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ideas for addons

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ciao from edi, i would like to sugest to addon makers to do a little island in Us style,  and some people soldiers/civilians with fat body. Is anynone interrested to do?

ciao to all ofp friends




Ciao from edi,

For difference of time i 'm reading the post now.

First of all i want to say i'm sorry for my bad poor english that could cause some misunderstandings.

I never meant to say that american people are fat, and between the two addons request was no connections, were just 2 different ideas for addon makers. The american style island cause would be good to play maybe some police or urban's missions, the fat people just to have some new caracthers in the game to make it more various, but i never meant to have american fat people, they can be from everywhere.

I would like to change the comment under the title of the post but i don't know how to do cause maybe reading that really it could seem a provocation.

Sorry again if someone could feel offendend but really was not my intenction.



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ciao from edi, i would like to sugest to addon makers to do a little island in Us style, and some people soldiers/civilians with fat body. Is anynone interrested to do?

ciao to all ofp friends


are you saying americans are fat rock.gif

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Some of them are. Some are Olymipic atheletes. Some are thin, like me. Now, "edi", are you being petty, steriotypical, or simply extremely disrespectful? You choose.

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about 25% of the adults in the United States are obese. although thats an alarming number, edi's comment is a hasty generalization of the American public. I'm sure what he meant was to have some variety in the types of civilians in game because most of the standard BIS civilians are practically perfect interms of physical appearance.

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry, no offence to Americans here but I wet myself reading this.

He he.......I had a chuckle too tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Well then, I think he should have been a little more careful in the way he worded his question. Because he came across as ignorant, and insulting.

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Why would you want fat people models anyways?


And btw, all countries have fat people...the US doesnt own the copyright.

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Who said the models were to represent Americans?

Admitedly I drew the same connotation from the post but I'm pretty sure we should give the benefit of the doubt here and assume the american landscape and fat civy models are indirectly linked suggestions.

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That's true.

Another example would be if someone asked for a model who had bad teeth and all the Brits got all up in arms because they'd automaticallty assume it was aimed at them and their bad chicklets.


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Even though it's a valid point I don't think mentioning other stereotypes is going to help matters here. Even raising them offends people. I think a locking of this topic is looking pretty certain now... even more so than before biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ]I think a locking of this topic is looking pretty certain now... even more so than before


I know, that was the point.

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That's true.

Another example would be if someone asked for a model who had bad teeth and all the Brits got all up in arms because they'd automaticallty assume it was aimed at them and their bad chicklets.


God yeah. Its like saying all Canadians have large butts. Fu***ng A.


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flipflopper =)

None the less, ignoring the fat people part, I think that a US themed addon would be great. I considered for a time doing my own hometown of Encinitas but a sheer lack of time and large size of this growing city, it never happened. And I suck at models. And it's too hilly. And the list goes on and on.

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Canadians will BE THE HOCKEY GODS VERY SOON once again BOW YER HEADS biggrin_o.gif

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Being an american, I got a chuckle out of the fat people thing biggrin_o.gif

Anyway, on a US themed island, though there aren't really alot of islands specifically designed to portray the US, but somehow I got a US feeling when playing gaia

There are also some good islands with a US feeling, some parts of snakeisland remind me of maine for some reason tounge_o.gif

But still, I believe there should definately be a few US themed islands...

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There are some places on the East Coast of the United States that have islands which could be remade into ofp. Maybe Manhattan island.

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Well some variation in civilians would be nice ,right now they all look like a homogenious Slavic bunch of guys. (bohemians maybe?)

Some Chinese civilians ,usually  bit smaller than other people and having other eyes ,some North African and central african types of persons usually more black ,some latino's usually called Jezus or jose (pronounced: Geesus or Gosé) Some traditionally clothed Bavarians usually holding a Half a liter Beer and a Bratwurst ,some Dutchy's with klomps and a boll of cheese ,some French with a silly hat and puffy pants with suspenders.Some Canadian mounty's and lumberjacks.Some Indians with nothing more than a towel around their waist and one on their head ,Muslim woman in Burkha's ,Australians in Bush gear alla crocodile Dundee.

Yes i know these are all steriotype's (i'm dutch btw ,well Flemmisch actually) that doesn't mean they wouldn't be cool to have as civilians ,call it a multi cultural country.

And while were at it ,id would always like a groups of Hare Krischna's or 10 Elvisses to run over with a car in the city's.

Guys in bussiness suits are lacking to ,woman in sexy clothing ,kids in general or old folks ,...

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Well some variation in civilians would be nice ,right now they all look like a homogenious Slavic bunch of guys. (bohemians maybe?)

Some Chinese civilians ,usually  bit smaller than other people and having other eyes ,some North African and central african types of persons usually more black ,some latino's usually called Jezus or jose (pronounced: Geesus or Gosé) Some traditionally clothed Bavarians usually holding a Half a liter Beer and a Bratwurst ,some Dutchy's with klomps and a boll of cheese ,some French with a silly hat and puffy pants with suspenders.Some Canadian mounty's and lumberjacks.Some Indians with nothing more than a towel around their waist and one on their head ,Muslim woman in Burkha's ,Australians in Bush gear alla crocodile Dundee.

Yes i know these are all steriotype's (i'm dutch btw ,well Flemmisch actually) that doesn't mean they wouldn't be cool to have as civilians ,call it a multi cultural country.

And while were at it ,id would always like a groups of Hare Krischna's or 10 Elvisses to run over with a car in the city's.

Guys in bussiness suits are lacking to ,woman in sexy clothing ,kids in general or old folks ,...

Very nice, altho yes, it is steriotypical, its a nice idea, but hey, where are the italians on that list   wink_o.gif   rock.gif

make some Godfather Addons tounge_o.gif

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ciao from edi, i would like to sugest to addon makers to do a little island in Us style,  and some people soldiers/civilians with fat body. Is anynone interrested to do?

ciao to all ofp friends


you express an extremly rude bias that americans are fat

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hmm - first i thought like everybody about the fat people

meaning in this post, but after HOBOMAN's reminder quote

of the edi's request i rather think that he's just forgotten

to mention the thin ppl request.

edi was in no way saying that all units should be fat,

when he requested: some people soldiers/civilians with fat body

OK, maybe a little bit of provocation is still with his post  tounge_o.gif

But then again you Americans should see it more as positive

critism and some kind of motivation to finally start moving

your arses again biggrin_o.gif   wink_o.gif

:edit - no offence meant here btw wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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Which counrty is edi from and how long has he been speeking english.

No offence but that might be another reason for people miss reading the post.

Anyway, it was two different ideas. |Read teh topic title, "ideas for addons", that being plural, and to me they dint sound connected anyway, OFP is to normal in human phyisic.

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I dont see that this would improve the game much at all!

And I feel the ground shakeing - the mods are on the way

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