you again!"

(partially stolen from Robin Williams)

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At least we aren't like some European countries, where the cops have to run after people and say "THIS IS THE POLICE! STOP... or we'll have to yell STOP at you again!"

..and yet those countries have far less crime problems than the US. Go figure.

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At least we aren't like some European countries, where the cops have to run after people and say "THIS IS THE POLICE! STOP... or we'll have to yell STOP at you again!"

..and yet those countries have far less crime problems than the US. Go figure.

..and yet they also have far smaller populations than the US. Go figure.

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At least we aren't like some European countries, where the cops have to run after people and say "THIS IS THE POLICE! STOP... or we'll have to yell STOP at you again!"

..and yet those countries have far less crime problems than the US. Go figure.

..and yet they also have far smaller populations than the US. Go figure.

In the EU as a whole there are far more restrictions on both private ownership of weapons as well as the force that LEOs are allowed to use.

And we have a larger population than the US and far lower crime rates.

...which is a good indicator that you should focus on solving your social problems rather than arming yourself.

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Y'know, I heard that England has one of the world's highest crime rates in the world.

I got this from multiple sources.

Just the term 'crime rate' is a bit misleading as countries count things differently. For instance in Sweden they count everything that gets reported to the police, while in the US they only count it when a person has been convicted for a crime.

A far better metric is to compare murder/capita rape/capita etc.


As you can see the US has 4 times more murders per capita than the UK.

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At least we aren't like some European countries, where the cops have to run after people and say "THIS IS THE POLICE! STOP... or we'll have to yell STOP at you again!"

No, the us police will draw their six shooter just to get shot at with uzi's and automatic rifles, at least we dont have maniac snipers picking people of the streets amongst other criminals and lunatics or even kids at school, i feel safe enough all over EU smile_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]No, the us police will draw their six shooter just to get shot at with uzi's and automatic rifles, at least we dont have maniac snipers picking people of the streets amongst other criminals and lunatics or even kids at school, i feel safe enough all over EU  .

Actually, automatic UZIs and automatic rifles are banned because of another firearms act. Even the NRA agrees with that act. Furthermore, some police dept. are starting to give their officers M4s (?) and other weapons that are better than their sidearem to be put in their car just incase....

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Quote[/b] ]...which is a good indicator that you should focus on solving your social problems rather than arming yourself.

    I almost could agree with you if you reworded to this...

...which is a good indicator that you should focus on solving your social problems rather than disarming yourself.

Quote[/b] ]As good ole Mr Gandhi showed, you don't need guns to bring about change. Any of the "we need guns to protect our rights" arguments IMO are BS.

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest" - Mahatma Ghandi

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Quote[/b] ]I agree, I would feel much safer if nobody would carry guns outdoors except security firms and police.

Quote[/b] ]But assault rifles don't belong to the public.
Quote[/b] ]And I am not sure the ban is a good idea either, I just think that all assaultrifles should be strictly for military use as they serve no purpose other than killing.

"Citizens who wish to use firearms should join the SS - ordinary citizens don't need guns." -Heinrich Himmler

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. "

-Adolf Hitler

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Quote[/b] ]As good ole Mr Gandhi showed, you don't need guns to bring about change. Any of the "we need guns to protect our rights" arguments IMO are BS.

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest" - Mahatma Ghandi

Ghandi talks about disbanding of Inian army, not revocation of individual firearm ownership, which were none in India to begin with.

I wonder when someone will come up with that famous Adolf Hitler quote, "Today, the nation will be safer as the guns are away from hands." ghostface.gif

*for those who do not know about this, it turned out to be an urban legend

Quote[/b] ]"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. "

-Adolf Hitler

hmm..maybe another one of those i mentioned.

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"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest" - Mahatma Ghandi

Ghandi talks about disbanding of Inian army, not revocation of individual firearm ownership, which were none in India to begin with.

"Depriving a whole nation of arms" is hardly the same as disbanding the armed forces. Arms in this case would be everything from blades to firearms, so yes, it would include firearms. Perhaps you are thinking of the other indians. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I wonder when someone will come up with that famous Adolf Hitler quote, "Today, the nation will be safer as the guns are away from hands." ghostface.gif

*for those who do not know about this, it turned out to be an urban legend

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. "

-Adolf Hitler

hmm..maybe another one of those i mentioned.

I assure you, the Hitler quote is real, though slightly modified:

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.

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"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.

He obviously meant the creation of military units from eastern european people to fight alongside the Wehrmacht.

Back to the topic, all I have ever owned is an airgun for plinking and target practice (although I have fired a Manlicher in my grandpas village in Crete). I feel safe enough either in my home or walking alone in the street. The only ones who advocate the spread of guns are enthusiasts, nobody else wants them unrestrained so dont act as if we need them.

And dont think for a minute that because you have a big gun, your friend/neighbour/policeman/head of state will respect your opinion more.

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I'd just like to know how guns cause crime.

I would also like to know why you want to ban the weapons used in the smallest percentage of crimes if you want to reduce the number of them.

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He obviously meant the creation of military units from eastern european people to fight alongside the Wehrmacht.

Actually, he didn't. He did however force conquered peoples to fight alongside the Wehrmacht.

What he meant was that the civilian population should not be allowed to be armed and thereby allowed to form any militia. He wanted the peoples to be completely under German rule.

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I'd just like to know how guns cause crime.

There's absolutely NO connection between guns and crime!

...hmmm that's weird... it says right here on my computer that irony is at 100%...

Gosh i wonder why

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