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der bastler

UEFA Euro 2004

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That might be why we english seem to have been cheated according to our rules.

That's the whole point Albert is trying to make. And exactly what Wenger was saying when commenting. You feel cheated because English Championship is alot tougher than others, and allow this kind of contact on goalkeepers.

Unfortunately for you, these are not the rules used during Euro.

What I can't understand is english pple blaming Beckham. Guys, you've here one of the top passer in the world, if not the best. Ok, he loves his image, too much, but he stood up for his team during the whole tournament, has been seen pushing his team forward in tough moments, and knew when he played badly and took responsability. I know only a few players who would have done it.

Ok, he sucks at penalties biggrin_o.gif Why do you make him kick, then? His talent in the other areas more than make up for the penalties. He defended, passed, covered superb yesterday.

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PortuGOAL from BBC Scotland has pretty funny reviews of the matches. Here is England-Protugal:

Quote[/b] ]

The Hypetown Express made an unscheduled diversion to Noweheresville and ground to a halt in the Stadio de Luz, as England crashed out at the quarter-final stage of Euro 2004 against the hosts, Portugal.

The fickle media finger of Dame Blame now points in every direction - except inwards - as accusations are levelled at everything from the shoddy penalty spot, to the referee, to Wayne Rooney's broken metatarsal, and the price of sardines in Guimaraes.

An early opener from little Michael Owen put the perennial underachievers in the driving seat, but Portugal's Helder Postiga equalised near the end of the regulation 90 minutes, and Rui Costa sent home an extra-time stunner to give the hosts a well-deserved the lead. All of which was ultimately cancelled out by Chelsea's Frank Lampard in the dying moments, when the lanky midfielder forced a thrilling penalty shoot-out with his twisting shot.

As the match kicked off, BBC Sport commentator John Motson firmly set his sights on a personal best with his out-of-context mention of the 1966 World Cup quarter-final against Portugal, with barely 90 seconds having ticeaed away on the clock. However, the really early shock of the game arrived in the shape of a rare goal from Michael Owen, when Portugal's Costinha drifted back like a fart in a trance, as a David James kick-out bounced into the Portugal box and Mummy's Boy Owen clocked up his opener right on two minutes 25 seconds.

Despite the early England lead, the hosts had their share of the pressure, with a frantic goalmouth scramble inside five minutes and a narrow miss from Cristiano Ronaldo, then Nuno Gomes contributed to the nervous excitement with a fluffed chance at the six yard line on 10 minutes - but the Sol Campbell and co. held well, and a lack of decisive finishing from Portugal failed to give host nation a much-needed breakthrough.

Owen almost doubled his tally inside 20 minutes, with a searching lob that drifted over the bar, but not before Wayne Rooney feigned a penalty on the edge of the box, only to see his shoddy claims waved away by the eagle-eyed Swiss referee Urs Meier.

As the half-hour mark approached, England coach Sven Goran-Errikson was forced to substitute Wonder Boy Rooney, when the 'Fat Pele' tumbled under the sheer volume of his own weight and lost one of his boots, injuring himself in the process. As the Shrek look-a-like sat on the sidelines, exposing his honking hoof to the watching world, Motson gravely proclaimed that "the nation would be holding its breath". Indeed; many fans in the crowd were seen placing hands over mouths and noses. Some gagged.

Portugal almost found the net on 25 minutes, when David James expertly fumbled a cross and Paul Scholes bundled Ronaldo on the edge of the penalty area, handing the Portuguese a dangerously-placed free-kick, which Figo miserably failed to convert, striking the ball over the bar like a one-legged man in an arse-kicking competition.

Following the interval, Portugal stepped up the pace and pushed for the equaliser that they thoroughly deserved, picking holes in the England back four and posing an imminent threat on goal. The equaliser finally arrived from the shoulder of Helder Postiga, when Simao Sabrosa crossed in from the left and Postiga sent the ball straight to the back of the net.

As the seconds ticked out, Sol Campbell appeared to have found the net in the 90th minute, but ref Meier had already adjudged a foul by England's John Terry against the Portuguese keeper Ricardo. Cue the usual paraniod moans, whilst the television footage clearly indicated that the referee's whistle had already sounded before Campbell's effort had crossed the line.

Extra-time ensued, and the Portuguese put one foot in the semi-final when Rui Costa broke free from the half-way line and sent in an unstoppable shot from the edge of the box, to net a superb virtuoso goal. The flappable David James didn't even begin to think about diving for it.

England managed to keep the game alive as a contest when Lampard set the score level with a low strike in the dying moments, swiveling around on the edge of the six-yard line like Wayne Sleep and sending home a last-gasp equaliser.

Penalties ensued, and nerves on both sides were frayed to the bone when David Beckham stepped up to take the first of 14 spot-kicks - striking his own with all the aplomb of Diana Ross at the opening ceremony of the 1994 World Cup. The thoroughly sclaffed effort glided wildly over the bar, and Captain Corageous proceeded to stamp his foot into the sand-ridden penalty spot, as if to try and pass the buck for his pathetic effort.

It set up a thrilling showdown, but the sudden-death sequence favoured England with a miss from the influential Costa, then a fine save from Ricardo handed back the upper hand to Portugal when England's Darius Vassell sent in a feeble strike. The Boavista keeper stepped up to take the final kick of the evening, and delivered the final insult when he cheekily sent the ball past James, booking his nation's place in the final four.

When it all boils down in the final analysis, Sven's boys simply weren't good enough, and England ultimately paid the price of complacent defending and a blind faith in the overhyped talents of a 19-year-old boy, combined with the constant over-glorification of Goldenballs' flagging ability as a dead-ball specialist.

It reminds me of an old, well-worn footballing joke: what do England and a three-pin plug have in common?

They're both completely useless in Europe.

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It needs a lot of courage for Beckham to go first, he knows he always fucks it up. But he felt it is his duty as team captain. Of course he missed, people gave him so much insult during the last weeks that was insecure. And yes... to me Beckham doesnt realy make the impression of being a person that just got to stand in the center of attention, they made him to. The guy has a weak voice and insecure eyes, he only feels safe on the football pitch.

I realy dont like him, neither his face nor his way to dress, nor his wife (who would call his son Brooklyn??), but lets stay fair.

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It needs a lot of courage for Beckham to go first, he knows he always fucks it up. But he felt it is his duty as team captain. Of course he missed, people gave him so much insult during the last weeks that was insecure.

You could also say a good team captain understands his own strengths and weaknesses and those of his team mates. A good team captain would know he isnt good at penalties and would have stepped aside to let people who's strengths are in the taking of penalties take the shots.

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It's funny how everybody keeps on going about the "goal". Check the video and you can see that Terry was offside wen Campbell first headed te ball against the bar. It's very clear from the footage I'm afraid and really not dismissable.

Hence, regardless of the foul, there should have been an interruption and subsequently no goal.

Yer but the "new" offside rule means tht Terry was inactive.

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It's funny how everybody keeps on going about the "goal". Check the video and you can see that Terry was offside wen Campbell first headed te ball against the bar. It's very clear from the footage I'm afraid and really not dismissable.

Hence, regardless of the foul, there should have been an interruption and subsequently no goal.

Yer but the "new" offside rule means tht Terry was inactive.

jep! At least none of the comments were about the offside position.

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Quote[/b] ]Getting heated in an internet forum about it is pretty pointless IMO and only leads one way.

Back to the island ? biggrin_o.gif

Just get over it and enjoy the matches to come.

The EM this year is a good show. Let´s enjoy it.

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The website belonging to England's most hated man, Swiss ref Urs Meier, has been shut down after being bombarded with 30,000 hits.

The part time official angered English fans with a number of suspect decisions in the Euro 2004 quarter final clash against hosts Portugal.

His chief crime was disallowing Sol Campbell's goal in the dying seconds of normal time for an alleged foul on the goalkeeper.

England supporters keen to show 45-year-old Meier how they felt logged onto his website - only to find it had been closed.

One England fan who tried to pass on his comments to the ref was Tony Mombanto, from Hertfordshire.

"I was suddenly given this way to tell Urs what I thought of him and then, poof! It's taken away," he said.

"Yet again this part time official has managed to pull the rug from under the feet of England football fans."

Meier's website invites feedback from readers. It also has details of his fanclub and shows pictures of him in action and relaxing.

From Sky News

Anyone got the url? rock.giftounge_o.gif

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rock.gif The ugly side? rock.gif

quite funny (found following last link)...


Ok, let's take a break now. Next on: France vs Greece.

Your thoughts or bets?

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Portuguese fans attacked by mob [bBC]

Quote[/b] ]Portugal fans had to be led to safety after more than 300 people began throwing missiles at a Norfolk pub following England's Euro 2004 defeat.

Police arrested 11 people after the trouble outside the Portuguese-run Red Lion pub in Thetford.

Bottles, stones and bricks were hurled at the pub, smashing windows. One female police officer was injured.


Seems like keeping away the hooligans from the tournaments isn't doing too much. They still have TVs and people to be violent against at home...

Quote[/b] ]Ok, let's take a break now. Next on: France vs Greece.

Your thoughts or bets?

I'm thinking France. They've been pretty bad so far tactically, but good technically. It would be a surprise if they had not gotten their shit together by now.

Greece winning would be fun so that we could watch the Frenchies like the Italians and English before them to cry like little girls. On the other hand, the quarters are too soon. France plays some good football and are entertaining to watch. I'd rather see them fail in the finals against Sweden.

Bottom line, I'm neutral on who I want to win. Whoever plays the best football smile_o.gif

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I think you relish in the wind up.

Its not the first time I have noticed your “smart†comments.

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Ok, I allready had bad feelings about France loosing next match.

Now I see Denoir is predicting France winning! crazy_o.gif

With his 50% policy, this can be a serious danger for us!

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I think you relish in the wind up.

Its not the first time I have noticed your “smart†comments.

Que? You mean, am I sadistically enjoying your anguish? Bet your ass I am, just like I enjoyed the torment of the Italians biggrin_o.gif

In the English case I am espeicially pointing it out as several Englishmen in this thread were so keen to criticize the Italians on their conspiracy theories and about being poor loosers.

Anyway, it's symmetrical. You'll have you chance if Sweden gets kicked out (It won't wink_o.gif )

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My bet for tonight is on France.´I don't think Greece is will be up par with them.

France 8 : 0 Greece

Okay, more realistic, 3 to 5 : 0 for France.

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I think you relish in the wind up.

Its not the first time I have noticed your “smart†comments.

Same here mate

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Now I see Denoir is predicting France winning!  crazy_o.gif

With his 50% policy, this can be a serious danger for us!

On the contrary. I predicted the English would win yesterday and obviously I was wrong. Which would mean if my trend continues, that you'll win. smile_o.gif

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But it's the quarters now and your predictions are at 0% tounge_o.gif

This weekend i am going to try to find Pub thats showing the games, since i have no allegiance to any of the teams i will just hope all the matches are well played and exciting to watch wink_o.gif

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it's what i didn't remember "did denoir predict english would win or not?". Now i feel better. biggrin_o.gif

seriously, i don't feel good for tonight. I hope that finally the french will play as good as they usually can but i'm scared anyway.

Not because of Greece but because Greece will play against us as England, Croatia and Switzerland did and i'm scared that Sylvestre makes mistakes again. Three of the four goals againts us happened because he made a mistake.

I don't blame him for the english penalty but for the two other goals. I hope he will play as good as he usually does.

Anyway, i say France wins, something like 2-1 or 3-1.

But i also imagine the horrible scenario:

Greece scores after two minutes on a counterstrike and then we spend the whole game trying to score and we don't succeed. ARGHHH!!! crazy_o.gif In fact, i don't have a clue about what the game of tonight will look like!!!

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Quote[/b] ]Not because of Greece but because Greece will play against us as England, Croatia and Switzerland did and i'm scared that Sylvestre makes mistakes again.

This sentence was a tough nut to crack, took me quite a while to uncode it. But now that I know what you mean I agree tounge_o.gif

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Oh c'mon people, football is the traditional home of "stirring" stop taking it to heart, we English especially are more than used to it, we've done it for long enough to the Scottish and their "football team".

Tonight I say France by a long way, Greece peaked with their first match and have been getting progressively worse, of course I'd love Greece to win though biggrin_o.gif

From now on I will of course be supporting the Czech team and hope they win the tournament, if Nedved can stop being quite so "Portuguese" and stay on his feet instead of falling over at the faintest breeze, I could be a fan of his much more smile_o.gif

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