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are we spoilt kids ?

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Quote[/b] ]you dont have helis and you dont have imagination.

OFP is still billed by many forum members here as the most realistic military simulation around. Hence, most mission-makers want to build stuff that'll please a realism-focused crowd.

And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions crazy_o.gif ?

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Quote[/b] ]And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions  ?

As they say

"Those who complain the most contribute the least"

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Quote[/b] ]you dont have helis and you dont have imagination.

OFP is still billed by many forum members here as the most realistic military simulation around. Hence, most mission-makers want to build stuff that'll please a realism-focused crowd.

And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions crazy_o.gif ?

well so you feel offended after all

and this question is directed probably to me smile_o.gif

becouse some of those ppl spend last two years learning how to make addons, and now they are making them wink_o.gif

and about realism... you probably right, but stilll ... it is just a game wink_o.gif VBS1 is not, but ofp is smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions  ?

As they say

"Those who complain the most contribute the least"

I complain a lot about this. rock.gif

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And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions crazy_o.gif ?

They don't have the time but they see many others do but not for missions.

They're lousy at it. They simple lack the talent, skill and imagination needed to produce missions others would enjoy.

One of the main gripes here is the imbalance of addons to missions or simply addons they gather dust. It's simply a pity.

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people are just squeezing ofp for all its worth,

its nothing out of the ordinary for people to expect more and more as the years pass by. Its still the same game, but my computer still cant run it on full settings :P

spoiled? I dont think so, we are just more advanced, like society, advances cause demand, people expect more.

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Quote[/b] ]One of the main gripes here is the imbalance of addons to missions

Yep  getting off track abit.

Quote[/b] ]I complain a lot about this.  

You contribute in other ways as you know.

Quote[/b] ]They simple lack the talent, skill and imagination

Talent - dunno about that one coz I never had it.

Skill - Is aquired, you are not born with it.

Imagination - Is fed and grown.

Not everyone is capable of making brilliant missions but at least they could give making missions ago.

Took me 6 months and 30 atempts before I had the confidence to show any of my missions to others.

What you think is crap others may like.

The individual he/she is their worst critic.

The worst ppl can do is can it. The best thing they good do is give helpful advice on how to improve the mission.

Some ppl may be better at cut scenes, others with scripts or intro's, briefings, plots - whatever. Get to together

I think the main problem is ppl aim too big, like making campaigns. That is a massive task, I know from experience.

Start with single missions and basic plots.

Ppl - Give it ago is all I am saying, if you have made missions then show them to others.


Off topic

I use to enjoy making missions, then island now models.

I don't make models for fame (do I spam my post - na), its obviously not for money. It is believe it or not coz I enjoy doing it (even with all the slagging you get when releasing something).

Time -you would not believe the amount of fix ups and remodeling I do for others each month (no credit required).

As far as my personal model todo list goes I am about 6 months behind.


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The Ofp community probably has the best modders in the whole gaming community ,because Ofp provides the most realistic and flexible platform to date to make modifications on.

Personally i am gratefull for that ,i feel almost guilty that i bought this game + expansion for only about 100$ ,it's worth way more than that.I am gratefull that there are so many excelent modders out here that i would have to make a whole list just to name the uber-best of them ,their efforts to extend the life of this game is well appreciated.

Are we spoiled? Well if you begin to complain when an addons is only 95% the quality of one of the top addon makers then i would call you spoiled ,i however am gratefull for every addon made even if ill never use it because it pushes the community to make even more addons.

In this sense ,i would rather call us LUCKY to have into possesion such a great game with such and excelent modding community ,that we have a numbr of artists doing stuff for free here where the quality of their addons many times far exceed the quality of art made by some payd gamming programmers.

This will make Ofp an eternal classic.In 20 years we will probably be shooting eachother in VR games and when youll pull youre jet to the max in turning youll probably feel the G-Forces while sitting in youre comfty chair at home ,but still with all that luxury will still remember Ofp with many good old sentiments just like many of us probably remember Half-life with such sentiments although they don't play it much anymore.

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will still remember Ofp with many good old sentiments just like many of us probably remember Half-life with such sentiments although they don't play it much anymore.

Personally I'd replace HL with Airborne Ranger (C64), Hunter (Amiga) & Seal Team (Amiga? & PC), they to me were the sentimental preludes to Opf smile_o.gif

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Q: "How did the USMC get on Tonal in the first place?"

A: "Magic!"

A2: "They swimmed there to keep lag to a minimum tounge_o.gif ."

A3: "They didnt, their chopper broke so they sent the army or rangers first."

A4:"While waiting for their choppers to be built..i mean repaired a small team of FR was inserted in Tonal by air force Pavehawks to search for enemy concentration of units, armor and supplies or to laser designate specific targets for air stryke...

I have the imagination, just lack the knoledge, time and means to make a good scripted mission with voice acting and all the bells and whisles but i guess even when/if these choppers arrive the missions or campaigns will still be missing something.

Also i think the original islands (Malden, etc) are best to use if people want to make missions with great looking addons to keep good performance and stability smile_o.gif .

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And why is it that I've never seen a mission from many of the people who complain about a lack of missions crazy_o.gif ?

They don't have the time but they see many others do but not for missions.

They're lousy at it. They simple lack the talent, skill and imagination needed to produce missions others would enjoy.

One of the main gripes here is the imbalance of addons to missions or simply addons they gather dust. It's simply a pity.

I know that for myself...the #1 problem is time. I wish TJ and some of the other speedster mission makers would make some missions. I have no idea how they make missions so quickly. For me a good mission takes weeks of work...currently the LoBo addon pack#2 is being held but because I haven't finished the demo mission yet (although its almost finished).

I just hate releasing simple missions. I like stuff with lots of scripts, movie cut-scenes, and custom music.

What sucks is that I have a whole pile of "almost done" missions on my hard drive that I still need to finish up. One that I may finish soon uses the OFrP addons however I need to update it to use the latest OFrP addons (which I regard as perhaps the finest in the OFP community).

I also made a ROC3 mod HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) assault mission that never really got much attention but that I thought was pretty good.

I made it mainly to support AndyLee and his ROC mod team as he's one of my favorite addon makers who I believe really deserves more of the OFP community's support and acknowledgment. He's been around since the beginning of the addon making community and his a great guy and is very generous.

When I get home I'll post a link to the ROC 3 HALO mission if anyone wants to check it out. I HIGHLY recommend the ROC 3 mod. It comes with many missions, and has some really original and well made addons in it.

For those that don't know how to make missions, it really is ALOT easier then addon making I think. Its pretty easy to make basic missions. It just takes a bit of research to figure out how to use scripts and stuff and do advance cut-scene movies and stuff. But I strongly encourage people to try making their own missions with all these great addons. Its not that difficult once you figure out what all the waypoints do and how to sync waypoints triggers and stuff like that.

The best way to learn is to get one of the DePBO tools and simply DePBO a mission to see how they did things.

There are also many tutorial missions at the OFP Editing Center.

Chris G.

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Quote[/b] ]I have no idea how they make missions so quickly.

Templates. Mission-making goes much quicker when you have pre-built descriptions, briefings, and scripts. Then it simply becomes a matter of coming up with good ideas.

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there needs to be more templete released then.

the only ones i know aboot are the veyr first ones for CWC they did not make any for Res..

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Hell Apollo, by that time we'll all be playing OFP 16 and VBS 6 tounge_o.gif And be modding for it.....we'll be able to say to the new kids.."...back in my day, when it was the first OFP........"

I agree with you. I also say that anyone who is given something for free, especially of the usual quality of OFP stuff, and complains about it is most definately spoiled.

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BTW what happened to PMC, are they still making missions or campaigns, the last i saw was the Ranger Juice (Campaign for BAS Rangers)

and i don't think it would be better to have an addon-making team with a mission maker (cause it takes time to create the addons, and then there are the missions needed = release takes longer)

I'd prefer teams like PMC (mainly mission makers) that would use and combine new addons in their missions or campaigns.

and in my opinion a campaign with a good story does not have to have the best, longest or most difficult missions ever created. it is more interesting to follow the storyline than to play an almost unmakeable mission.

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and what you all think about this whole "rat race" ?

wich mod will make better units, wich will have better guns, and so and so ?

where is it going ?

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and what you all think about this whole "rat race" ?

wich mod will make better units, wich will have better guns, and so and so ?

where is it going ?

rat race? i honestly dont give a rats ass where its going blues.gif

althou i admit there are alot of nice addons and few missions to use them. and the few missions to use them get about 2fps on a good minute and theres really no middle ground in missions that are released.

althou ive noticed some already made missions, even BIS stuff is half decent. which is one of the 14 million reasons i created Y2K3. to use the best of the best addons to replace the defualt stuff. and now all the good addons are being used in preexsisting missions smile_o.gif

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