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Long son island - version 2 released.

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There is a new version of Long Son Island up for download on our website.

Sample screenshot, more images on site:


Please use this forum thread for discussion on the island.



EDIT: Requires Ebud's Ilo final.

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Looks nice!

But why didn't you post this in A&M: Complete?

Mfg MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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But why didn't you post this in A&M: Complete?

Good point. Why didn't I?

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very awesome i got some wicked mission ideas for this island. Hey btw at ofp.info theres a pic of a duece heli, i was just wondering who made it?

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Hello all,

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

What I'm really after, however, is criticism and comments for things you may like fixed or changed before V3 final is released.

I have noticed, myself, that some areas of tall forest need a bit more undergrowth. Simply fixed in seconds. Also, a couple of the fortresses on the firebase went a little lopsided when I used the blur tool at some stage. Will fix that too. The "rocky areas" will have a small amount more vegetation added as well.

Is there any call for adding more small islands? Would you like some more small islands offshore with flat areas to sit helos or M113's on to call in with setFuel triggers or such?

There is a number of user made missions being submitted for release with the final island version. If you have made a mission on Long Son that is close to completion, please email me a link - it may well be included with the final release. My email addy is in the island readme.

Don't forget to keep an eye out for new versions of M.D.S.Z, Meekong and Phuoc Tuy. The new Meekong is a *very* different place these days.


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Good good good smile_o.gif

Haven't seen new version of Long Son, so i think i will check it out now and see what has been improved on it. Maybe the jungle feeling has been brought into it more now. I know i seen some palm tree's in the pics now. Also nice that Meekong is getting a new release, as that is still my all time favourite on Nam islands.

Downloading now, and heading into battle on Long Son. wink_o.gif

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I like the island!

I am making a small sp mission for it, that will be completed later today. I have no place to upload it to, so i if i can send it to you by mail it would be nice. I will keep the file size small to. Small mission, small size. Just a intro and outro and some shooting in between tounge_o.gif

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Air Strips, you have a few in there. Is there anyway you could make them usable by the AI. Just for recon missions with the birdogs etc.

Rice Paddie water sound needs a little less volume and not such a sea sound. Maybe from BF vietnam.

Unless this means re-coding island cpp and the like??

Cheers, love the Island.

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Air Strips, you have a few in there.

Rice Paddie water sound needs a little less volume and not such a sea sound.

Could you provide map refs for the airstrips? I don't recall adding one to Long Son at all. There is also no rice paddies on Long Son, afaik - so I'm not sure which sounds you are refering to.

If you could supply a little more information as to exactly what you mean, I can have a look at fixing these problems.


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Hi Para, got a bit confused since there are so many good NAM maps coming out. I was taliking about Ashau, which I know you didn't do.

However does the new version of Meekong contain airstrips that the AI can use. The first version had airstrips but the AI couldn't take off from them.

Thanks again, and keep up the good work.


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Does Phu-Toc and RSSZ also have airstrips

Thanks again, and keep up the good work.


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Phuoc Tuy has five airstrips. M.D.S.Z has none, though I may add one that doubles as a large LZ. Long Son has none, it's way too small for planes. Meekong has two.

I didn't make R.S.S.Z, Ilo, R.I.T.J or Jungle Everon. They were made by Ebud. To SEB most of the Nam credit is due and to SelectThis and Ebud in particular, Ia Drang - the first release of a truly new Nam terrain was made by them. Other great Nam maps have included Simonpro's Jungle Malden and Snake Man's (PMC) Nam 12km & 25km islands.

I haven't checked out the Ashau Valley map due to it's Tonal requirement. Perhaps it's maker will address this in a future version.

I will ensure that there is at least one fully working airfield on Phuoc Tuy and Meekong final releases. M.D.S.Z's a maybe and Long Son I don't think so. New version of Long Son will have at least one more larger offshore island which is generally flat to start helos from though.

Right, back to WRPtool and Meekong, trying to get a release in a week or so - a lot of work to do!


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Since it appears no1 has mentioned that you can walk inside those tall trees, this renders the island very unusable online esp when you can become one with the trees.

Sorry if this has been addressed before, I don't know if you plan to ever fix the tree issue. let me know if there is a fix.

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There is no fix for this.

It was a toss up between (a) solid objects that you couldn't fly, walk or drive through but AI's could see through them - or (b) objects that aren't solid but also AI's can't see through them or shoot through them!

The trees will stop rounds and hide you from the AI. This seemed like a fair compromise.

I didn't make the objects myself. They were made by Ebud mainly, I just gave suggestions, frustrations and advice.

As to not being able to use the island online because of this - are you kidding? I use the island daily for this exact use, Long Son is designed to be the Nam "Spearhead44".

I could release an island version with the sebnam forest squares instead of the Ilo ones, this would take seconds to achieve. Personally, I like the Ilo forests rather than the "invisible walls" issue with the sebnam forest squares - I've had one too many M203 gren's explode in my face.

OK, so I will do a version of Long Son with sebnam forests instead of Ilo ones for play on servers such as OGN in Australia, I have a feeling thats where the "can't be used online" issue has come from, it's happened before.

I will post new "sebnam" island version within hours.


EDIT: Ok, this isn't such a bad suggestion after a minute's thinking. I will post versions suiting "Ilo only" and "Ilo/Sebnam" compatibility for all future island releases. Should BAS ever actually grant permission to use their addons in my islands, I may even add another version with "Ilo/BAS". Why? In the end, there is not a lot of point spending the time to build islands (I cannot begin to explain the length of time it took to build an island before WRPtool) if people don't use them. I will consider releasing islands with multiple options in future like providing soldier addons with a number of camo skins. Seems like a good idea to me, you people in user land can make up your own minds which version you use.

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I do have a fixed version of the ilo pbo with the fixed forests, but making a 3.0 with only that fix seemed wasteful and I was hoping to fix more things to make it worth a new version. But time has not allowed me to do that.

Para, I could send it to you, or I could post a fixed version of it for people to grab from cz or somewhere else. I've been working on so many other things, this has been put to the side on my end.

let me know your suggestions and I'll be more than happy to comply.

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If hosts are needed, just contact me. I'll be more than happy to host them, Ebud.

Also Para, if you send me your versions of Long Son I can put them up to my site. Just PM me here of contact me at IRC. smile_o.gif

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Para @ May 20 2004,10:41)]Hello all,

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

What I'm really after, however, is criticism and comments for things you may like fixed or changed before V3 final is released.

gotcha ;)

well man, some times i look around the (great smile_o.gif) island and see things i hate wow_o.gif

like the trees all layed down in a perfect pattern, so at the right (or wrong) angles you see what appears to be an orchard of trees, all placed perfectly and lining up nicely...

i believe this is from wrptool, maybe not but I think you need to randomize them more, or something to make it seem more natural etc.

your island is great tho, we could use someone liek u to help with our island.

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I do have a fixed version of the ilo pbo with the fixed forests, but making a 3.0 with only that fix seemed wasteful and I was hoping to fix more things to make it worth a new version. But time has not allowed me to do that.

Ehm please don't LOL i am 1/4 into making a campaign on Ilo Ilo 2 final version.... 5 missions up to now.... crazy_o.gif

See here:

My Vietnam special forces campaign thread.

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I do have a fixed version of the ilo pbo with the fixed forests, but making a 3.0 with only that fix seemed wasteful and I was hoping to fix more things to make it worth a new version. But time has not allowed me to do that.

Ehm please don't LOL i am 1/4 into making a campaign on Ilo Ilo 2 final version.... 5 missions up to now.... crazy_o.gif

See here:

My Vietnam special forces campaign thread.

the only changes would be cosmetic. No rearranging of things, only fixes, nothing that would keep anyone from using missions made for any version. Remember, the only things that have changed from the beginning were textures and models. Nothing major here but bug fixes. smile_o.gif

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