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Quote[/b] ]Women are NOT allowed into Special Forces, Infantry, or any other direct Combat Involved MOS.

Cannot give any details friend, but this is not exactly true.


Oh? Want me to get out SOP on that?

@ Zikan.

If you want me too I will list why Women cannot get into that MOS.

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I could help you make them body textures a little better, they just look to flat and fake right now, they need some life, contact me on msn if you want.

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Quote[/b] ]Women are NOT allowed into Special Forces, Infantry, or any other direct Combat Involved MOS.

Cannot give any details friend, but this is not exactly true.


Oh? Want me to get out SOP on that?

@ Zikan.

If you want me too I will list why Women cannot get into that MOS.

@ Rishon

No need to debate this here my friend. Im fully aware of SOPs. PM me if you still have any issues.

My point is this is someone making an add on for a computer game, asking for help. They can make what they like, cant they? wink_o.gif

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Yeah, I know. I wasn't saying she CAN'T make it, Infact, I'm a fan of Cassandras last Work. I am just saying. She should, keyword, should not make a Female Special Forces or Infantry Soldier. Thats all.

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well I like sneaking around in sabotage missions, I'm not going to stick to using a male soldier 'if' I can use a female soldier created specifically for the purpose, especially because an individual believes females are devoid in special operations devisions within military branches in country x, which I have not given a point of origin for..

and as I would like to actually play with these models, I don't think 'Rear Echelon' positions would be all that fun in a pretty drab world where nothing other than battle ensues

baseless point taken, but I find it more amusing than productive.. perhaps I could give her a different title other than sabotuer.. nearlyblackop or armed nurse tounge_o.gif

as for sound, unfortunately voice is something that can't be covered so easily.. I've had this discussion a thousand times before with a few people, tj (jacobaby) told me that what I wanted to do would be impossible.. the game is just not set up to cater for different gender classes I guess.. simple things like taking hits might be do-able, I really don't know

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Well all we need to do is work the model in and everything will fall into place from there.

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AFAIHaveRead both the SAS and Delta have women members in their intelligence units.

I also recall reading in a newspaper (sorry, having a hell of a time finding the article) that women have passed SAS selection.

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This is your addon you are making so i say if you want to make SF etc female units then go right ahead and do so.

I do not wish to be drawn into a debate about whether women are allowed into high profile units of the military.All i will say is that what is written and what is actual truth may surprise you (take the bible for instance wow_o.gif ).


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With regards to voice, the furthest attempts i had with trying to change it in the cfg was:-

class CfgVoice







class Words{};

class Saboteur1






class Saboteur2







From the original 190config, i realized:-

1. Ingame, the player will only use 1 person's voice - "Adam"

2. All other voice sounds are variations of adam's voice (variants[]={rock.gif,sound level,Pitch};)

3. Therefore if i wanted a female voice, theoratically i only need to change the pitch to high tone, however:-

a) the config above i added didnt CTD but didnt work either, could be due to my coding or no such directories.

b) ingame original female voices were terrifying anyway..lol!...so i decided to live with male voices for the gals..sigh...not that bad really as ofp is more action based than talking sim.

Nothing is impossible...better female voice ingame is possible..time will tell for only now waiting for the right determined person who can pull it off..;-)...

PS: Another famous military sniper besides Simon hayha in the whole of russia during WW2 was a woman-Ludmilla Pavlichenko-...lucky the russians had no hang ups about genders or the need to belong to some other elitist units to do a good job..if she wasnt there sneaking around behind german lines and packing the officer corp to Valhalla..things might just got a little different for russia  wink_o.gif

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AFAIHaveRead both the SAS and Delta have women members in their intelligence units.

I also recall reading in a newspaper (sorry, having a hell of a time finding the article) that women have passed SAS selection.

Ok, Intelligence is not in the line of Fire. If it is, they obviously got by in to Delta on a fluke. I don't know how they got there, Delta selects from Green Berets (Closed to women), Rangers (Closed to Women), and Infantry (closed to women).

The SAS can do whatever they want, I don't care.

Well, before this turns into a flame contest, lets drop it and move on.

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hey this isnt about that guys, lets stay on topic. Cass, u need any help with texture i will be happy to show you a few things that might make them look a lot better?

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Just FYI:


Quote[/b] ]Operating divisions:

Delta Force sub-divides into three operating squadrons, each of which comprises small groups known as "troops". Each troop specializes in HALO/HAHO, SCUBA, or other skill groups. They can each further divide into smaller units, as needed to fit mission requirements.

In addition, one of the alleged components of Delta Force is the humourously called "Funny Platoon". Allegedly, it consists of only women, being the only part of the U.S. special operations community that accepts them. It is alleged that the unit's members are intended to be deployed alone rather than in groups, since there are some locales where women would arouse less suspicion than men. For this reason, the tactics of its members are said to emphasize the use of disguises and concealable small arms. Understandably, it is not known whether any members of the "Funny Platoon" have been involved in Delta Force operations to date.

Personal opinion.... It's a done deal. Let's make a female SFOD-1 operator happen people. GI Jane can whip ass along side me any day. And hell, if she wants the big bucks, she can walk the point too. Never let it be said I ( married to active duty Air Force ) don't support women in green carrying the boom stick.

If the enemy is dead, and beaten, I'm a happy camper. Doesn't matter if it was my wife that did it, or my two year old daughter. I am all about results, and soldiers are soldiers, period.

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That some nice soldiers u got dere Cassie D.

Continue with ur work smile_o.gif

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1. Ingame, the player will only use 1 person's voice - "Adam"

so theoretically, if I were to record myself saying each radio line as a set (called 'cassie').. this could be added to the list of voices and through the config you could limit the voice set to 'cassie' so the model will only ever use the given voice set?..

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damn many "omg its a girl" posts, someone need to get out more ;)

anyway cassie, sole will be home from spain in 2 days, and he could then be the "transfer" so shar get it (he is good), and i could bin your stuff once again, only downpoint is that we kinda lacks time now.

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BINGO!!!!...cassandra, u may have just found the illusive answer to better female voice...

I can see where u are heading..instead of changing the pitch, go for adam's or other main speaker's file and replace it with your own! A definative yes, only thing is..we may have to open up ofp like kegetys and go for adam's folder ( or redirect the path from ofp's sound directories to your pbo......)

Its an immense project to undertake, cant do it alone and would need the help of 'unofficial' ofp experts before u attempt it...( i am way outta my league in this department! crazy_o.gif ) ...not just config a few lines in the cpp or a few lines of script..for this project perhaps u might wanna wait for ofp2 first?...I am sure alot of guys wouldnt mind a male voice now cos we got used to it and furthermore, in the heat of the battle, we hardly hear what is said or are pretty quiet in our approaches to battle. But then..the choice is yours..all the best  smile_o.gif

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Once upon a time, we wanted to make some female characters for our campaign and looked into the female voice aspect of things..

AFAIK between Asmodeus, LCD, and I , we got the details sorted... just were lacking the hundreds of female voice samples neccesary to bring it all together tounge_o.gif

you can add more voices to the game just like the russian voices were added for Red Hammer expansion..

I'm almost positive that LCD still has the relevant info, I should be able to speak with him in the next couple days and make sure

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Very nice, the best ofp woman I seen in my opinion. I would have great use of black op version and later (this day Im not sure if for OFP 1 or 2, its qite big campign project) a joung partisan girl (just old as she seems now) idealy with civil clothes and B.D.U. version. A few different faces would be nice.

Actualy, I think a partisan girl, would have wide use generaly. There is much space for imagination, why she joined the reasistance, who she were before, what she fights for in story based missions. And nobody can say, Infantry and SF is not for girls. wink_o.gif

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Cassie, thumbs up to you (the US meaning not the Iraqi one) for not only making a female soldier model (long overdue) but for also taking it a step further and trying to incorporate a female voice for said soldier model.

I would be more than happy to make a demo mission for the unit that could be released along with your addon. Just let me know.

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That looks great, Cassandra! I hope you get these models done, with voices or without voices. Words can't describe how tired I am of the original male soldiers. The mirror says I just don't look like those seven-footers. I'd help, but I don't know anything about modding, and my English doesn't sound so good. But if you ever get desperate for some extra voice actresses, here's one volunteer.

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Cassie, wonderful job here mate! This is quite amazing work or so it seems so far! I've always hated those women that ofp made, at least i've only hated the part where u shoot them and they sound like dudes dying...its a lil weird....but now to hear that this woman will actaully have some woman sounds....thats awesome!! Now my sister is gonna love this...

When do you think you'll be able to release it?


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at least i've only hated the part where u shoot them and they sound like dudes dying

Nogova... home of the shemale tounge_o.gif

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