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MMP update thread

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(Diesen Hackern sollte man die Hände abschneiden und am Arsch wieder annähen tounge_o.gif )

Jesus Christ...

cut hands off and sew them on ass ?  crazy_o.gif

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Argh this ... can anyone moddel a hacker to kill him with the first big gun I found? biggrin_o.gif

-leck'ens am Arsch, das is vieleicht ene sick!

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Oh, no, hacked again...

What's the fun about hacking internet sites?

(Die sollte man kopfüber an der nächsten Strassenlaterne aufhängen...)

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When they want a challenge,wy dont they hack MS sites. mad_o.gif

Or is there any chance that the hackers are "special friends" of the MMP members? rock.gif

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This is a worm, not a single hacker.

It is affecting all webservers using phpBB in an earlier version.

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This is a worm, not a single hacker.

It is affecting all webservers using phpBB in an earlier version.

so we cannot even beat the shit out of our suspected hacker .. damn, xmas really sux this year sad_o.gif

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As annoying as it is about the hacking please try to remain on topic and talk about MMP smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Happy new year! (And merry christmas afterwards, forgot about that. Shame on me). For the new year we have a bunch of screenshots for you of Rangarion's Fennek and Helifreaks PAH-2 Tiger! The Fennek is almost ready, the Tiger is momentary at beta stage.






more pictures


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This all looks great as usual. smile_o.gif

Please, pay attention to your LODS though. That (for me anyways) made a lot of your earlier addons unuseable.


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Note that the first two links show the series production type Fennek. The third link show prototypes.

Also note that the Fennek made by BW-mod seems to have been based one of the latest prototypes. The production fennek has many exteriour details different from this prototype and the white interiour was changed to a nice green color for the obvious reason of better camouflage (when you open the door for example).

The movies also show the production Fennek.

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Please note that Rangarion started modelling the Fennek before the serial production began

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Me too, but I changed it later on. Did cause at least a month slowdown, but now it's accurate (LLW-mod Fennek, I started it over a year ago). But luckily for me no textures were done at that time (so we didn't have to change that)

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I started the MMP-Fennek in april 2004 and i finished atleast the textures and the model

before pics of the final version were available.

To change the model wouldnt be a big problem, but as i´m not very good in making high quality textures and because

we are low at good texturerers atm, i think we´ll release this version and update it later.

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I started the MMP-Fennek in april 2004 and i finished atleast the textures and the model

before pics of the final version were available.

To change the model wouldnt be a big problem, but as i´m not very good in making high quality textures and because

we are low at good texturerers atm, i think we´ll release this version and update it later.

hmm, that's a pitty. But it would indeed be a lot of work to change the textures, since not only the interiour is different. The exteriour also has a few things that have changed.

A very good refence site I've used for making my Fennek (not finished yet);


The second Fennek photo-series is from the production-fennek. The first series are from the last prototype. Note that the second series strats with four pictures showing the external changes.

I hope yours will be great.

I'm looking forward to the Tiger. That chopper rocks and yours looks awesome.

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Thanks for the link, but i already know it.

It was my main source for good Fennek pics.

But the second photo series was not available before i finished the model and and the textures.

It was ... well quite disappointing to see so many different details.  wink_o.gif  So much work for nothing.

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