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are we spoilt kids ?

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I thought about reviving the revival idea today, if anyones still interested that is. I can host files, forums etc.

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But you don't want the kind of missions that get churned out like a dime a dozen and get rated 1 out of 10 and OFPEC's Mission Depot, do you?

I would just like to point out here that my intention is not to insult those people who have created and submitted such missions for review.

Rather, they should consult with other mission makers and beta testers to get others opinions on whether a mission is worth releasing or not.

It is not a terrible loss to scrap a bad mission. Sit down and patiently work on the next one that will hopefully become a hit.

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I like having addons to play with. They give me mission ideas and a reason to make them, but if I feel the addons pretty much already been done before and it opens up no new mission making opportunities.. well..  As Mr. Oswald put it "Only the best will survive.(On my HD)".

I personally have made hundreds of missions, and I have a hundred more sitting in my users/missions dir. Most are "dynamic", heavily scripted, MP compatable, the works.. But just like the rest they'll never see the light of day. Why? because I can never find that one addon to 'complete' them, instead i have 300 variations of high quality M4's when i could really use a SWAT van, or a 200 year old musket. Currently I\m looking forward to a certain Vietnam campaign/addon pack to play with and hopefully make alot more cool missions (possibly release them, too.) wink_o.gif

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I've been saying this for ages. It's been the bottom line of my forum sig for about a year now. sad_o.gif

i saw it many times, this sig kils me slowly...

please do something about it, there is many ppl who thinks same, there is just not many ppl that could organize something.

One solution would be to get the addon teams to have a mission maker or two be a permanent part of the team.

But they don't seem to care. They get their addon's picture taken in the photo thread and they're happy. Pity. sad_o.gif

You don't have to wonder! It's the result of the community's bahaviour. There comes an addon - great - everybody is happy and give good statements. But there are so many missions, which didn't recognize all the time. And good missions, which are very exclusiv, will never find a place on big community sites news, except OFPEC. There is just a place for addons, modnews, sometimes 'shit' who no want to see... its in the hands of community 'VIPs'. Everyone can make a good mission, but it will never find a way to big applause... result: the one and only way to public are nice addons &&/|| tools!

So long, xezon.

Sry for bad english.

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Only the Mods get missions made for them in my opinion. I mean, i make multiplayer missions for my clan, and almost everyone is using FDF Mod, very few use additional addons, so i like this idea of the themed packs. The trouble then though is people will be reluctant to download packs as they have already got 90% of the addons required, so (i dunno if this is possible), but why not have some sort of programme which has in it URLs for all the addons required, and then you tick the one's you have, and the programme download's the rest. It's just like copying the URLs from a readme i suppose, but when their's a long list, i just think, "i can't be arsed with this" and the mission is deleted, so doing something like this programme may make people more willing to play missions involving lots of addons. I mean, OK, so it's taking this spoilt thing even further, but i'm sure the missions would get played more.

Mission packs and campaigns are probably more likely to be played then several single missions released (although this is just a guess).

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Quote[/b] ]But just like the rest they'll never see the light of day. Why? because I can never find that one addon to 'complete' them, instead i have 300 variations of high quality M4's when i could really use a SWAT van, or a 200 year old musket. Currently I\m looking forward to a certain Vietnam campaign/addon pack to play with and hopefully make alot more cool missions (possibly release them, too.)

Man, is this true. I can't tell you how many times I've started working on a campaign, only to realize that I lack a complete set of addons. FDF and the Tonal/OPFOR pack provide us with two fairly complete sides, but I don't see much of a chance of a FDF vs. TRF campaign in the near future. We don't have a full USMC, a full US Army, any full Russian force, etc... Either the units/vehicles/weapons don't exist or they aren't config/graphics compatible. We've got great USMC infantry, but no good USMC helos. Great Russian infantry but a weird variety of assorted APCs (With non-compatible configs) to transport them. Why do you think that we have so many Delta Force missions? It's because BAS provided the community with a fairly comprehensive set of US Special Forces and supporting helicopters. Face it, OFP is a realism-based game and odd mixes of units are going to draw more criticism than a mission-maker wants to deal with.

And that's why VBS1 is so seductive to a mission-maker. Not only does he get new commands, but he gets nice big sets of fully compatible units. No more working on a USMC mission and suddenly realizing that he has nothing to fly the Marines in with (I can't tell you how many times I've had this happen to me).

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Guess its high time mission makers sit down with addonmakers to create one big mod.

I would agree that for certain themes, some addons may not be avaliable, thus making it difficult to follow the themes, however that mirrors real life too, for logistics do not necessarily follow the wishes of the theatre commanding generals.

As to the big pow-wow between mission makers and addonmakers, thing is - who can be trusted to be dedicated enuff to creating missions? No point some addon team create all the addons the mission maker wishes for but then he goes off to school, army, work, wife/gf...leaving all in the lurch.

Dedication to addons can be clearly seen and examined, for it is an exact science..if it is workable and playerable, it is used...if not, it is not even downloaded. Wherelse missions are pretty difficult to evalute cos it will take time to test it out - would anyone wanna go through the time when they can just fly a few addons on desert island for 10mins and delete the addon once tired of it?

There are more factors to it but as an addonmaker i am for it if there is one top mission maker for each genre who can show us his/her dedication for a fun or serious game play - historical, current, science fiction, horror and social themes.

Folks like avonlady,miles teg & militia, who has the charisma and personality, comes to mind who could fit the mould as being head honchos. From there, if he can show us what he needs for the mission in mind, planned in advance let say 1 or 2 months time, post it here, i am sure addonmakers may be tempted to create the necessary addons, afterall, we'll have a better game if we work together, equality for all than to split and fragment ourselves up into tiny little islands living on our own.

However, the big pow wow may be just a dream, thats why most of the time addonmakers just create what they need for their own missions/game play and move on.

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I think that if you market things right, that people will play your missions. For example, Operation Enduring Freedom. A lot of people want to play it, and it's not even done yet. Yes, the Combat Photography Thread has a lot to do with what people see. it has a 144229 and is one of the only threads that doesn't die.

If mission makers really want their work out there, then you've gotta do what gets attention...

Good luck!


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we cant expect from someone who makes addons to make missions too.

and yes, God only knows what types of addons missionmaker will need while thinking up some cool campaigns.

so in my opinion small mod teams are our future.

one addonmaker wich will only make shure that all community addons will be balanced corectly should be enought, ofcourse he could do some smaller addons that missionmakers need (like 200 years old musket wink_o.gif )

rest of such team should be missionmakers making campaign.

it is most important thing in whole game industry, good game scenario.....

most of mods are making everything from ass side

first making addons and next missions using them.

and truth about making good piece of game is that first they should write good detailed scenario from wich they would see what addons are needed...

that realy bugs me in ofp community, tons of greate looking addons wich noone uses... wich doesnt bring any fun to anyone....

Mission makers !

Take control over this community !

Show addonmakers what you need !

Only then we wil all be happy unclesam.gif

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its like with advertising on tv and practicly everywhere in out lives

someone is teling us - look this m4 is best you can get for ofp ! - and i say bulll shit ! it is just ANOTHER m4 ! we need missions with this m4, man, you are wasting your time.

it is like making realy fast car - hey man, why this car eats 50 liters of gas per 100km ?, who needs such car ?!

i would be happyer if someone could make wheel chair, my friend needs one to make cool mission  wink_o.gif and he doesnt need another m4... or car with such greate textures that my graphics card memory will burn  crazy_o.gif

shure, some ppl have fun even making ANOTHER m4 and we should respect that.

but are here some smart ppl that want to make some fun for all of us ?

if yes, then please ppl, more cooperation with mission makers !  wink_o.gif

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A few years ago I first joined the OFP community through a site called 'VSAS' (GOD rest its sole).

There are a few ppl here now that would remember VSAS.

Anyway, this site was mainly based upon mission making and mission makers assisting others to make the "better mission".

They ran a simple points awarded system for missions produced - judged on playability, imagination and authenticity.

All up there was around 50 missions of which 40 would have been A grade missions. Out of that 40 probably 25 did not require any addons.

A lot of my inspiration and others came from addons being released at the time.

This is where I first learnt to contribute something back to the OFP community. (I dare say most addon makers would have started by making missions).

I think a new site setup in much the same way would benifit the community greatly.

Maybe some webmaster could arrange this.

Quote[/b] ]someone remember this ?  

If it the EVI Uh1


I still have it.

When this came out I thought it was the ducks nuts. smile_o.gif

...but then again I appreciate the simple things in life and don't expect the sun to shine out someones ass everytime they bend over.


Quote[/b] ]i would be happyer if someone could make wheel chair

Sounds a possible. Get me a jpg of the style/era and I can put one together. I was doing a trishaw but that can wait.

Static? If you want someone pushing it then would need animation done for that.

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i would be happyer if someone could make wheel chair, my friend needs one to make cool mission  wink_o.gif

Oh man! I've wanted a wheelchair forever!

I remember a long time ago i downloaded a "shopping cart" addon, and while it was very cool it was completely impossible to control, sort of like the Jetranger.

Moral of the story : test your addons and make sure their useable before releasing them  sad_o.gif

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There are a few ppl here now that would remember VSAS.

Just me, you and Viking still active in the community I think.

Anyway, I make a habit to mirror most missions (check in user missions) and sometimes I post them on OFPCentral. I'll look into doing something with missions but

a) I dont know what

b) Im short on news posters (that actually post) and am doing 99% of it myself

c) Hooahman, who's the site admin, is busy with real life

Feel free to post any suggestions (may bring back the old VSAS system just for you Scud wink_o.gif )

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We here at the, "OFF the WALL Team."

Are always trying to put out new and different missions.

Missions that are funny. Or just plane fun.

Stuff that is, "OFF the WALL!"

You can use old BIS addons and still create

a fun and exciting mission.

It's all has to do with your imagination. BOTTOM-LINE!

Yes new addons sometimes spark an idea. But you gotta do something with that idea.

Even if your not a great mission maker.

Maybe someone can help you get it,

to where you want it to be.

We are working on, "BEER RUN!." That's funny!

(Well we think so!) (We still havent found any bottles yet.)

But we live in the south. (USA) We have some redneck in us.

So we use our sense of humor and ideas to make something that, we hope most in the OFP Community will enjoy.

A matter of fact. If your interested in being an,

"OFF the WALL Team" memeber.

Email us:  [email protected]

We can always use more help.

But as far as being spoiled.

I think... the addon makers spoil us. Some are better than others. But if it wasn't for them. I would have stop playing OFP along time ago.

I also say, "THANK YOU!" To all the addon makers out there. For  help keeping OFP alive and well!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

we need more beer missions!!

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Hmmm perhaps that's the way humans are?

For example: Once there was a time where the newest stuff was a C64 pc or amiga to play with (ok only if your name wasn't Bill Gates). Now you have a huge offer which machine you want to use for playin'. They get more powerfull more faster it seems they even get foxier. So if you got the choice between a c64 from the past and a Pc with 4Ghz, Gf300 deluxe, 3ghz ram which one would u use for playin'?

It's in a different way the same with the addons. At the beginning u had the "huey" there. Now you have many hueys which are of high quality (but quality only stops if the engine can't handle the addon) so there will be more hueys to come which are more and more high in details and what ever and you are the one who have to choose like in reallife. You have to choose if you want to buy a playstation 1 or two or a xbox or the game cube or all this console stuff (as an example again). So it's up to you if u use the M4 of this addon maker or of this or of this .... every single addon has its pros and contras even if  there are 20 addons of a M4. But yeah you are right: It sucks if you got 20 m4s on the one hand but you want a m3 for your mission.

But thanks to forums like these you can influence some addon makers and then you got your m3 (some weeks later you can choose again between this m3 you had recieved before and 2 other versions smile_o.gif

That's reallife in virtual space ..... humans can't have enough

(but i don't know if it's good or bad ... i like the idea of choice)



P.S.: This is no criticisms its only a opinion.

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Quote[/b] ]But just like the rest they'll never see the light of day. Why? because I can never find that one addon to 'complete' them, instead i have 300 variations of high quality M4's when i could really use a SWAT van, or a 200 year old musket. Currently I\m looking forward to a certain Vietnam campaign/addon pack to play with and hopefully make alot more cool missions (possibly release them, too.)

Man, is this true. I can't tell you how many times I've started working on a campaign, only to realize that I lack a complete set of addons. FDF and the Tonal/OPFOR pack provide us with two fairly complete sides, but I don't see much of a chance of a FDF vs. TRF campaign in the near future. We don't have a full USMC, a full US Army, any full Russian force, etc... Either the units/vehicles/weapons don't exist or they aren't config/graphics compatible. We've got great USMC infantry, but no good USMC helos. Great Russian infantry but a weird variety of assorted APCs (With non-compatible configs) to transport them. Why do you think that we have so many Delta Force missions? It's because BAS provided the community with a fairly comprehensive set of US Special Forces and supporting helicopters. Face it, OFP is a realism-based game and odd mixes of units are going to draw more criticism than a mission-maker wants to deal with.

And that's why VBS1 is so seductive to a mission-maker. Not only does he get new commands, but he gets nice big sets of fully compatible units. No more working on a USMC mission and suddenly realizing that he has nothing to fly the Marines in with (I can't tell you how many times I've had this happen to me).

The other nice thing about that bit of software you mentioned is that you know everyone else is on exactly the same page as you addons wise... you also know that every other addon you're going to run into is going to be compatible balance wise.

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I agree, as addons produced have got better, people only want them to get better, feel thankful for what you have got.

I'm involved in a mod but I am working at my own speed and hoope people will download my addons but if they don't at least I have learnt and enjoyed doing something

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I feel spoiled... and i like it, and if they continue to deliver best for all of us. More missions would be great but even without these i still spend alot of time with them addons in the med, sometimes make a crazy scenario, sometimes convert/replace a unit or more in a mission because it fits, i think its fun to play around with the editor, user made addons are put to good use here, sometimes i almost drool all over my keyboard admiring the incredible work, skill and effort put into these units. Even regular OPF looks awsome with llauma's sky and DXDLL on decent settings, looking forward to the result of the ME competition smile_o.gif .

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now another thing that bugs me.

some addonmakers are like artists, making something completly uslees for missionmakers and for gamers becouse of far too high quality that makes even small missions lags.

everything is cool as long they are aware how pointless is releasing this stuff and it still gives them fun - as for me they could just release screens.

all tho thats what art should give creators (fun and joy)

but it bugs me when all i can do with such art is wach it on desert island.... but still respect and understanding.

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We've got great USMC infantry, but no good USMC helos. Great Russian infantry but a weird variety of assorted APCs (With non-compatible configs) to transport them.

But we could have missions where the marines are already deployed and are conducting road/street patrols on hmmwv's wink_o.gif . Or the great russian infantry could use the even better BMP3, BMD's or BTR-80. Or maybe Hyk's us infantry could make a full scale assault with the support of M113's or Bradley's apc's...

I agree that some addons dont match or that we still lack some units but lack of addons cant be an excuse not to make missions with smile_o.gif .

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Concept and imagination makes a good mission.

Not the quality or quantity of addons.

Quote[/b] ]becouse of far too high quality that makes even small missions lags


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Quote[/b] ]But we could have missions where the marines are already deployed and are conducting road/street patrols on hmmwv's .

Try making a campaign with them:

Q: "How did the USMC get on Tonal in the first place?"

A: "Magic!"

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Quote[/b] ]But we could have missions where the marines are already deployed and are conducting road/street patrols on hmmwv's  .

Try making a campaign with them:

Q: "How did the USMC get on Tonal in the first place?"

A: "Magic!"

so ?

you dont have helis and you dont have imagination.

maybe you should try making something out of wood instead of missions for ofp  wink_o.gif

(just a joke, dont feel offended please)

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