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gandalf the white

Petition to stop Doom 3!

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If you don't like/hate/despise it, don't play it.

They make it sound so hard.

Afterall, most of the time its the parents with the credit card, not the kids/teenagers. But I guess looking down at the little white box in the corner is just too difficult to do.

Guess no one will be happy until the M covers the entire box cover, and the title picture is nothing than a small 60x60 picture.

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I'm 99% certain this is a spoof website, well that's what I thought when I was sent the link a few weeks ago smile_o.gif

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If you don't like/hate/despise it, don't play it.

They make it sound so hard.

Afterall, most of the time its the parents with the credit card, not the kids/teenagers. But I guess looking down at the little white box in the corner is just too difficult to do.

Guess no one will be happy until the M covers the entire box cover, and the title picture is nothing than a small 60x60 picture.

You're all missing the point.

Those kind of actions are not suppose to cause any game ban but increase in political popularity within non-inteligent voters (medieval people) before elections. If they could gain a few points by wiping a monkeys dick they would wipe it all year round.

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bull***t. i was playing 1st doom when i was 7. TV and others were telling not to allow kids to play it. i've grown normal and i'm ateist BTW. smile_o.gif

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I'm sorry, but I have just concluded that people who make petitions like this are just plain retarded.

I think we need to shoot them instead of Demons. haha

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Now thats funny...

Clicking on any of the view signature numbers, brings up nothing. I remember a halo petition, for Microsoft to bring it to PC and X-box...and that had listed all petitions, as do all others from that site.

Hoax. smile_o.gif

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I don't even understand what can run in the twisted minds of those kind of sick "fundamentalist" individuals .

When you give a look to the purpose of Doom3 , is it not about figthing demonic invasion , is it not about destroying evil creatures , is it not about saving people from demons jaws ?

How can this be in contradiction with any christian/insert any other "moral" religions name teachings ?

Really stupid and sick "fundamentalists" people ...

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I think the joke is on you guys. It was obviously written as a spoof slash joke. You look like a bunch of dopes for falling for it and getting all emotional.

Heck if it has any kind of real intended effect aimed at ID it can only be to raise sales through controversy. I really wouldn't be surprised to find out it wasn't written by some one from ID.

All you have to do to get people to buy your game these days is to convince them that some one wants to censor or ban it. Heck look at the P.O.S. games that have sold well over the years do to controversy despite the fact that they sucked. Mortal Kombat immediatly springs to mind.

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Even singers and rappers use this. Eminem was only popular because nearly everyone bought it just to hear what the fuss was about.

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I think the joke is on you guys. It was obviously written as a spoof slash joke. You look like a bunch of dopes for falling for it and getting all emotional.

Ummm...yeah. What Sputnik Monroe said. Give it up guys, you've all been "punk'd".

Don't feel bad though. By the number of signatures and their contents it looks as if plenty of other people fell for it too.

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One word to sum up the petition: stupid.

If Christian parents are so concerned, how about they stop their own kids from playing it, and leave the rest of us the **** alone?

[edit]hmm, all a joke, eh? tounge_o.gif [/edit]

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You know, I find it funny how they pick on Doom.

There are hundreds of other violent shooters out there, worse than Doom, yet these parents are so dumb, and braindead about videogames, if they hear the word "Doom videogame" they think automatically like idiots. Because it's the only game they know about.

And it's retarded to even THINK about a petition. You can't take something off store shelves just because some idiot parent has a problem with it sitting there.

I think we all agree, some parents need to really finish High School, because they are just plain idiots.

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I think over 90 % of the signatures are pro-doom! smile_o.gif

Seriously, the guy read an article where the reporter mentioned the second coming of Jesus, in coherance with the release date of DOOM3... *sigh* lame-ass!

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Obvious spoof.

I'm sure a lot of the people who sign the petition are for real, though. crazy_o.gif

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Obvious spoof.

I'm sure a lot of the people who sign the petition are for real, though. crazy_o.gif

some of those just signed to spam porn, or pro-doom III jokes / text wink_o.gif .

strangely enough i can't see any of the signatures.... odd sad_o.gif

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You know. If you really think about it. Why would they decry doom3 as satanic propaganda.

1: You're fighting against a megalomaniacal demon possessed scientist bent on unleashing hell. I think we can all infer this means that the character we play as, is in fact the good guy.

2: You encounter innocent civilians and military personell of which you're not encouraged to kill. Yet it's pretty obvious you're supposed to kill the slavering compound-eyed demons that hurl fireballs at you and pretty much anything else.

3: Weapons like the plasma gun seem almost symbolic of "the light of good" being cast against evil hellborne creatures.

There is a positive spin you can place on this game. It's just the overwhelming mood and atmosphere of the game raises the hackles of every fearful jesus freak within a 1000 mile radius.

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They're not mad at that, they're made just because it has deamons. People actually start petitions out there like this as if it was worse than the Chechan memorial image as an ad.

I think the best logic was one of the original designers of Doom, who was Jewish, and Carmack asked him the same question.

As he replied "I don't mind. Afterall, they're the badguys."

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i pee myself!

wot a load of bullshit!

can it be that such things only happen in us?

no offense :P

but this is rediculous.....

i´d say:


cuz they are the reason for wars

and for such crap like the poll

gee how rotten this got.....

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