FW200 0 Posted June 30, 2004 I would like to talk in this thread about a thing called Retro Gaming which is basicly going back to your roots and playing old games on old consoles etc like Atari's or Commodore's. Here is a little story about my Retro Gaming console: A couple of days ago there was a country fair here in the village where I live.. and there is always a scout group there with a lot of old stuff like electronics and toys etc. This time I saw a Amiga 500 in it's box there and I asked the man how much it cost. He then said I could take it with me for 2 Euro's.. I couldn't believe it, a complete Amiga 500 console for 2 Euro's. In the box (original) was the console , power unit, Amiga 520 tv converter and a original 2 button mouse. Disks were sadly missing. The entire console was kinda yellow and it had some filth on it. I cleaned everything up and to my amazement it worked like a charm. Ok, I could do nothing but look at the nice bootup screen since I didn't have any disks but atleast I got this far. Today at school I was talking about how I didn't have any disks with a couple of friends of mine and suddenly a girl from my class said that she had some boxes filled with Amiga disks from her Dad. So I'm going there tomorrow and see what kind of disks they are and what programs and games they contain, I'm already looking forward to playing games I used to play like Settlers 1, Wings and Theme Park. So this is my little story, now about you guys, what are your experiences with "Retro Gaming" and/or the consoles you used to play on? Added are some pics of my Amiga 500: The entire set (except the TV) for 2 Euro's The Amiga itself, a bit yellowish perhaps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EiZei 0 Posted June 30, 2004 Too bad I sold my C-128D when I was a kid, heard they are quite rare these days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonko the sane 2 Posted June 30, 2004 meh, i got my zx spectrum 48k stashed away, but i have a load of its games instaled in my pc. Nothing beats the sound of a game loading in a zx spectrum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
norsu 180 Posted June 30, 2004 I still have my old C64 and Vic20 somewhere and they both should work. The horrors of cassette drive . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted June 30, 2004 Ahh, the Amiga - some great games on that. I never had one myself, but my best bud did. We used to play M1 Tank Platoon for hours at a time... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gollum1 0 Posted June 30, 2004 Those Amiga pics cause flashbacks! That screen with the hand and the disc! I used to play hours on end with an Amiga exactly like that at my friend's house, even though the colours were messed up so everything was a shade of orange. It was a joyous occasion when the colors went back to normal about once a month for a few hours. Can't remember many game names though... Btw all the consoles I have owned (in order, not even one is actually "retro") Game boy Some weird pirate NES 8-bit Sega Megadrive U.S-version SNES (good times) Nintendo 64 (REALLY good times) PSX I still have that PSX, but stopped playing with it years ago, after that it has been PC PC PC....actually this is my second one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ninja_STO 0 Posted June 30, 2004 I have an old Tandy T1000 stashed in the back of my storage unit somewhere. Was one of the first computers I owned as a kid, also stayed up all hours of the night playing Microprose's M1 Tank Platoon and Sword of the Samurai. Funny thing is that when I first got it, it was sold at Radio Shack for it's Home Control Center use. The PC was set up with software to run the whole house using remote power boxes that could turn on and off nearly every appliance. Even had a connection system to control house from remote location. I never used it much, just turned it into a gaming PC. Was nice though, had a helpful menu system similar to Windows 3.1 but before Windows was even talked about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kegetys 2 Posted June 30, 2004 Amiga 500 is not a console Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CoUk-Echelon 0 Posted June 30, 2004 I once played some knight-ish game on my brothers C64... quite fun actually:) (off topic: damnit Eizei! sweden doesn't suck! finland didn't even qualify for Euro 2004!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunnder Bunny 0 Posted June 30, 2004 Wow!!! I remember my 500, I didn't have hardly any games for it. I use to have the monitor hooked up to a video cam not to long ago, but the thing got fried But I did use the computer for other things, like me and some friends traded music files called MOD music. Come to think of it it sounds like the music that kegety had in his water demo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunnder Bunny 0 Posted June 30, 2004 P.S. Just typed in on google( MOD music amiga 500 )and found a bunch of downloadable stuff. I don't think you'll even need any old disks if you look online for goodies. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted July 1, 2004 I bought Pong on Ebay. Such classics are quite expensive today. I also have a donky Kong at the toilet, just in case it takes a bit longer  I have a C64 emulator for Pocket PC now and all the classics installed. Green Beret, Ghost´n Goblins all the way. We had a big thread about these games lately here. There are legal sites that distribute the games in thousands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted July 1, 2004 My first videogame was Jurassic Park for Sega Genesis. *Flashbacks of T Rex eating you* God those things scared the crap out of me when I was 4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted July 1, 2004 There are legal sites that distribute the games in thousands. Yeah, I bough a cd with several hundred (or thousands) of Spectrum games, including the nescessary emulators. Same for a lot of old Atari 800XL games. Quite fun at times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted July 1, 2004 My first Computer: Sony HitBit HB 75 D (hard to find a good english page ) I still have it somewhere at home... PS: Two games I had/have for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 1, 2004 A thread that brought back many similar memories...... Guess the name of the game My personal history is something like.... Grandstand console (12 sports games all based on pong) Commodore Vic20 Spectrum 48k Commodore 64 Commodore Amiga 500 Commodore Amiga 1200 PC 486 DX266 P3 500 1.2ghz AMD currently AMD Athlon XP2800 Somewhere in that list I've also had... Sega Megadrive (Genesis in N.A.) Playstation 1 Nintendo Game boy Sega GameGear and currently I have a PS2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozanzac 0 Posted July 1, 2004 The only console I have fond memories of is my old Sega Master System II. (Came with Alex the Kid, Built In!) I got that when I was 4, I saved up all my birthday money and it cost me $100. (Quite alot for those days).....Ahh, the memories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted July 1, 2004 I've only had the C64 with a cassette-player and a 5.1/4" floppy-drive and The final cartridge 3 (to speed up loading) and a N64 and a Gameboy for a short while. A few golden ones: Paperboy, Giana sisters, New Zealand story, Gunship, Green Berets, Army moves and last but not least the legendary Last Ninja and Last Ninja 2. Never owned an Amiga, but a friend once had one. Played alot of Firepower and Last Ninja 3 on it. I was bored one weekend so I just went out and bought a N64, Goldeneye and a rumble-pack. Played the game. Sold it all after 2 weeks My gaming-rig history: C64 Nintendo 64 Gameboy 486 DX2 66 (Packard Bell) K6-233 P-II 350 P-III 650 P-III 1GHz P-IV 1.8 P-IV 3GHz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted July 1, 2004 Ahh my Sega Mega drive 2. I think there was a sega mega drive 2. I used to play LHX attack helicopter for hours. Then that broke so I brought a PS1 later a computer then a PS2 then another computer then I brought Flashpoit then we got a new computer and I installed Flashpoint. Never been unistalled My life in gaming story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozanzac 0 Posted July 1, 2004 Ahh my Sega Mega drive 2. I think there was a sega mega drive 2. I used to play LHX attack helicopter for hours. Yes, there was (Sega Mega Drive II, I had one of those as well. Big let down, wish I got a SNES instead) Never played LHX on any of the consoles, but back in the day of the 486, my first PC, that was one of the few games I ever became adicted too. That and Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix. If I were to go into it any further, it would probably belong in the other thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted July 1, 2004 cool a gaming rig history thread -C64 (upgraded to 128k  ) - my dad´s -C64 (no upgrades but the new age grey´ish design) - my own -gameboy (of course) -386´ 33 mhz (the one where i fell in luv with doom   ) -sega genesis / (europe: mega drive) -486´DX4 (duke nukem, wing commander, crusader, c&c.. probably the best time for pc gaming until ofp came out) -pentium I 133 mhz (got it from my dad when it wasn´t even worth 10$ anymore) -Playstation (was way better than the pentium  ) -Nintendo 64 -AMD TB 1 ghz -AMD XP 2500 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acro 0 Posted July 1, 2004 Here it goes: Amiga 600 Intel 386 Intel 486 Intel Pentium 2 Â - simultaneously with PSX Intel Pentium 3 AMD Athlon XP Â +2100 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted July 1, 2004 Never played LHX on any of the consoles, but back in the day of the 486, my first PC, that was one of the few games I ever became adicted too. That and Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix. If I were to go into it any further, it would probably belong in the other thread. I remenber Geof Crammonds Grand prix 2. I loved that game. 1994 grand prix series. My first ever racing game i got addicted too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Postduifje 0 Posted July 1, 2004 here's mine: Commodore 64 PC 286 Nintendo 8-bit SEGA Gamegear Intel Pentium 1 - 133MHz Intel Pentium 3 - 450MHz AMD XP 1800+ (current one) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FW200 0 Posted July 1, 2004 Ok just got 4 large disk cases filled with Amiga Disks for free ;) By the look of the layer of dust it hasn't been used in a long time.. First tests show that my Amiga is indeed working Will report back later on tonight with reports on Settlers 1 etc ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites