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Uscg pack beta

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*retexture (darker textures)

*jpeg textures converted to paa/pac

*model and lod's modified slightly to reduce lag considerably

USCGC Block Island:

*small model changes

*the abilty to get out and walk around on deck

*abilty to launch and retrive a rescue boat

USCG Pilot:

*BAS_SOAR Model (retextured)

*2 versons- Herc Pilot, and Helo Pilot

USCG Pilot model still awaiting permission from BAS.

USCG Cutter model edited by Col Klink

USCG rescue raft model and textures by Col Klink

USCG Herc Model edited by Col Klink

When are you going to release the new version?


when i feel like it? biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

im waitin to get the models back and then testing (however long that takes)

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good news u are upgrading these addons, i especially like the Seahawk and the Cutter smile_o.gif I cant say the same about the C130 'cos of its handling.

Is it possible to improve it? Because the Hercules, despite its size is surprisingly agile.

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What about this bugs with flares in C-130? If i use them i get "cant find model" error....

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good news u are upgrading these addons, i especially like the Seahawk and the Cutter smile_o.gif I cant say the same about the C130 'cos of its handling.

Is it possible to improve it? Because the Hercules, despite its size is surprisingly agile.

ive already improved the handeling on the herc

the flares: i removed the weapon all together. cuz dispite populat belive USCG aircraft dont get shot at tounge_o.gif often lol

so the handeling is improved and the flares removed all together.

depbo your herc and change this in the config

wheelSteeringSensitivity = 6.5


flapsFrictionCoef = 1.8

aileronSensitivity = 0.5;

elevatorSensitivity = 0.7;


noseDownCoef = 0.1;

its right under the "weapons" and "magazines" line. repbo and take her for a spin. tell me if the handeling is how u want it. if not you need to increas the aileron, elevator sensitivitys and the manverability. one you achve the haneling you feel is correct report back the same numbers (like i did above) and ill make the change for the final version. as it stands right now thats what i changed the manverabilty too and unless your numberrs differ from that. thats the final settins

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I have added a USCG Diver to pack based on CoC Diver wink_o.gif

I asked permission from Matthijs and he said ok so now we have a diver in red/orange suit wink_o.gif

I am starting tommorow or monday on USCG ship crew wink_o.gif

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I have 5 crew models for the ship  wink_o.gif

Only first lods are finished I send pappy some O2 pictures now maybe he post some pictures wink_o.gif

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they look good but i think the guys with shorts should have pants cause ive never seena coast guard with shorts on lol

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they look good but i think the guys with shorts should have pants cause ive never seena  coast guard with shorts on lol


thanks for playing thou, we have some lovly parting gifts for you tounge_o.gif

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nice addon2!!! biggrin_o.gif omg!!! a nice addon streak!


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Another amazing addon I downloaded today.

But how does this salvage boat thing work? I read the readme that came with the pack but I cannot figure out how the whole thing works.


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Another amazing addon I downloaded today.

But how does this salvage boat thing work? I read the readme that came with the pack but I cannot figure out how the whole thing works.


umm i fear stupid me might of left out the raft.pbo ghostface.gif

dont worry ill make sure its in the next release.

and if u think these are amazing. . . u should see the next release wink_o.gif

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Yeah pappy is right raft addon not included sad_o.gif

Pappy I updated the raft addon that once pilot in water it has new anims that it look better wink_o.gif

I send you the Raft, UCSG Diver and USCG Crew in a few days once I am finnished with crews wink_o.gif

I go and work on them now biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah pappy is right raft addon not included sad_o.gif

Pappy I updated the raft addon that once pilot in water it has new anims that it look better wink_o.gif

I send you the Raft, UCSG Diver and USCG Crew in a few days once I am finnished with crews wink_o.gif

I go and work on them now biggrin_o.gif

w00t biggrin_o.gif

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so that means the new boat with raft delpoyability and the new jayhawk with new scripts yaba daba do are comin out soon

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so that means the new boat with raft delpoyability and the new jayhawk with new scripts yaba daba do are comin out soon


only when im done playin with them  tounge_o.gif

edit actualy the jayhawk is finished.

just the pilots need to be done for them

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cool but wut about the boats thats what im really lookin for lol

kidding extraction im waitin for those jayhawks too lol

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during routine patrol of the foeirgn pacific island of nagacheeky, the local rebel force opering a rag tag airforce of WWII era messersmits made a few attack runs on the cutter. in this picture yuo can see the gunner operating the 40mm up front was able to eliminate one of the four attacking planes while the pilot of the vessel continued evasive manuvers as so the planes couldnt acuratly drop thier bombs on them. the evasic manvuers worked the cutter sufferd no dammage.

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Very Cool, Really amazing what about a little land units or some a, Jeep with coastguard colours or some, Pick Up with medical supplies in the back etc. But love the project just for now biggrin_o.gif

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New USCG Boatsman Model by Extraction, Texture by Pappy Boyington

(he has feet too but due to the motion of the ship they became hidden in the deck lol)

this will be the default boat crew for the Cutter and Rescue Raft smile_o.gif armed with

smoke shell green

smoke shell red

P2A1 flare gun with Green and Red Flares, and Green and Red Smokes.


Night Vison Goggles

all other USCG Personal (previously shown in O2 pics) will be unarmed as far as guns go, but smoke shells, binocular, and nvg's will be standard issue

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very nice and i ahve to say srry to extraction for not being able to find out the problem with his units sad_o.gif

but im lookin ofrward to usen them

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