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Operation Farmland Mod

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when you update your weapons pack will you downsize the sawed off shotgun? when i first saw it it looked way too big, its a great looking model though wink_o.gif

Yep, already have actually. tounge2.gif

Anyway, Maccollo hasn't been online in the past few days. He better not have gone on holidays again without telling us. crazy_o.gif The current dog attack anim is just a mouth movement, and he was making a much better 100 frame anim, I saw some of it. Where are you mac!? huh.gif

nooooo crazy_o.gif i wonder where he is crazy_o.gif

lol if he was here earlyer i would of gave him a medal tounge2.gif

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Macc is on somewhere around the 300th frame for the dog.

I think



P.S. And no, he isn't on holidays wink_o.gif

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yeah I'm here, but making a 600 frame anim is tough work (BTW I do NOT use ofpanim so it progresses quite fast tounge2.gif )

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is there another way besides ofpanim?!

yes, maya or 3ds

I didnt know that it was possible to convert them back to the OFP format? huh.gif

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is there another way besides ofpanim?!

yes, maya or 3ds

I didnt know that it was possible to convert them back to the OFP format? huh.gif

it's been possible for almost 2 years! where have you guys been icon_rolleyes.gif

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If Hp3 can be done for saturday night i'm willing to donate smile_o.gificon_rolleyes.gif lol

100 bucks?


A punch in the face?

Lol jokeeeeeeeeeee we need humour here before somebody start panicking for the release.

So when is the god damn release? nener.gif

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Few more days... wink_o.gif

well i should be accustomed to long release dates wink_o.gif

i ordered 2 tom clancy books, expected them to arrive 3-4 working days but noo ;ooked at the arrival date and it was +1 month confused_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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LOL!! sad_o.gifsad_o.gif im at work 12-8 tomorrow sad_o.gifsad_o.gifbanghead.gif

but wheyhey!! at leaste i will have something good to come home to after my "split relationship" sad_o.gif


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Hey look, clock went forward, its now 12GMT whistle.gif

biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif Im gona Skip Work Today wow_o.gifwink_o.gif

Edit, Just look at the time of my post 30min to go!!

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Matt, blame Dave for less paycheck.

Who knew that Dave was going to set a wierd releasedate, without asking anyone in the team.

The pack is ready for approx 95%, but the last 5% is not going to be finished by 12GMT, probably not today either.

I, and the rest of Farmland Team, are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards



P.S. 12GMT is in like 2 hours, but still, it won't be ready.


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Don't worry, we're doing what we can here, it will be released today (eventually), but won't contain a dog attack or eat animation (really my fault, seeing as I asked for it to be done about 3 weeks ago), hopefully we'll be able to make a hotfix for this by next week though wink_o.gif

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Don't worry, we're doing what we can here, it will be released today (eventually), but won't contain a dog attack or eat animation (really my fault, seeing as I asked for it to be done about 3 weeks ago), hopefully we'll be able to make a hotfix for this by next week though wink_o.gif

We still have a dog attack anim. All it is is it's mouth opening. tounge2.gif

EDIT: ~20mins to go! wow_o.gif Just hope I'm not disconnected or anything. whistle.gif

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Don't worry, we're doing what we can here, it will be released today (eventually), but won't contain a dog attack or eat animation (really my fault, seeing as I asked for it to be done about 3 weeks ago), hopefully we'll be able to make a hotfix for this by next week though wink_o.gif

r u sure now tounge2.giftounge2.gif

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They better release it today, else my weekend is ruined. I don't like dogs anyway.

I just want a horde of zombies chasing me and i have to survive. Woohoo

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